Monday 20 June 2016


THYATIRA       The Challenge      Revelation 2v21-23. 

It is a serious matter to corrupt the temple of God.    Sometimes, when adjustments have to be made in the church, leaders or elders are asked to take action as necessary.   Here the situation was so grave, only the Lord could deal with it.   Paul said in 1st Corinthians 3v17 "....if any defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy....";  the Son of God, Himself, is confronting the evil culture that has been allowed a foothold in His church.    Before He will deal with the evil in the world (chapters 6-19), He must root it out in the church for "judgment must begin at the house of God" (1st Peter 4v17).
  • "I gave her space to repent....."    -   The judgment on Jezebel.   The first thing to notice is that His judgment is always marked with forbearance.   He gives even the worst of defilers space and time to change their ways.   This is contrary to normal human behavior but God always acts in the perfect balance of His character, that of righteousness and that of forbearance.   Paul, writing to the Romans said, "despisest thou the riches of His goodness and forbearance and longsuffering, not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth to repentance."   The Lord is "slow to wrath" and "judgement is His strange work"."   He gives people time to repent.   The rebels of Noah's day were given 120 years.   He gave the Amorites 400 years. He gave the people of Nineveh 40 days.   He gives everyone time to repent of their evil ways.   In a future day the judgments begin at low level, and increases in intensity to give people the chance to repent.   Sadly, in most cases, the result is the same "they repented not."   Revelation 9v20 says "the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues repented not of the works of their hands."   Here the woman Jezebel repented not.   So it is, and so it will be with many today.  
  • Divine Justice  -   He declares judgment upon Jezebel, and all who follow her, and all her children.   The level of judgement is in line with the nature of her evil.   He charges her with fornication, which would be both physical and spiritual.   The word porneia is used to describe all forms of sexual immorality.   She found pleasure in the bed and promoted that way to others; her judgment was to be a bed, but not of pleasure, only of sickness.   We are slow to understand the meaning of the unalterable law of sowing and reaping which says "whatsoever a man soweth  that shall he also reap."   From that day, at the Divine decree she lost her health.   He turns now to those who have committed adultery with her (alongside of her- following her example).   He warns them of "great tribulation" if they do not repent.   These are serious troubles to be brought upon them if they continued in this pathway.   He continues "I will kill her children with death."   I can only think this refers to her spiritual progeny who would follow her evil example in generations to come.   Just as we all bear children physically in our own image, so we bear them in a spiritual sense.   The solemnity of this is very clear.  How we live affects our generations down the line.   Isaac repeated the same sin as his father Abraham ( Genesis 26).   The patriarch Jacob predicted that the progeny of Reuben would follow in his errant ways (Genesis 49).   Sin is in the genes, and if we live in departure from God we are likely to produce children of the same character.   Exodus chapter 20 reveals that the Lord  "visits the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate Him."   Jezebel, her contemporary followers, and her progeny all under the judgment of the Lord; the bed of sickness, great tribulation, death.  
  • A severe example to all   -   In the severity of His judgement, the Lord Jesus is making an example of this church, that is to stand as a beacon of warning to all churches who would follow in this evil practice.   He says  "and all the churches shall know that I am He which searcheth the reins and hearts and I will give unto everyone of you according to your works."   This is the most solemn warning to all churches, and all individuals within those churches, that He will not tolerate evil being practiced in His presence.   It is the same as spoken by Jude in his epistle that Sodom & Gomorrah "are set forth for an example", suffering the vengeance of eternal fire."   The warning beacon to the world are these cities of the plain which in a moment's time were obliterated from the face of the earth because of their continual debauchery in the sight of God.  In like manner the church at Thyatira stands as a beacon of warning to all believers.
The One who walks amongst us is the Son of God, with eyes like unto a flame of fire and His feet like fine brass.   He searches the reins and hearts, there is nothing hid from His understanding; He knows not only our actions and our thoughts but the deep seated motives that cause us to live and act as we do.   He completes the judgment by saying that He would return to everyone according to their works.   For good or bad justice will be done.   He gives us all time to change our ways but in the end He will act.

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