Thursday 2 June 2016


      "Unto the angel of the church at Ephesus write ......."      Revelation 2v1

The function of the seven churches, as described here, is to bear the light of God to the world.   There are many interesting pictures of the church in the New Testament:
      • As a bride        Ephesians 5v24-32    The emphasis is on love.
      • As a temple      Ephesians 2v21 ;   1st Corinthians 3v16   ;   1st Peter 2v5.          The emphasis is on holiness.
      • As a garden      1st Corinthians 3v6-9. The emphasis on fruit bearing.
      • As the body of Christ      Ephesians 1v22-23  ; 1st Corinthians 12v27.                The emphasis on life - the life of Christ.
      • As a chaste virgin unto Christ          2nd Corinthians 11v2                                   The emphasis on purity and loyalty.
      • As the house of God       1st Timothy 3v15      The emphasis on reverence.
      • As the church of the living God        1st Timothy 3v15                                        The emphasis on separation from other gods.
      • As the family of God        1st John     The emphasis on blood relationships.
Here in the book of Revelation the church is seen as the lampstand, the light bearer of divine truth to the world.   As such the emphasis is on responsibility and the need to properly represent the Lord.   We must see this function as corporate, more than individual.   Jesus said in Matthew 5v14-16  "Ye are the light of the world."   A light beam is not one single ray but many.   He illustrates it by saying  "a city that is set upon a hill cannot be hid."   A city is many people.   Corporately we are to be light bearers to the world and this brings a great responsibility upon us all.   Thus the language is governmental, even judgmental in nature, for the Lord wants us to truly reflect the light of God.   Therefore He brings suggestions of improvement, He threatens discipline, even removal as a light bearer, but the object of it all is to shine for God in a dark world.  

There are seven churches of different character with different problems, but they all belong to Christ and He is regulating their behavior.    An overall view of these churches could be summarized as follows.
  • These churches are local          They are intended to serve the immediate locality in which the believers were converted to Christ.   it is doubtful whether the proliferation of churches today in one locality is biblical.  
  • The advice given to each is practical         Churches were never meant to be theological/ doctrinal, only.   They should be an entity in any locality in a practical way.
  • The course of change recommended is remedial        The constant reference to hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit is intended to change lives where needed.  
  • The progression of these churches is prophetical        It is only now, at the end of the church period, that we can look back and see a seven fold progression in these churches predicting church history.
The seven- fold call to hear the words of the Holy Spirit are given to every church, and also to every individual in those churches.   The wording combines individual responsibility with corporate responsibility as seen in the quotation  "He that hath an ear to hear let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches."    If we are to truly shine for God we will, need to obey the impulses of the Holy Spirit.

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