Saturday 11 June 2016


SMYRNA       The Compensation       Revelation 2v10-11. 

" thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.    He that hath an ear to hear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.    He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death".  

The message to Ephesus was "repent;" the message to Smyrna is "fear not."   There was no condemnation only comfort.   He knows not only what they are going through, but what lies ahead.   Like the story in Daniel concerning Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, He will be with them in whatever they are asked to pass through.   He does not guarantee their lives will be spared, He does guarantee His presence with them.   Then comes the glorious compensation "he that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death."   The promise is absolute because the word "not" is strong, and means "shall in no wise be hurt of the second death........shall never, never, never be hurt of the second death."   You may be hurt on this earth for My sake but you will never suffer in eternity.   This brings before us the solemn reality of the next life.   It has been tritely put as follows:   "those who are born once - die twice: those who are born twice  -  die only once, and some won't even go through that.   The reality, however, is very solemn, only the book of Revelation speaks of the second death.   It is the final journey to eternal banishment from God from which there will be no return, and to which there will be no appeal.   The Lord Jesus tailors compensation to each church to fit their circumstances.   

In addition those who would be martyred were promised  "a crown of life."   To the church of Ephesus, all overcomers (true believers) would eat of the tree of life.   To Smyrna those who were martyred would receive a crown of life.   Heaven is for all believers, but there is a special recognition for martyrs.   God rewards noble efforts in His name on this earth.   there are many crowns indicated in the New Testament.
  • The crown of righteousness   -   2nd Timothy 4v8   This is in the context of consistent faithful service.
  • The crown of glory   -    1st Peter 5v4    This is for faithful service in connection with feeding and tending the flock of God and will be granted by the chief Shepherd.
  • The crown of gold   -    Revelation 4v4    This appears to be for special conquests for God.    
  • The crown of rejoicing    -   1st Thessalonians 2v19 & Philippians 4v1   -   This is for souls won for Christ through preaching whether private or public.
  • The incorruptible crown   -   1st Corinthians 9v29     -   This is for demonstrating self control in life when the weakness of the flesh might have tended otherwise.  
  • The crown of life    -    Revelation 2v10  & James 1v12    This is for those whom God has asked to go through special trials.
God does not ask us all to follow Him in the same way.   In the book of the Acts while the apostle James was beheaded by the sword, at the same time the apostle Peter was set free.   The special trials God may put His people through may include the following:   severe illness, contradiction because of faithfulness to His word, persecution by other faith groups, loss of status or material possessions, imprisonment, torture, or even death.   The idea behind the crown of life seems to be that whatever loss we incurred in this life, for the sake of Christ, it will be fully compensated in the next.   Special mention is made about the martyrs in the book of Revelation :  chapter 6v9-11, 7v14, 12v11, 16v6, and 20v4.   The giving up of one's life for the sake of Christ is marked in heaven as the ultimate sacrifice.   Through the ages of time millions have been martyred for the faith in God.   The carnage will go on until Christ returns and puts a stop to it all.

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