Thursday 15 September 2016


2The moon under her feet.

Again using the law of first mention, we turn back to Genesis 1v16 which says  "the lesser light to rule the night."   thus the symbolism of the moon is that which speaks of the night and we find here that the moon is under her feet.   The expression  "under the feet" in scripture always speaks of total subjection and we know that Israel through the Messiah has all things under the feet.   1st Corinthians 15v27  "He hath put all things under His feet."   Again in verse 25  "He must reign till He hath put all enemies under His feet."   This is a quotation from the Messianic Psalm 110  and links the Messiah with Israel in subduing all that speaks of the night, namely sin and satan and rebellion.

3.  Upon her head a crown of twelve stars.

The crown is stephanos which means victor's crown.   The crown on her head is a crown of victory.   The Israel of God has finally come through and the symbol on her crown is of twelve stars.   This surely represents the twelve tribes of Israel.   When we consider the tortuous history of this nation, having begun in slavery for four hundred years; having had to fight for the land that was given to her over many years; having been surrounded by enemies more numerous than she; having been taken exile into Assyria and Babylon; and having been scattered throughout the nations without a name and without a home for almost 2000 years , what we see here is nothing short of a divine miracle.  For many of those years the twelve tribes were divided into ten and two; there was even talk of some of the tribes being lost forever, but here we have the record of the holy Spirit, way into the future, that the twelve tribes are together in the context of world dominion.   Looking over the history we find that some of the tribes came under the discipline of God, and some tribes were omitted from the lists.   In chapter 7 the tribe of Dan is missing, but the final picture is in Ezekiel chapter 48 where the tribe of Dan is mentioned first and given their portion of the land.   What we are witnessing here is the amazing power of God.   It is one of the most beautiful pictures in the whole of the bible and for those whose families went through the holocaust this picture is truly one to cherish.

4.  She is great with child and in the pain of delivery.

There is little doubt this refers to the birth of Christ.   All the pain and suffering of Israel through the years was largely because of her association with the Messiah.   Through her God would bring the Christ child to the world and, as we are about to see, Satan did His best to prevent it.

"And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon having seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns upon his head.   And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven and did cast them to the earth."          Revelation 12v3-4        

We are now introduced to the second major player in this end of time drama.   Like the woman the record of Satan in this chapter is from the beginning of his career to the end.   In contrast to the title given to Christ (the Lamb) the title given to Satan is true to character.   He is said to be the fiery red dragon because he has blood on his hands and in his heart.   He possesses the beast like features and murderous intent of the dragon.   He is seen to have seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns (diadems) upon his heads.   This monster is identified in verse 9 as "that old serpent, called the devil and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world;" so there is no misunderstanding.   No longer the cunning of the serpent but the brutality of the dragon.   Next we have to unravel the meaning of the seven heads and the ten horns.


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