Sunday 25 September 2016


The beast out of the sea                       Revelation 13v1-10.                 part 1/

"And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and I saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns and upon his horns ten crowns and upon his heads the name of blasphemy."
                                                                                                                       Revelation 13v1

We remind ourselves that we are studying the rise of the last great world empire.   This will be headed by a man who is mentioned in many passages of scripture, such as Daniel 7; Daniel 9; Daniel 11; Matthew 24; 2nd Thessalonians 2; 1 John; Revelation 6; Revelation 13; & Revelation 19.   The multiple reference to this man means that the Holy Spirit wishes us to understand the nature of the empire to come.   We will study verses 1-10, looking at this  "beast" as an individual, and as head of a world dominion in a number of ways as follows:
  • His appearance on the stage of world dominion.
  • His attributes .
  • His authority.
  • His adoration.
  • His activities.
  • His audacity.
All of these aspects are sprinkled throughout verses 1 - 10 as well as many other scriptures.  

His appearance in world dominion.  

"I saw a beast rise up out of the sea."   The word for beast is "wild beast" and this is the character of the man and the system.   The world is headed for a brutal regime and tyrannical dictatorship.   In Daniel chapter 7,  as well as here, this beast is said to have features of a lion and a bear and of a leopard, all of whose features we can understand, but this is a non-descript beast ("diverse from all the beasts that were before it" Daniel 7v7).   God can find nothing on earth to describe the vile nature of this beast of the last days.   He is seen to rise up out of the sea; in Daniel chapter 7 the vision was of four great beasts coming out of "the great sea."   This is always interpreted in scripture and in history as the Mediterranean Sea.  Thus the first indication is that he will arise from the area around the great sea.   The context however of Revelation chapter 13 points us in another direction, because he compares the first beast rising from the sea with the second beast rising from the earth.   It would appear therefore the idea here is of the scriptural interpretation of the sea as representing chaotic conditions, whereas the earth represents settled conditions.   Chapter 17v15 says   "the waters which thou sawest where the whore sitteth are peoples and multitudes and tongues and nations."    Thus the sea represents the nations of the world.   In Isaiah 57v20 it says  "They wicked are like the troubled sea when it cannot rest."   Jude describes the troubled sea in verse 13  "raging waves of the sea foaming out their own shame."   Thus the bible is viewing the sea as the turbulent unstable conditions on the earth among all the nations of men in rebellion against God.   It is out of such turbulent conditions this beast rises to ultimate power.  

What are the chaotic conditions on earth which have brought this about?   We now trace the recent previous history.
  • Following the sudden removal of the church (the harpazo), and the coronation of Christ in heaven in Revelation chapters 4-5, a would be world conqueror arises and slowly but surely takes control by peaceful means (Revelation 6v1-2 & Daniel 7v7-8).
  • The delusion of a short world peace quickly disappears and the world is plunged into global war resulting in famine and pestilence and death (Revelation 6v3-8).  
  • During this period there erupts a middle east war in which Israel suppresses a ten nation confederacy and takes control of their lands (Psalm 83).
  • The rising beast who comes to power via another ten- nation confederacy makes a seven year covenant with Israel, during which time Israel prospers (Daniel chapter 9 & Isaiah 60).  
  • The kings of the north (Russia and allies), with the kings of the south (Egypt and North African allies), incensed by the peace and prosperity of Israel invaded her to eliminate her finally (Ezekiel 38-39).   God intervenes and the invaders perish during a supernatural conflagration.
  • The beast now has a free run and enters  "the glorious land" and although he maintains his peaceful covenant he cancels all temple worship.   This action commences the displacement of Israel and the emergence of world dictatorship under the power of Satan. This is where we are at the beginning of chapter 13.

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