Friday 3 June 2016


                                        AN OVERVIEW OF THE SEVEN CHURCHES     Part 1.

There are three special groups of seven which describe key time periods in God's plan of the ages.   We do well to familiarize ourselves with these.    
  • The seven feasts of Jehovah        Leviticus 23        These outline the prophetic programme involving Israel.
  • The seven kingdom parables       Matthew 13        These outline the programme of the kingdom of heaven and span the time period between the first and second advent of Christ.
  • The seven churches of Revelation        Revelation chapters 2-3        These outline the programme of the church and span from Pentecost to the rapture (the first stage of the second advent).
An understanding of these programmes will greatly broaden our minds to see the beauty of the Divine plan for the ages of time.  

There is merit in the view that these churches present a panorama of the course of the church, but the main thrust of the teaching is practical, rather than prophetical.   These churches exist as light bearers to the world and the Lord is  "trimming the wicks" so that they shine even brighter.   The ultimate light bearers is walking in the midst of each candlestick, and any weakness in our testimony will be exposed by the glory of His presence.   He speaks to each church, and says that His words are the words of the Holy Spirit, coming directly from God.   He uses the same formula with each church as follows:
  • Introduction        He fits an aspect of His character exactly to each individual church need.   He is the all sufficient One, able to meet and remedy all situations, and model them on His own perfect character.   There is no church situation beyond His control or influence.  
  • Intuition               He knows every situation in every church, in every detail.   To each church the opening phrase is "I know thy works" (2v2: 2v9: 2v12: 2v19: 3v1: 3v8: 3v15).   Individuals or groups within churches may try to conceal things, but they are all known to the One who walks in the midst; He knows not only their actions, but their motives.  There is nothing hid from His understanding of every church situation.
  • Commendation    Where He can, He begins with a word of approval.   We should all take a lesson from this, we should always be looking for positive aspects in others before anything else.   The commendation prior to the condemnation enables the hearers to understand that He is not speaking out of prejudice.   A study of the New Testament epistles would reveal that the apostles used the same method.   In every case, except Laodicea, the Lord finds something worthy of praise.
  • Condemnation     Like a doctor who knows every problem of his patient, the Lord diagnoses the spiritual problems of the churches.   Some are moral, some are doctrinal, some are individual, some are corporate.   We must become like David in Psalm 139 as he considers the wondrous nature of his God  "search me O God, and know my heart; try me, and know my thoughts; and see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting."
  • Exhortation         He points out the way forward, how to remedy each situation and move on in testimony for God.  
  • Admonition         He sounds a warning to each church, and each individual that this communication to them is the voice of the Holy Spirit and it would be well for them to heed it.  
  • Compensation      To each church without exception there is the promise reward.   It is notable in the progression of the churches that the darker the situation, the greater is the promise of reward.   We are called upon to be overcomers, to overcome in every situation in which we find ourselves.   God will be no man's debtor; in the words of the writer to the Hebrews  "He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him." 
A summary of the seven churches would look something like this:  
    • Ephesus               The church of loveless orthodoxy.
    • Smyrna                The church in extreme persecution.
    • Pergamos            The church in worldly compromise.
    • Thyatira              The church in spiritual idolatry.
    • Sardis                  The church in lifeless nominalism.
    • Philadelphia       The church in revival.
    • Laodicea             The church in materialistic independence.

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