Wednesday 7 September 2016


The God who controls earths events

"And there was given me a reed like unto a rod: and the angel stood saying, rise and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein. But the court which is without the temple leave out and measure it not: for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread underfoot forty and two months."         Revelation 11v1-2.

Something to be measured, something not to be measured   This is the story of these opening two verses.   Before we consider the meaning of this we take note of a phrase which is repeated throughout the book  " was given " or "is given."   We have already pointed this out earlier, but it is worth repeating, because it is a fact all over the bible and particularly this last book of the bible, that God controls all events and all people on earth.   He restrains and constrains, whether man or angel or demon to move all towards His eternal purposes.   This is not to say He is in everything or that He initiates everything but He controls everything.   When men take to themselves the glory for any achievement they go astray forgetting that everything is given of God.   (John 3v27) "In Him we live and move and have our being".

In verse 1 John was given a reed to measure the temple.   These reeds were used in construction for measurement and would ensure accuracy in the building.   What are we to understand by God measuring the temple?   It is clear that this temple will exist in apostasy (i.e. departure from God) but because God has plans for His earthly people in the future, this measurement of the temple is an indication that God will fulfill those plans.   Everything that God does is measured.   Nothing is left to chance, the design of the tabernacle and the temple was all of God; the measurements, the materials and the contents.   By this act God is acknowledging His people as His possession but the temple and all associated with it must measure up to His standards.   The word for temple is the "inner temple;" this is the sanctuary, the very dwelling place of God.   God is a God of perfection and everything must be in its place and perfectly measured if God will dwell amongst His people.

It is interesting that the same word for "the temple" is used to describe God's people in the present day.  
  • In 1st Corinthians 6v19   -  physical bodies of believers are described as "the inner temple" of the Holy Ghost.  
  • 1st Corinthians 3v17  -  the local church of believers is described as "the inner temple" of God."
  • Ephesians 2v21  -  the universal church (that is the aggregate of all believers living on earth at any one time) are described  as"a building fitly framed together and growing unto an holy inner temple in the Lord."
For such a privilege to exist, practically, there are conditions required and God measures the standards of His people from time to time.   He will correct and discipline as necessary.   John is to measure the inner sanctuary, the altar, and the worshippers.   The word for measure is "metreo" which means to measure space or time or the value of something.   All associated with Him in worship must be up to the standard required.   Although the Jewish temple of the future will begin in departure from God the whole idea of measurement is that He intends to make things right.

As much as he will measure the temple He will not measure the outer court.   At this time Jerusalem, including the temple precincts, are occupied by the Gentiles.   This occupation is hostile as we understand from the words  "tread underfoot the holy city."   This is not to say there is no salvation for Gentiles in a future day; it is to say that those Gentiles who are hostile to Israel and who reject the things of God, they will not be measured because God has no plans for them.   Religion which is hostile to God's plans and which rejects His Son as the Messiah has no place in the worship of God.   The word in verse 2 to "leave out" means to "cast out"; like Adam was from Eden and Cain was from the presence of the Lord so all man-made religion will be cast out having no place in God's future plans.   The Gentiles who will tread the holy city for forty two months (note the limited time period) are in league with the anti-Christ and therefore are anti-God. However God will "give" to the Gentiles to occupy Jerusalem for a time. Is it possible the two things are connected? The hostile presence of ungodly foreigners for three and a half years, and the ultimate restoration of Israel!

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