Friday 17 June 2016


THYATIRA        The Corrupt church      Revelation 2v18-29. 

"These things saith the Son of God, who hath His eyes like unto a flame of fire, and His feet are like fine brass."   

Jesus reserves His most imposing characteristics for this church, in a threefold demonstration of power.   His status in the universe; He is the unrivaled Son of God.   His discernment of all untruth and evil; His eyes as a flame of fire. His power to enact judgement as and when necessary His feet like unto fine brass.   He presents Himself thus, perhaps for two reasons.   Firstly the city's deity, the sun god Tyrimnas was depicted as a military warrior with battle axe drawn - the symbol of crushing military power.   Secondly, the nature of the apostasy in the church at Thyatira was such that it needed reminding of who Jesus is.  

One of the meanings of the name Thyatira is  "continuous sacrifice."   It was a city marked by constant sacrifice to this warrior sun god.   We are now in possession of historical facts, and the counterpart of the church at Thyatyra,the church of Rome, was to instigate a doctrine of " continuous sacrifice " which is now practiced in the perpetual sacrifice of the mass, and is known as the "doctrine of transubstantion".   This doctrine denies the finished work of Christ and alleges that individual members must take the mass regularly.   In this subtle way they gained dominination in the matter of salvation, proclaiming that they themselves were the source of salvation.   Scripture clearly states  "By one offering, He hath perfected forever them that are sanctified."   Hebrews 10v14   This heinous teaching which says Christ dies again every time the mass is offered, became the unacceptable doctrine which gave rise to the Protestant movement.   This teaching was at the heart of the martyrdom of many thousands of protestants during the dark ages of the sixth to the sixteenth centuries, spanning over 1,000 years.  

The heresies adopted by the modern Roman Catholic church have become known for its "three M's" which represent serious departures from the faith.  
  • M for Mary      The mother of Jesus whom they have elevated to equal status with Christ, and made her co-redemptrix with Him.    Mary herself never taught or thought this, but it has become the idolatrous doctrine of this church.  
  • M for Mass      Representing apostasy;  not now denying the unique status of the Person of Christ, but denying the efficacy of His work.   No Roman Catholic priest nor cardinal nor pope can offer salvation to any human being, only Christ.   The mass represents a deception unparalled in religious history.  
  • M for Magisterium     -     The spiritual tyranny of the Roman heirarchy claiming sole rights of interpretation of holy scripture; the popes declaring themselves to be infallible in matters of doctrine, and that anyone outside of this is not Christian.
Jesus knew what would develop from the demon- seeds planted at Thyatira.   He called it  "the depths of Satan;"  He arrays Himself as a buffer against this tyrannical falsehood that was to come in later times, and indeed is now with us.   He presents Himself as Son of God.   In chapter 1 and chapter 14  He is "Son of Man."   That title links Him to humanity; the title Son of God links Him alone to Deity.   In a city from which "Mariolatry" would emerge, on the basis that she was "the mother of God" (which she was not) He stands alone as the Son of God without an equal and without a rival.   Mary was the vessel by whom He came into the world; there her role ended, although in the process she has become a very blessed human being indeed.   There are many titles in the New Testament referring to Christ:   Son of David as to His royalty; Son of Abraham as to His nationality; Son of Man as to His humanity; Son of Mary as to His humility; Son of Joseph as to His genealogy; Son of the Blessed as to His Dignity; Son of God as to His Deity.   No human being can be placed alongside Him.   No church has sole rights of anything about Him.   He founded the church, not on Peter or any man or His mother Mary, but on Himself  "Christ the Son of the Living God." Matthew chapter 16   He is supreme in the universe and in nature and in churches throughout the stratas of power which are in existence.   He is absolute Deity, He is the Son of God.   His eyes are as a flame of fire; He knows everything about everyone; His piercing eyes will burn out all falsehood and error; He exposes error; He is fire; He sees through the hypocrisy of false religion; we cannot fool Him, we cannot escape His vision, He sees and knows all.   His feet are as fine brass; He possesses the living power to subject all His enemies under His feet.   He will subdue all things unto Himself (Philippians 4 & 1st Corinthians 15) He will judge the world in righteousness.   This is how He appears to a church corrupting itself with false teaching.

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