Friday 23 September 2016


The wrath of Satan

"Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea for the devil is come down unto you having great wrath because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.                  Revelation 12v12

Satan and his  hordes are now planted on the earth; this signals the ultimate calamity to the world.   Side by side here in verse 12 we have the expressions "ye that dwell in the heavens" and " the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea." 

This is not only speaking of their physical location, but of their spiritual desires, the place where they want to dwell.    We have already seen this before in the book of Revelation.   The situation on earth is now dire.   God is about to vent His wrath on the earth and Satan also is mentioned as having  "great wrath," for the first time in the bible.   The world at large is facing the wrath of God and the wrath of Satan, and although Satan will focus on God's people, the world will pay a heavy price.

Satan has tremendous power; he has the power of death, he has the power to inflict illness, he has the power to summon armies both local and foreign.   According to Job chapter 1 he has the power to summon fire from heaven, and he has the power to summon a hurricane wind.   His power should not be underestimated.   When the proclamation from heaven is  "woe to the earth dwellers" it must be taken seriously.   At this point he still controls all the kingdoms of the earth and rules through wicked men.   The great arch demon is now on earth and his attitude has changed because he has been demoted  and also his time is short.

Here again is a tremendous insight into this unseen world of demon spirits.   They are not omniscient, but they know exactly the programme of the God of heaven.   They know that their time is almost up.   "he knoweth that he hath but a short time."   People must be made aware of this because the demons who are keeping the world from the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ know the details of the future.   The apostle James pointed to this in chapter 2v19  "Thou believest there is one God thou doest well: the devils also believe and tremble."   The word for tremble is to shudder .   If demon spirits shudder at the thought of the wrath of God, what will be the end of human beings who will follow them into their eternal prison.   The lake of fire was prepared for the devil and his angels.   Sadly, through deception, many people will follow.   The extent of the knowledge of these demons is quite amazing.   In Matthew 8v29 when Jesus would cast out demons possessing two people, the demons cried out saying  What have we to do with thee, Jesus thou Son of God?   Art thou come hither to torment us before the time?   Notice two things about that; they know they are headed for eternal torment; they also know when that torment will begin.   The lesson to all readers is this; if we don't know, demons know.   The time is short and if you have not yet made your peace with God do it now before it is too late.

So will begin the period of the greatest slaughter ever on the face of the earth.   The main target will be Christian believers and Jewish believers and will result in the greatest period of martyrdom the world has ever seen.   In the indiscriminate attacks by the evil one many in the world will be slain.

  • Verse 13     -     He persecuted the woman.
  • Verse 15     -     He tried to drown the people with a flood but the earth opened up and swallowed the flood.
  • Verse 17     -     Having failed in both these missions he went to make war with the remnant of her seed; for the greater part of three and a half years there will be a reign of terror such as never been known in which anyone confessing the name of God will be slain.   All morality will go, no longer the angel of light, but now the roaring lion in his true colours.  

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