Thursday 30 June 2016


PHILADELPHIA     The Comforts        Revelation 3v8-11.

"Comfort of all my earthly way, Jesus I'll meet Thee some sweet day,
Centre of glory Thee I'll see, wonderful Man of Calvary."

These words from the hymn "Man of Calvary" perfectly sum up the portion here.   By the repeated use of the word "behold," the Lord is drawing their eyes away from their earthly situation, to fix them firmly on Himself.    They lived in the midst of turmoil, both physically and spiritually.   Legend has it that the city was prone to regular earthquakes; it was also  the missionary centre of Hellenist culture which was largely opposed to Christianity.   The encouragement to them "behold...... behold......behold.....behold....."     is reminiscent of Isaiah chapter 40, where the people were in a confused and shaken state, the message was  "behold your God."   This is the same chapter which begins with the words  "comfort ye, comfort ye my people."   What God's people need most in their earthly pilgrimage is a clear vision of the greatness of their God.   He enumerates three divine blessings that would come their way; predominantly these are future and the suggestion was to allow the future glories to regulate their present situation down here.  

  • Firstly He speaks of Divine assurance and protection  -  "Behold I have set before you an open door and no man can shut it."  Just as Philadelphia was a gateway to Asia in trading terms, so it would become in spiritual terms.   The Lord who had the key to open doors, has opened a door to them that would bolster their strength both numerically and spiritually.   He says "no one can shut it."   What confidence!   It was similar for Paul in (1st Corinthians 16v9) "a great door and effectual has opened up to me."   Also in Acts chapter 18 at Corinth where God said  "Fear not for I have much people in this city."   The Lord would smooth the way before them and clear away all barriers.   As much as the Jewish synagogue of Satan would try to hinder them, they would by His grace and sovereign power proclaim the truth and the holiness and the sovereignty of God.  
  • Secondly, He now speaks of Divine vindication -   "Behold I will make them of the synagogue of Satan..... to come and worship before Thy feet, and to know that I have loved Thee."   All those who mocked them, ridiculed them, persecuted them, will be brought by Christ before them, when He will vindicate their loyalty.   This amazing promise is clearly future and is first stated in (Isaiah chapter 60v14)  " The sons also of them that afflicted thee, shall come bending unto thee, and all that despised thee shall bow themselves down at the souls of thy feet: and they shall call thee "The city of the Lord, the Zion of the Holy One of Israel."   A similar thing is predicted in (Isaiah 49v23)   "Kings shall be their nursing fathers and queens shall be their nursing mothers: they shall bow down to thee with their face toward the earth and lick up the dust of thy feet, and thou shalt know that I am the Lord, for they shall not be ashamed that wait for Me."   The day of vindication is coming; vindication of our Lord before this world, and the same for all His people.   All who were mocked and misunderstood and molested here will be vindicated in glory.   The early story of Joseph becoming vice-regent of Egypt and his brothers who had violated him, bowing down to him, is the earliest picture of this.   Speaking to them he goes on to proclaim a most precious thing that He would spare them (and we think all in the Church) from the day of the great tribulation.   Notice He says that not only would He deliver them from trials but He would deliver them from "the hour of temptation that will come upon all that dwell upon the earth," a specific time period of trial.  Clearly this can only refer to the global period of extreme tribulation which is revealed later in chapters 6 - 19.   The Christian church will not go through that.  
  • Thirdly, our destiny is glorification   -   "Behold I come quickly."   The whole of the book of Revelation is taken up with the coming of Christ.   Chapter 1v7 ; chapter 3v11, chapter 22v7,12 & 24 all assert this.   The last words of the book are  "even so come Lord Jesus."   The reference here is clearly to the secret rapture of the church, the "harpazo,"  the bodily removal of the church from the earth before the day of the Lord.   The word "quickly" refers more to the speed of the actual event, than to its nearness in time.   Paul said it would happen  " in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye" the word is "atomos" for atom, the smallest particle known to man.   In the smallest possible time period, millions of believers will rise from the dead and millions alive will be changed and immediately transported to heaven.  It will take place "like a thief in the night," unexpectedly and unannounced.   In contrast to this His second advent to the earth (chapter 19) will be visible to all, will be preceded by signs in the heavens and will be accompanied by "the armies of heaven."   We should recognize these very clear distinctions the Holy Spirit has made: His coming to the air and His coming to the earth: His coming in secret and His coming in public: His coming for His bride in grace and His coming in judgement to subdue His enemies: His coming for His people and His coming with His people.   There is a body of saints who will be delivered from the tribulation whereas others (as in chapter 7v4) will be asked to go through it.   Paul ends his treatment of this great subject like this "wherefore comfort one another with these words."     

Wednesday 29 June 2016


PHILADELPHIA       The Commendation          Revelation 3v8-10.

He commends four qualities they possessed, all of which come under the heading "thy works".    He knows the whole panorama of their collective works, as He does all of ours today.  
  1. Strength.
  2. Obedience.
  3. Loyalty.
  4. Endurance.
All of these are commendable Christian graces in a group whose standards must be higher than the world's, even the religious world.
  • Strength....."thou hast a little strength"  
  • Whatever the nature of their weakness was, we don't know; it may have been they were few in number, or they may have had a feeble grasp of eternal things.   As Christians we need strengthening every day, this is a major topic in the prophecy of Isaiah.   Isaiah portrays God's people as being constantly surrounded and harassed by enemies; they needed divine strength to see them through.   Isaiah, whose name means  "the salvation of the Lord " was the son of  Amoz, whose name means  "strength."   Thus immediately we learn that those who are saved need strength and this topic is all through the prophecy.  
Chapter 17v10  -  he speaks of God as  "the rock of his strength" : 
chapter 10v13  speaking of God's punishment of Assyria  -  "by the strength of my hand have I done this."  
chapter 25v4  -  "thou hast been a strength to the poor, a strength to the needy in his distress." 
chapter 26v4  -  " in the Lord is everlasting strength." 
chapter 30v15  -  "in quietness and confidence shall be your strength." 
chapter 33v6  -  "wisdom and knowledge shall be to the stability of thy times and the strength of thy salvation." 
chapter 40v10  -  " behold the Lord will come with a strong hand and His arm will rule for Him."  :  chapter 40v29  -  "He giveth power to the faint and to them that hath no might He increaseth strength." 
chapter 40v31  -  "they that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength." 
chapter 41v10  -  "for I am thy God I will strengthen thee." 
chapter 62v8  -  "the Lord hath sworn by His right hand and by the arm of His strength."               The New Testament abounds with the need for inward strength day by day.   The church had a little strength and the Lord was about to increase it.  
  • Obedience......  "thou hast kept My word."  
  • The prophet Samuel said  "behold to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams." (1st Samuel 15v22).   Obedience to God and to His word is much better, because sacrifices that we make may just be a cover, whereas obedience is from the heart.   That which is done, if it does not spring from heart obedience is worthless in the sight of God.   Jesus made this clear when he said  "If you love Me keep My commandments."   The definition of love therefore to the Lord is to obey Him, just as His love to the Father was displayed in keeping His Father's commandments.   He could say of His disciples in John 17  "they have kept Thy word."   the apostle Paul at the end of his life could say  "I have kept the faith."   Paul said to the Roman saints in chapter 6v17   "Ye have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine which was delivered to you."  
  • Loyalty.......  thou hast not denied My name."    
  • They were under fierce opposition from zealous Jews who were active and who opposed Christianity.   It is an outstanding thing to confess the name of Christ in a city which considers Christianity as nothing.   The city contained what Jesus called  "the synagogue of Satan;" very religious, very active, but rejecting Christ as the Messiah.   The city was a center of Hellenist culture (the merging of Judaism and Greek culture).   The Christians were marginalized by the ranting of fanatical Jews.   Loyalty in a time of Jewish apostasy was greatly valued by the Lord.   Their efforts were only feeble, but they had the courage to confess His name.
  • Endurance......   "thou hast kept the word of My patience." 
  •   John described the Christian life in chapter 1 as "the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ."   Endurance is a sterling human quality, and when it is practiced in a spiritual sense in a world and an environment which is anti-God, it is even more commendable.   The phrase  "the word of My patience" means they had heard of the incredible endurance of Christ in all that He went through for their sake and they were now following His example.    This takes us to the subject matter of Hebrews chapter 12v1 - 13.   We can only linger a little on this huge subject matter, but there the Christian is encouraged to endure in three different ways.   Firstly, to endure the Christian race by laying aside all things that would hinder our progress for God.   Secondly, to endure the contradiction of sinners against ourselves, with the prime example being Jesus Himself.   Thirdly, To endure the chastening of our Father God who in this life puts us through trials to improve our lives.  
We would all do well to emulate the Christian graces of the Philadelphian church.  

Tuesday 28 June 2016


PHILADELPHIA      The Friendly, Feeble, Faithful church.    Revelation 3v7-13. 

"And to the angel of the church at Philadelphia write;  these things saith He that is holy, He that is true, He that hath the key of David, He that openeth and no man shutteth; and shutteth and no man openeth."        

The study is under five headings:
  1. The character of Christ.
  2. The commendation.
  3. The comforts.
  4. The challenge.
  5. The compensation.
1.   The character of Christ.     The lesson for all churches from these seven letters is that no matter the prevailing circumstances, Christ is the answer to all their needs.   It is wonderful to consider the rich and varied aspects of the character of the Christ who walks in our midst.   Writing to Philadelphia, He departs from the normal approach, which was to lift a phrase from the vision of chapter 1; here he introduces titles that are distinctly Jewish in character.   This is perhaps because their spiritual opponents in the city were Jews, whom Christ described as "the synagogue of Satan."   He arms them with the Jewish mentality, who claimed for themselves the sole right of divine communication on earth.   He uses the images of Isaiah, particularly chapters 6,22 & 40.    He introduces four elements to his character;
  • He that is holy.     Thus proclaiming His majesty.   The word is "hagios" and means "set apart."   This is possibly misunderstood by many.   Holiness involves much more than moral excellence, it means excellence in every sphere imaginable: so that whatever attribute we may think of, He is set apart.   He is a "cut above;"  He is "different class;" the expositor Donald Carson renders this as "other", meaning unique, higher, better, superior.   A study of Isaiah chapter 6 illustrates the point; a throne high and lifted up; the divine majesty filling all of heaven; the divine glory encompassing the whole earth .   Because there is no response from earth the inanimate things of earth begin to shake, as happened at Calvary.   Before Him the seraphims; those dazzling burning ones, whose very appearance was awesome, in the presence of this Majesty, they covered their faces and their feet.   Before Him they cry night and day  "Holy, holy, holy."   At this sight Isaiah (probably one of the greatest prophets who spent his life exposing the deficiencies of the people) was reduced to saying "woe is me."   Such is the uniqueness of undiminished holiness.   What was said of Jehovah in the Old, Christ now takes to Himself in the New.   Since seraphs hold Him in utmost reverence, how much more we upon the earth?  
  • He that is true.     This is now His reliability.   The word used is "true as opposed to false;" it is also used to denote "spiritual as opposed to material," and "fulfillment as opposed to foreshadowing.   The world lives in the misapprehension that the material world is the real world.   God's word says the opposite.   Christ is the true, the One against whom all men are liars, and before whom all things are unreal.   Thus the New Testament speaks of the true God, the true riches, the true light, the true bread, the true vine, and the true tabernacle.   He is the true because He is the truth; He is the real because all else is unreal.    He is the One who can be trusted for all things in life and beyond.   This aspect of His glory is repeated time and again in this book.  
  • He has the key of David.     This is His sovereignty.   Every Jew would understand the full implications of this.   To David , God promised an eternal kingdom (2nd Samuel 7v12-16).    The key holder was steward over the house of God with absolute control (Isaiah 22v15-22).   The One who "has the key of David" is in total control over the kingdom of God and all things pertaining to it.   Matthew quoting from Micah 5v2 says in chapter 2v6 of his gospel  "out of thee shall come a governor that shall rule My people Israel."   Prophet Isaiah predicts in chapter 9v6 that "the government shall be upon His shoulder."   In verse 7  "of the increase of His government and peace there shall be no end."   Christ holds the keys of heaven (Matthew 16); He holds the keys of hell (Revelation 1); He holds absolute sway in all things spiritual and those of us who bow to Him can rejoice.  
  • He controls the treasury of divine things.     "He shutteth and no man openeth and openeth and no man shutteth."   He not only has the key but He exercises it.    This is true in salvation "no one cometh to the Father but by Me."   It is true in judgment " all judgment has been committed to the Son."    It is true in service, from the throne He "gives gifts unto men" (Ephesians 4; 1st Corinthians 12).   He is the Lord of the harvest, He opens and shuts doors on the mission field (Acts 16v6-7 with 1st Corinthians 16v9).   He opens doors in connection with scripture revelation and understanding; Colossians chapter 2v3 says  "in Him are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge."   To get them He wants us to search for them.   Surely all of this fills our hearts with security and confidence in the One who walks amongst us.

Monday 27 June 2016


SARDIS     The Compensation         Revelation3v3-6

The compensation is two fold.   He is the executor of divine justice.   In the language of Jeremiah the prophet  "He exercises loving kindness and justice and righteousness on the earth; for in these things I delight saith the Lord."   Jeremiah 9v24   He rewards good and repays evil and these two aspects are stated in verses 3&4.
  • "If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee."   This is a threat of what the bible speaks of as "divine visitation."   The threat is unspecified, and it will be unannounced, but it means some form of divine judgement, the ultimate of which is death; we dare not presume on our right to continue living on this earth in fruitlessness toward God.  
  • v4  "They shall walk with Me in white."     This is the opposite end of the scale.   We move in thought from the frown of divine displeasure to the friendship of a walk with Him.   It is one thing for us to seek to walk with the Lord, it is yet another for Him to want to walk with us.   Jesus will only walk with those whose garments are undefiled.    He chooses with whom He will walk    Of all Christians it can be said they are "in Christ;" but it cannot be said of all Christians that "Christ is in them."   This kind of fellowship requires conditions on my part.   He alludes to this in John 14v21  "He that hath My commandments and keepeth them, he it is that loveth Me; and he that loveth Me shall be loved of My Father, and I will love him, and will manifest Myself to him."   He says a similar thing in Matthew 11v27  "no man knoweth the Son but the Father; neither knoweth any man the Father save the Son, and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal Him."   Why did Jesus take Peter, James and John up the mount of transfiguration and leave the other nine?    When He came down from the mountain, we get the answer; they were incapable of dealing with an unclean spirit.    They were not ready for the high spiritual experiences.    All His people are precious to Him, but He rewards loyalty.   Nearness to the Lord is the ultimate of spiritual experience and is to be sought after. "They shall walk with Me in white;"   all of that can be enjoyed now, but He goes on to extend the experience into the future by stating three privileges tied together with the conjunction and.  

1.    Clothed in white garments.     We will take our character which was formed on earth into eternity, we shall take nothing else.   Only what we "put on" of the Lord Jesus; only what we put on of the new man, having discarded the filthy garments of the old man, will we take to heaven.   In Revelation 19v8  it says "to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of the saints."   This is not speaking of the righteousness which God gave us at the point of salvation, it is speaking of what we personally have added to that in terms of Christ likeness in our lives.   For all eternity we will be clothed in accordance with what we did on earth.   This should be the greatest incentive to Christian living now.
2.    "I will not blot out his name out of the book of life."     This is not saying that we can lose our salvation, for that would be in discord with revealed scripture.   The expression is very emphatic "I will in no way blot out their name."   This is the ultimate divine assurance in the context of threatened government on His wayward people that their ultimate salvation is absolutely secure.   Living as they were with people who were spiritually lifeless, those who were faithful were perhaps feeling a little doubtful as to their position in Christ.   With this statement He dispels all their doubts.  The book of life is the Lamb's book of life. (Revelation chapter 20).   It was He who made it possible, it is He who writes the names, He will never, never remove the names of those who have put their trust in Him.
3.     Confession before His Father and the angels.     We move now from a negative to a positive.   "I will not blot out............ I will confess."   Not only is there no possibility of eternal loss but there will be the public confession by Himself before the whole of heaven, such that your names will be inscribed forever in the heavenly role of honour.   No earthly ceremony of reward can ever come close to anything like this.   We will individually have a formal presentation to His Father and to all His heavenly angels.   Jude sums it up like this  "now unto Him that is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy."   Jude v 24.   There is coming a day when every individual saint will be presented thus, and at that point receive for all eternity the rewards of the Christ- like garments that they formed on earth.  

No wonder the Holy Spirit appeals to all who will listen "let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches."   Forever I will wear the badge of my loyalty to Christ whilst here on this earth. We are all weaving a garment for eternity, and the Father will put the finishing touches. "Clothed in white garments and names never erased from the book of life and confessed before all of heaven including the Father!" Would this be enough to awaken us from slumber?  

Sunday 26 June 2016


SARDIS        The Counsel         Revelation 3v2-3.  

He delivers a series of short, sharp, unequivocal, unmistakable commands:
  1. Be watchful!
  2. Strengthen!
  3. Remember!
  4. Hold fast!
  5. Repent!    
"Be watchful"    -     Present continually on the watch; take your stations on the watchtower. This reminds us of His appeal to the disciples in the garden, "watch and pray lest ye enter into temptation".   Wake up, there is real work to be done, real service for God, if you want to be an entity in this world for Me.   This is to be a continuous exercise.   Paul writes to the Ephesians (chapter 5v14) "Awake thou that sleepest and Christ shall give thee light."   This is in the context of a world which is in darkness, and characterized by corruption of the mind.   Christians are to be salt and light; preventing corruption and illuminating darkness.   We are supposed to be active and make our presence on earth felt; but the salt has lost its savor and the light has been covered up.   The church is nothing more than a name.  

"Strengthen the thing s that remain that are ready to die"    -      The new living translation renders this "strengthen what little remains."   The things of God have been so demoted, and diluted, and diminished, that they are in danger of a complete wipeout.   The situation is like in the days of Nehemiah; "the walls of the city are broken down, and the gates are burned with fire."   Jerusalem the centre of divine worship had become a "by- word" to the surrounding neighbours.   The call here is to strengthen things that have been let go.   Since we know what strengthening of a building means we can understand what strengthening of invisible spiritual things will involve.   Firstly, it involves a change; secondly, it involves work; thirdly it involves perseverance; and fourthly it will involve defence.    We are to plug the gaps, build the walls, set up gates and buttress the defence.    Such strength can only come from the Lord.

"Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard"      -       This is the second church which has been called to remember.   To Ephesus He says "remember from whence thou hast fallen."   To Sardis He says "remember how you heard and received."   Ephesus have gone downwards, Sardis didn't even start!   They are called to remember how they heard and received; not what they heard but how they heard.   At the point of their salvation they heard it as God speaking to them and not man.   God wants us to do His work in the very same way, and with the very same attitude that we first heard the truth and responded to it.  He is very concerned about how we do His work.   Listed below are a number of things about that.
  • Matthew 13v23     -     They heard the word with understanding.
  • Acts 2v41               -     They gladly received the word and were baptized.
  • Acts 17v11             -     They received the word with all readiness of mind and searched the scriptures daily.
  • 1st Thessalonians 1v6     -     They received the word in much affliction and joy in the Holy Spirit.
  • 1st Thessalonians 2v13     -     They received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth the word of God.
Paul wrote to the Colossians  "As ye have received Christ Jesus the Lord so walk ye in Him" (chapter 2v6)    It is not enough to be doing the right thing, it is only enough to be doing God's work in God's way, and that is in the very same way in which we first put our trust in Him.  

Hold fast     -     The word is tereo and the main usage is to keep or to guard .   Put a brake on the slide.   Paul said "I have kept the faith "; Jude says "keep yourselves in the love of God."   Proverbs says "Buy the truth sell it not meddle not with them that are given to change."   Like a priceless treasure we are to guard the things of God.   Holding fast is the opposite of letting go.   It is standing instead of sliding.   The world trend is always downward; the Christian is to stand firm.  

Repent     -     The word means to think differently, to reconsider, to do a "U" turn.   It means spiritual transformation of the mind that is contrary to the way of the world.   This will have the effect of changing our ways.   Churches are very reluctant to admit wrong, to accept that they are going in the wrong direction.   Pride forbids them to change, but change we must when the divine assessment writes us off.   The church is presented with divine resources for real spiritual service.    It is not enough to know that these are available; we must put them into practice.    

Saturday 25 June 2016


SARDIS       The Cure        Revelation 3v1. 

"And unto the angel of the church at Sardis write; these things saith He that hath the seven Spirits of God, and the seven stars

The cure for all the ills of the church is of course the Lord Himself.   He presents Himself as the One who has the seven spirits of God, and the seven stars.   In essence He has at His disposal the fullness of the graces and the power of the Holy Spirit for His people; in addition He controls the heavenly sphere where demonic angels seek to bring down His churches, He appoints the angels to limit their movements.   The last mentioned of course was irrelevant in the case of Sardis, since they were so lifeless, the angels were redundant.   However as soon as spiritual life starts to revive, the demonic activity would recommence.   It was perhaps the fear of such attacks that caused them to go into their spiritual slumber in the first place.   Jesus is saying here that He controls the heavens and that He can control our hearts if we will submit to Him.  

The lifeless condition of the people at Sardis was reminiscent of the nation of Israel in Ezekiel chapter 37.   The question was posed  " Can these dry bones live?"   The answer came  " Behold I will cause breath (spirit) to enter into you and ye shall live.....then there came a noise, and a shaking, and they came together bone to bone."   Then he said " prophesy unto the wind oh son of man; come from the four winds o breath, and breathe on these slain that they may live.....and they lived and they stood up, an exceeding army..... ", ready for war ready to do business for God.

What is the answer to spiritual lifelessness?   It is the infusion of the Holy Spirit, known in the new testament as the "filling of the Spirit."   He is with us, He will never leave us, but He will not work with us until conditions are right.   Jesus speaks here of the seven spirits of God.   This phrase occurs four times in the Revelation; chapter 1v6; chapter3v1; chapter 4v5; chapter 5v6.   A summary of these occurrences reveal that He is the executive of the divine counsels, He is the prosecutor of divine judgements, He is commissioned by the risen Christ, and His scope of operations is the world.   The number seven suggests fulness; this is in contrast to the partial works of the Sardis church; Christ offers the unlimited fulness of the powers of the Holy Spirit; not a cup half empty or half full, but a "cup running over."   The Spirit of God is symbolized in scripture in many different and graphic ways.
  • He is fire     -     Refining and burning away all impurities.
  • He is wind     -  Untraceable but powerful.
  • He is oil     -     Energizing and refreshing and commissioning; He is the lubrication which makes the engine run.
  • He is water     -     For the cleansing of the soul.
  • He is rivers of water     -     Not only satisfying us but flowing through us for the blessing of others.  
  • He is the dove     -     Representing purity and sensitivity.   He senses very quickly the presence of evil.
  • He is wine     -     The wine of the soul.   Just as wine intoxicates a man by completely controlling him, so the Spirit can take over our lives completely, a process already mentioned, the "filling of the Spirit". 

All of these deserve a separate study; the last of these fits the present profile perfectly; the cure for spiritual death in the Christian is for the Spirit to completely take over our lives.  We cannot have more of Him, but He wants more of us.  In Galatians chapter five it says  "the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh."   James comments that "the Spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth to envy."   The Holy Spirit wants all of us.   He will not share our hearts with the "flesh".    Jesus has the seven spirits of God, the fulness of spiritual power and blessing and the answer to death is the life-giving graces of the Spirit.   When we allow Him into our lives, Jesus who also holds the seven stars will ensure that any demonic attack is under His control.  

Friday 24 June 2016


SARDIS    The Cause of their lifeless condition       Revelation 3v1-6 

The demise of Sardis had taken place over a period of time.    We don't know the full details, but there are three indicators in the verses, which would serve as a pointer to us today. 
  1.   "Works not perfect before God."    
  2.   "Things remaining which are ready to die."
  3.   "Garments which have been defiled."
Works not perfect before God.

The word "perfect" is pleroo and means complete.   It is used of levelling up a hollow, or cramming full a net, or to execute an office, or to finish a task.   William Barclay pointed out that all Greek words ending in "oo" bring us into the world of accountancy where books need to be balanced and this is the idea.   We are not here speaking of works that save (for no works can ever save us), we are speaking of works of service after we have been saved, and God wants us to do His work in His way.   Like an auditor He assesses our works and inspects our service.   He expects His servants to "measure up."  "All the ways of a man are clean in his own eyes; but the Lord weigheth the spirits."  Proverbs 16v2.   The Lord has weighed the works of the church at Sardis and has found them wanting.   He says to them "I have not found thy works to be perfect before God."   There has been a search and there is now a verdict which is "not perfect, not complete."   In 2nd Timothy 2v15 Paul says to Timothy  "Show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed."    In Colossians 3v23 he says  "Whatsoever you do, do it heartily as to the Lord, and not to men."   In 1st Corinthians 3 Paul encourages us to be careful as to the quality of our work because "the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is."  

God is not only concerned with what we do but how we do it and that means sustaining it right through to the end in the way in which He wants it done.     When Jesus said in John chapter 17  "I have finished the work Thou gavest Me to do," He also said in the same context " I have glorified Thy name."    Service to God if it does not glorify the Father is counted as nothing.   When Paul said  "I have finished the course" he also said in the same context  "I have fought the good fight, I have kept the faith."   There are a number of outstanding examples in scripture where men were said to be perfect so far as God was concerned: Noah was perfect (Genesis 6v9); Job was perfect (Job 1v1 etc.); King David was said to be perfect (1st Kings 15v3).   This does not mean the absence of failure, but it means that the service that they rendered, was to God.   God could say to Satan concerning Job (one that feareth God and escheweth evil).   This is the definition of perfect.  

Things that remain that are ready to die.

We move from the idea of sloppy work for God to the practice of diminishing the work for God to such an extent that there is almost nothing left, and what is left is about to die.   The things of God are being watered down.   No longer public reading of holy scriptures; reduction in time given to teaching ministry; more emphasis on giving to "good causes"; lack of interest in missionary work; preaching lacking proper content and clarity; replacement of the gospel of God with the modern day social gospel.   Everything that we do geared towards names and noses and numbers.  Real spiritual work almost dying out.   What is lacking?   The power of the Holy Spirit.   Why is it lacking in the church?   Because it is lacking in us individually.    He is grieved with us in our lives, He has been quenched publicly in our churches.   He loves us, He wants the best for us but He can no longer work with us or through us.   The church at Sardis had to learn the lesson of the prophet Zechariah 4v6  "Not by might, nor by power, but by My spirit saith the Lord of hosts."  

Garments which have been defiled.

If the Holy Spirit is not filling our hearts, it must be the flesh; and the power to overcome the flesh is impossible without the power of the Spirit.   Garments in scripture speak of  outward manifestation of inward character.   The bride in Revelation chapter 19 is said to be "dressed in white which are the righteous acts of the saints."   In Ephesians chapter 5 and Colossians chapter 3 we are encouraged by the power of the Spirit to "put off the old man" and "put on the new man."   Just as we discard dirty clothes and exchange them for new clean clothes, so it is in our spiritual lives.   Paul said in Romans 13v14  "put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the lust of the flesh."   In a way,, the details of which we are not informed, the saints at Sardis were living lives of public disgrace to God.   There was a temple in Sardis, and no member of the public was allowed to enter it with soiled clothes; so Jesus is saying here to them, why do you enter My temple with the stain of sin on your character?

In essence the cause of their drastic condition before the Lord was that their priorities were wrong, the things of the world were more important to them than the things of God, reputation was more important than character, and the end of this pathway is spiritual death.

Thursday 23 June 2016


SARDIS        The dead church      Revelation 3v1-6.   

"Thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead.......". 

Only six verses, but there is so much content we are going to look at it under five separate headings:
  1. The condition of the church at Sardis.
  2. The cause of their condition.
  3. The cure for their condition.
  4. The counsel from the Lord.
  5. The compensation for overcoming.
The condition of the church at Sardis.

Their condition was simply that in the eyes of the Lord they were dead.   Like the city in which they resided, the church was living on past glories.   This city had known times of wealth and status and influence, as well as being an impregnable fortress; but all that had gone and now they were in reality a nonentity.   Kingdoms rise and fall, cities rise and fall, and it appears it is the same with churches.   A football manager knows that his players are only as good as their last appearance, so with Christians.    Their reputation was intact "I know thy works that thou hast a name that thou livest," but the reality of spiritual life had gone.   They still had the name but no longer the power.   They had become like those Paul had predicted in 2nd Timothy 3v5  "having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof."    Externals were still in view, but the internals had disappeared.   Sardis was an empty religious shell.   It was like Ezekiel's "valley of dry bones."   The evidence of past life was there but there was only death.   It was a church of false pretention, with unfulfilled potential, and unfinished works, dead in spirit, whilst alive in name.   What they preached didn't equate with what they were.   If ever there was a church which depicted the reality of many churches today, it is this one.  

The divine eye pierces through the sham of Sardis.   They were Christians only in name.   They confused works done before men  with spiritual exercise to God.   They were happy to call themselves both individually and collectively by the Name, and happy that others outside of them thought the same.   It was not that they were not doing any works.   He says "I know thy works" but they were doing it for the sake of reputation, to maintain the former image.   They still taught the children, sang the hymns, said prayers, listened to the sermons.   There was evidence of things going on.   Perhaps too much was going on, but for the wrong reasons.   They were in the words of Jesus "doing their alms to be seen of men."   They had the reputation but not the character, and the divine assessment was that they were dead.  

Is it possible for a church to be dead?   The church is "the church of the living God."   It was breathed into life on the day of Pentecost by the Holy Spirit.   Each individual member since then has been indwelt by the Holy Spirit of God since the day they were saved.   In just over 30 years the power of the Holy Spirit swept across three continents, the numbers increased, the quality increased, they overcame all difficulties and took the faith of Christ across the world.   They were altogether of one accord, they loved one another fervently,(and this was visible).   The life of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit dwelt in them and flowed through them.   Can any church which is a part of all that die?   He does not mean dead in the eternal sense (although this condition may raise doubts) He means dead as far as their spiritual lives and their usefulness to God was concerned.  

Even Satan knew they were dead.   the activity of Satan mentioned in the churches of Smyrna, Pergamos & Thyatira, at least gave the reality that there was some life amongst them despite the problems.   This church is so spiritually lifeless that Satan didn't need to bother them.   There is no mention of persecution as at Smyrna; there is no false doctrine as at Pergamos; there is no moral depravity as at Thyatira.   There is just one great big NOTHING.   It was just a name and nothing else.   It was a church bereft of spiritual life and power.   Phrases like  "clouds without water"  and "trees without fruit" are relevant to this church.

The clue perhaps lies in the meaning of Sardis  -  "things remaining."   In the church at Thyatira, we considered the people remaining as a godly remnant of a corrupt church.   At Sardis we have the remnant, not of people but of the things of God that have been so watered down that anything of godliness about them is ready to die.    A lifeless church, paddling in the shadows when there is an ocean to swim in; eating at the scraps of spiritual life when there is a five star restaurant laid out for us every day; drinking at the broken cisterns when there is a fountain of living waters provided for us; living in the flesh when the Spirit seeks to flood our souls with the glory of God.   Taking a modern look at it we could point to bible-less sunday schools; lifeless repetitive prayer meetings; poverty stricken worship; the absence of holy ghost preaching; the minimizing of bible teaching.   All these are an evidence of spiritual death.   The apostle James said " as the body without the spirit is dead so faith without works is dead."  James 2v26   Are we grieving the Holy Spirit in our individual lives?    Are we quenching the Holy Spirit in our churches?   If so the result will be the same as Sardis, spiritual death. For a church to be alive it requires the active free operation of the Spirit.  

Wednesday 22 June 2016


THYATIRA    The Compensation       Revelation 2v 26-29.

"And he that overcometh and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations: and He shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father.   And I will give Him the morning star.   He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches."      

"He that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him."  (Hebrews 11v6); so wrote the writer to the Hebrews.   There is no doubt that God rewards faithful service.   Jesus defines what is meant by "the overcomer;" it is "he who keepeth My works unto the end."   The demand on the Christian is for perseverance and loyalty even in the midst of departure, even when others around us are falling away.   The level of compensation here for faithful service is quite staggering.   Jesus is speaking here of global domination.   So we ask, what is the link between the church at Thyatira and the idea of global domination?   There is little doubt that the object of political Rome was global domination (this failed).   In like manner, religious Rome which is the "child of the church at Thyatira" also had in mind global domination in the spiritual sense (this will also fail).   The evidence for this is that the counterfeit church, which had its beginnings here, is stated in chapter 17 to have the goal of spiritual domination "over peoples and multitudes and nations and tongues." (Revelation 17v15).  the link therefore becomes abundantly clear, that what ungodly people seek whether politically or religiously (and which they will never achieve) will be given to the humble, devoted servants of the Lord.
  • "I will give power over the nations."     -     Jesus told His disciples in Matthew chapter 28 the all power (authority) had been given unto Him in heaven and on earth.   He is now saying to faithful believers I will give you a public status of authority over the nations.   It is as if He was saying "you may be marginalized now, even in a minority, and in lowly status in your situation, but in that day everyone will know you and you will become part of My global empire."   What men wanted, yet failed to achieve, without Me, I will give it to you.   He said to His disciples in Luke 22 v 30  " you will sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel."   In 1st Corinthians chapter 6v2&3 the apostle makes clear that "the saints shall judge the world" and "we shall judge angels."     In Revelation 20v4 it says " I saw thrones and they that sat upon them and judgement was given to them."   In Revelation 20v6 it says  "Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and Christ and shall reign with Him 1,000 years.
  • He says further "He shall rule them (the nations) with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers."     -    When Christ sets up His kingdom on this earth, as He surely will, the world will continue pretty much as it is today with one great difference, His word will be law in all nations, "The law of the Lord shall go forth from Jerusalem."   Isaiah 2v3, and all sin and rebellion will immediately be put down.   The saints, those saved by the grace of God and faithful to God in their lives will have a part in this wondrous administration, the level of which will be determined by their loyalty here; but all will have a part.   Daniel says in chapter 2v44  "The God of heaven shall set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces, and consume all these kingdoms and it shall stand forever.   What we have promised here is to be part of a worldwide government which will control all rebellion with no possibility of failure.
  • There is an interesting contrast here, showing the nature of the rule of Christ, because the word for "rule" is to "tend as a shepherd" and yet it is allied to inflexible judgement such that all sin and rebellion will be crushed.   There is a combination of tenderness and mighty power in connection with His rule.   The word for "rule" again is used three times in the book of Revelation.   In chapter 7v17 it is rendered "He shall feed them."   In chapter 12v5  it is rendered  "to rule as a shepherd all nations with a rod of iron."    Again in chapter 19v15 it is rendered the same.   The One who will rule this world has an unalterable hatred of sin, but at the same time has a tender shepherd heart.  
  • He continues "even as I received of My Father."    -   The authority His Father gave Him to rule the world in righteousness and in tenderness, He will give exactly the same to His faithful people and they will become the administrators of the kingdom with the blessing of the Father God.   This whole passage was predicted in Psalms 2v6-9.   It is stated in the form of a divine decree .   The Father (Jehovah God) completely satisfied and delighted with all that His Son had done said "Thou art My Son; this day have I begotten Thee.   Ask of Me and I shall give Thee the nations for Thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for Thy possession."   In the language of the New Testament where He is seen to be the "heir of all things" we are seen to be "joint heirs with Christ."   What a staggering thought!
  • There's more  "And I will give Him the morning star."     -     What is He saying here?   Very simply the morning star hails the dawning of a new day.   In Revelation 22v16  He Himself is the morning star.   When the old earth was created it was stated that "when the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy." Job 38v7   This was at the creation of the world.   The significance of the morning star here is that it is the dawning of the new creation and we human beings will have a part, we are now the sons of God, we will share this glorious new day, a day that will never have a night, that will continue for all eternity.  

Tuesday 21 June 2016


THYATIRA     The Counsel        Revelation 2v24-25.

                                                      "..........Hold fast till I come".

The amplified version puts theses verses more coherently as follows; "But to the rest of you in Thyatira, who do not hold this teaching, who have not explored and known the depths of Satan, as they say, I tell you that I do not lay upon you any other burden: only hold fast to what you have until I come.

"To the rest of you"   -   He now speaks to the remnant of the church in Thyatira.   There has been serious moral and spiritual departure, which is now under divine condemnation.   In such circumstances, the Lord acts, as He has always done, by sparing "the remnant."   Jezebel, and "those with her" and her children are judged, but the remnant are spared.   History has shown that there has been always a remnant of people faithful to God in times of departure.   It would seem that, from this point on, remnant conditions will prevail in the churches.   Following Thyatira to the church at Sardis he says "thou hast a few names also in Sardis which have not defiled their garments."   (chapter 3v4)   At Philadelphia, the focus is on weakness "thou hast a little strength."( chapter 3v8).   At Laodicea the call is to the individual to open the door to fellowship with Christ (chapter 3v20)   The trend is that of remnant conditions.   These last four churches of the seven could be covered by the phrase used by Zechariah  "the day of small things."    Perhaps this is why the command to hear the Holy Spirit comes after the promise to the overcomer (the reverse is true in the first three churches) because the last message he means them to hear in remnant conditions is the importance of obedience to the Spirit.

Over 500 times the scriptures present the concept of the remnant.   it is not the idea of "left overs" or "cut offs" as in pieces of carpet, it carries more the idea of the cream rising to the surface.   The Hebrews word yesher has the idea of "excellence" or "superiority."   Noah and his family were remnants of their day.   Only Lot and his two daughters were spared from Sodom.   Scripture speaks of the "remnants of nations" following divine judgement (Amos 9v12).   Also mentioned are the remnants of Israel and Judea in times of captivity.   When God acts in judgment He always leaves a remnant.
  • 1st Kings 19v11-18     -     After the slaughter of the prophets of Baal, Elijah complained to the Lord that he was the only one left.   the reply of the Lord is " yet have I left Me 7,000 in Israel, all the knees which have not bowed unto Baal.  
  • 2nd Kings 19v30-31     -     "And the remnant that is escaped of the house of Judea shall yet again take root downward and bare fruit upward.   For out of Jerusalem shall go forth a remnant."
  • Isaiah 1 v 9       -      "Except the Lord of hosts had left unto us a very small remnant, we should have been as Sodom."
  • Isaiah 6v 12-13     -     And there shall be a great forsaking in the midst of the land but yet in it shall be a tenth, and it shall return."
  • Isaiah 10v 22     -     "For though  thy people Israel be as the sand of the sea, yet a remnant of them shall return."
  • Jeremiah 23 v3     -     "And I will gather the remnant of My flock out of all countries whether I have driven them and will bring them again to their folds."  
  • Zephaniah 3v13     -     "The remnant of Israel ........ shall feed and lie down and none shall make them afraid."
  • Zechariah 8 v 12     -     "For the seed shall be prosperous; the vine shall give her fruit, and the ground shall give her increase, and the heavens shall give their dew; and I will cause the remnant of this people to possess all things."
  • Romans 11 v 5     -      "Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace."
In every era of time, there has been a remnant for God no matter how dark the days and no matter how heavy the judgment.   It is still true today in the context of the church.   The New Testament epistles brim with the forecast that serious departure will come in post- apostolic days, but God will maintain His remnant.   The question is, what are we to do in times like that?   Firstly, it is note worthy that there is no command to leave the church.   We are commanded to disassociate with heathen temples (2nd Corinthians 6); Paul separated from the Jewish synagogues (Acts 18) because they had rejected Christ.   So what are we to do?     The Lord simply says "Hold fast till I come."   We cannot unravel history, but we should take care not to perpetuate it.   We are simply asked to hold fast to the things that we have which are honouring to God.   The word is very strong - krateo it means to use strength.   He illustrates this in verse 26 when he says  "He that keepeth My words unto the end."   We are to keep a firm grasp, and hold fast what God has revealed to us in the midst of departure to the end.     This trend continues in the next two churches.     At Sardis (chapter 3v2) he says  "strengthen the things that remain."   At Philadelphia (chapter 3v8-11)  he says " thou hast a little strength.... hold fast that thou hast."   In days of serious departure all the Lord wants us to do is to hold the ground that we have and not to yield an inch no matter the cost.

Monday 20 June 2016


THYATIRA       The Challenge      Revelation 2v21-23. 

It is a serious matter to corrupt the temple of God.    Sometimes, when adjustments have to be made in the church, leaders or elders are asked to take action as necessary.   Here the situation was so grave, only the Lord could deal with it.   Paul said in 1st Corinthians 3v17 "....if any defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy....";  the Son of God, Himself, is confronting the evil culture that has been allowed a foothold in His church.    Before He will deal with the evil in the world (chapters 6-19), He must root it out in the church for "judgment must begin at the house of God" (1st Peter 4v17).
  • "I gave her space to repent....."    -   The judgment on Jezebel.   The first thing to notice is that His judgment is always marked with forbearance.   He gives even the worst of defilers space and time to change their ways.   This is contrary to normal human behavior but God always acts in the perfect balance of His character, that of righteousness and that of forbearance.   Paul, writing to the Romans said, "despisest thou the riches of His goodness and forbearance and longsuffering, not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth to repentance."   The Lord is "slow to wrath" and "judgement is His strange work"."   He gives people time to repent.   The rebels of Noah's day were given 120 years.   He gave the Amorites 400 years. He gave the people of Nineveh 40 days.   He gives everyone time to repent of their evil ways.   In a future day the judgments begin at low level, and increases in intensity to give people the chance to repent.   Sadly, in most cases, the result is the same "they repented not."   Revelation 9v20 says "the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues repented not of the works of their hands."   Here the woman Jezebel repented not.   So it is, and so it will be with many today.  
  • Divine Justice  -   He declares judgment upon Jezebel, and all who follow her, and all her children.   The level of judgement is in line with the nature of her evil.   He charges her with fornication, which would be both physical and spiritual.   The word porneia is used to describe all forms of sexual immorality.   She found pleasure in the bed and promoted that way to others; her judgment was to be a bed, but not of pleasure, only of sickness.   We are slow to understand the meaning of the unalterable law of sowing and reaping which says "whatsoever a man soweth  that shall he also reap."   From that day, at the Divine decree she lost her health.   He turns now to those who have committed adultery with her (alongside of her- following her example).   He warns them of "great tribulation" if they do not repent.   These are serious troubles to be brought upon them if they continued in this pathway.   He continues "I will kill her children with death."   I can only think this refers to her spiritual progeny who would follow her evil example in generations to come.   Just as we all bear children physically in our own image, so we bear them in a spiritual sense.   The solemnity of this is very clear.  How we live affects our generations down the line.   Isaac repeated the same sin as his father Abraham ( Genesis 26).   The patriarch Jacob predicted that the progeny of Reuben would follow in his errant ways (Genesis 49).   Sin is in the genes, and if we live in departure from God we are likely to produce children of the same character.   Exodus chapter 20 reveals that the Lord  "visits the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate Him."   Jezebel, her contemporary followers, and her progeny all under the judgment of the Lord; the bed of sickness, great tribulation, death.  
  • A severe example to all   -   In the severity of His judgement, the Lord Jesus is making an example of this church, that is to stand as a beacon of warning to all churches who would follow in this evil practice.   He says  "and all the churches shall know that I am He which searcheth the reins and hearts and I will give unto everyone of you according to your works."   This is the most solemn warning to all churches, and all individuals within those churches, that He will not tolerate evil being practiced in His presence.   It is the same as spoken by Jude in his epistle that Sodom & Gomorrah "are set forth for an example", suffering the vengeance of eternal fire."   The warning beacon to the world are these cities of the plain which in a moment's time were obliterated from the face of the earth because of their continual debauchery in the sight of God.  In like manner the church at Thyatira stands as a beacon of warning to all believers.
The One who walks amongst us is the Son of God, with eyes like unto a flame of fire and His feet like fine brass.   He searches the reins and hearts, there is nothing hid from His understanding; He knows not only our actions and our thoughts but the deep seated motives that cause us to live and act as we do.   He completes the judgment by saying that He would return to everyone according to their works.   For good or bad justice will be done.   He gives us all time to change our ways but in the end He will act.

Sunday 19 June 2016


THYATIRA      The Corruption         Revelation 2v20.

"Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce My servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed to idols".

The problem at Thyatira was the toleration of evil doctrine ( which led to evil practice ).   The force behind the word "sufferest" is actually "sufferest without protest" tolerating an obviously evil doctrine, turning a blind eye to it and continuing in active service as if nothing is wrong.   This is the opposite problem to that at Ephesus.   At Ephesus they were weak in love and strong in doctrine; at Thyatira they were strong in love but weak in doctrine.   Polarization, the tendency to one extreme or the other, is the order of the day in the church, as it is in the world.   God wants His people to find a balance between truth and love and follow the example of His perfect Servant in whom was blended fullness of grace and fullness of truth.   At Ephesus they had empty hearts; at Thyatira they had empty heads.   Both are toxic to the spiritual health of God's people.   Take a simple example from nature; the common salt of the earth is made up of two chemical poisons, sodium and chloride.   Taken separately they can kill the body, but together they form sodium chloride, simple table salt which is in every day use for the flavouring of food for the health of the body.   So it is in spiritual things.
  • Jezebel     -     Probably not her real name but because she was in character like her Old Testament counterpart, Jesus gave her this name.   She called herself a prophetess (she was not); she taught God's people publicly (she is forbidden to do this).   Her teaching was leading the church into to practices of evil, just like the Jezebel of the Old Testament.   The story is found in 1st Kings chapter 16 - 21.   She was a Zidonian princess who worshipped the god Baal.   She married the King of Israel (who worshipped God) and sough the rest of her life to mix the worship of God with the worship of Baal.   This New testament Jezebel sought to marry the church with the evil world system around.
  • The trade guilds     -     Thyatira was a city whose commerce was controlled by a number of trade guilds.   In order to make a living you needed to become a member of one these because they controlled every profession, and without that you could not work.   The problem with it was the conditions of membership which involved the following; regular attendance at social occasions; involvement in temple worship, which lead to fornication with temple prostitutes.   It was a culture of evil under the guise of material prosperity.   There is little doubt that Jezebel was teaching that they should become members, and go along with the culture in order to maintain a prosperous life style and indeed to fund the good works for which they had become famous.  
  • Doctrines of demons     -     The problem with all this is that it led the people of God to the worship of idols, the same as the former Jezebel had done in Israel.   "This seduction" of God's servants was very strong, because it involved the need to work and make a living.   Jesus called her doctrine "the depths of Satan."   It is Satan's masterplan to use the basic needs of day to day living to cause God's people to compromise, because they have to live and work in a world of evil.   The same seduction is present very strongly today.   The temptation to compromise for the sake of material gain is very real.   The Lord who has "the fullness of the earth" at His disposal is well able to make up any material loss because of faithfulness to Him.   The danger of compromise is all around us, the doctrines of demons are very subtle.   Such teaching and practice as was tolerated at Thyatira is unacceptable to the Lord.

Saturday 18 June 2016


THYATIRA     the Commendation        Revelation 2v19.

"I know thy works, and charity, and service, and faith, and thy patience, and thy works; and the last to be more than the first".

As always, Jesus commences with an appreciation of all the good they are doing.   This is surprising, considering the level of corruption being tolerated in the church.   It is a lesson from the Master himself to all of us, that we should have the grace to acknowledge in others the good features in them, no matter how we may disagree with them.   This is especially so since we have limited (and sometimes biased) knowledge of them.   There is no prejudice or flattery in His praise of them.   He misses nothing, making a careful note of every detail.   He is able to point out four outstanding features which if present together in any church, would make it, by any standards, a thriving church.   He notes their works and enumerates four of them;  their love, their service, their faith, and their endurance.  
  • Their works     -     They are a busy church.   They are following their Master who "went about doing good."   In the language of Paul they are  "always abounding in the work of the Lord."   Although we are not saved by works, we are saved "unto good works."   Paul, writing to Titus, lays out the pattern for good Christian living.   "Sound words" and "good works" were to be the twin graces characterizing every Christian.   The church at Thyatira came badly short in the matter of sound words, but they were noted for their good works.   In Titus 3v8 the apostle said  "that they which have believed in God be careful to maintain good works."   Doing works for the Lord will take many forms, and it is said that when Christians leave this life "their works do follow them."   It is good to ask what works am I doing for the Lord?  
  • "I know thy love"     -     Not merely philanthropic love, but sacrificial love, love that went beyond the call of duty to our fellow man.   The Greek word he uses is "agape" this is the kind of love that can only come from God.   It is more than the "milk of human kindness" it is a care and concern that seeks the other person's ultimate good.   It is the outworking of the "love God -love man" scenario.   It is the love of God Himself flowing through me to others.   This kind of love is defined in detail in 1st Corinthians chapter 13; this involved selfless service and consideration toward others.   Jesus used this same word when He said to Peter "lovest thou Me?"   Peter replied with a different word for love, as much as to say I love you from a human point of view but no more.   Agape love is a much deeper love than fellow feeling and is the love that the saints at Thyatira demonstrated.  
  • "I know thy service"     -     The word is "diakonos" which means humble service.     It was used in the New Testament to describe table waiters, helpers, those engaging in manual service, those who preach, those who teach, those who are involved in an administration of any kind, or simply the conveying of a gift.   Translated "deacons" or "deacon service" in scripture, it seems to describe any work which is undertaken for the church on a regular basis.   This was a vibrant, efficient church.
  • "I know thy faith"     -     This may refer to their adherence to the body of faith common to all believers, or it may refer to their personal faith or trust in the Lord for day to day living.   Whatever it is, it is commendable.   The Christian life is all about faith.   It commences with faith, it continues with faith, and will only give place to sight in eternity.   Peter caught the idea when he wrote  "Whom having not seen ye love, in whom though now you see Him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory,"   Jesus Himself when he was here remarked on the different levels of faith He found around Him.   He spoke of "little faith" - "great faith" - "faith that can remove mountains."   He appreciates the faith of these good people.  
  • "I know your patience"  (endurance)     -     This spiritual life which they were living had been proven in the cauldron of experience, and through many trials.   The idea of endurance is that which has stood the test of time.   There is a sense in these four graces which  Jesus commended of them, that love would lead to service, and faith would lead to endurance.   The saints at Thyatira had become "like a tree planted by the rivers of water" (Psalm 1).

In summary, they were a busy church, they were a loving church, they were an efficient church, they were a loyal church, and they were a strong church.   He finished by saying about those works  "The last are better than the first."   This was a growing church, a progressive church, they did not sit on their laurels.   Their works for God were increasing all the time.   Unlike the church at Ephesus who were told to go back and do the first works, these had progressed and were growing all the time, as to the amount of work they were doing and as to the quality of the same.   What more could anyone ask for from a church?  

Perhaps the sad reality is that their activity was masking their amorality (the condition of being morally neutral).   They were compromising, in that they tolerated known and visible evil amongst them.   No church, no matter the other commendable features about them, can continue the work of God while tolerating evil.   Such was the church at Thyatira.  

Friday 17 June 2016


THYATIRA        The Corrupt church      Revelation 2v18-29. 

"These things saith the Son of God, who hath His eyes like unto a flame of fire, and His feet are like fine brass."   

Jesus reserves His most imposing characteristics for this church, in a threefold demonstration of power.   His status in the universe; He is the unrivaled Son of God.   His discernment of all untruth and evil; His eyes as a flame of fire. His power to enact judgement as and when necessary His feet like unto fine brass.   He presents Himself thus, perhaps for two reasons.   Firstly the city's deity, the sun god Tyrimnas was depicted as a military warrior with battle axe drawn - the symbol of crushing military power.   Secondly, the nature of the apostasy in the church at Thyatira was such that it needed reminding of who Jesus is.  

One of the meanings of the name Thyatira is  "continuous sacrifice."   It was a city marked by constant sacrifice to this warrior sun god.   We are now in possession of historical facts, and the counterpart of the church at Thyatyra,the church of Rome, was to instigate a doctrine of " continuous sacrifice " which is now practiced in the perpetual sacrifice of the mass, and is known as the "doctrine of transubstantion".   This doctrine denies the finished work of Christ and alleges that individual members must take the mass regularly.   In this subtle way they gained dominination in the matter of salvation, proclaiming that they themselves were the source of salvation.   Scripture clearly states  "By one offering, He hath perfected forever them that are sanctified."   Hebrews 10v14   This heinous teaching which says Christ dies again every time the mass is offered, became the unacceptable doctrine which gave rise to the Protestant movement.   This teaching was at the heart of the martyrdom of many thousands of protestants during the dark ages of the sixth to the sixteenth centuries, spanning over 1,000 years.  

The heresies adopted by the modern Roman Catholic church have become known for its "three M's" which represent serious departures from the faith.  
  • M for Mary      The mother of Jesus whom they have elevated to equal status with Christ, and made her co-redemptrix with Him.    Mary herself never taught or thought this, but it has become the idolatrous doctrine of this church.  
  • M for Mass      Representing apostasy;  not now denying the unique status of the Person of Christ, but denying the efficacy of His work.   No Roman Catholic priest nor cardinal nor pope can offer salvation to any human being, only Christ.   The mass represents a deception unparalled in religious history.  
  • M for Magisterium     -     The spiritual tyranny of the Roman heirarchy claiming sole rights of interpretation of holy scripture; the popes declaring themselves to be infallible in matters of doctrine, and that anyone outside of this is not Christian.
Jesus knew what would develop from the demon- seeds planted at Thyatira.   He called it  "the depths of Satan;"  He arrays Himself as a buffer against this tyrannical falsehood that was to come in later times, and indeed is now with us.   He presents Himself as Son of God.   In chapter 1 and chapter 14  He is "Son of Man."   That title links Him to humanity; the title Son of God links Him alone to Deity.   In a city from which "Mariolatry" would emerge, on the basis that she was "the mother of God" (which she was not) He stands alone as the Son of God without an equal and without a rival.   Mary was the vessel by whom He came into the world; there her role ended, although in the process she has become a very blessed human being indeed.   There are many titles in the New Testament referring to Christ:   Son of David as to His royalty; Son of Abraham as to His nationality; Son of Man as to His humanity; Son of Mary as to His humility; Son of Joseph as to His genealogy; Son of the Blessed as to His Dignity; Son of God as to His Deity.   No human being can be placed alongside Him.   No church has sole rights of anything about Him.   He founded the church, not on Peter or any man or His mother Mary, but on Himself  "Christ the Son of the Living God." Matthew chapter 16   He is supreme in the universe and in nature and in churches throughout the stratas of power which are in existence.   He is absolute Deity, He is the Son of God.   His eyes are as a flame of fire; He knows everything about everyone; His piercing eyes will burn out all falsehood and error; He exposes error; He is fire; He sees through the hypocrisy of false religion; we cannot fool Him, we cannot escape His vision, He sees and knows all.   His feet are as fine brass; He possesses the living power to subject all His enemies under His feet.   He will subdue all things unto Himself (Philippians 4 & 1st Corinthians 15) He will judge the world in righteousness.   This is how He appears to a church corrupting itself with false teaching.

Thursday 16 June 2016


PERGAMOS     The Compensation:     Revelation 2v17-18. 

"He that hath an ear to hear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna ,and will give Him a white stone and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth save he that receiveth it"  

Rewards for faithfulness are an integral part of bible teaching, and here the Lord sets before the church three amazing gifts of the future:
  1. Eternal provision      the hidden manna.
  2. Eternal freedom        the white stone.
  3. Eternal dignity          the new name.  
In the hidden manna we have the thought of eternal provision, an inexhaustible supply for the soul!
The manna was the food of God's people for a wilderness journey, the spiritual imagery is obvious; this world is a barren wilderness for the soul of God's people.   A world which is anti-God and anti-Christ can never provide for the needs of those who are in Christ. That Jesus Himself is the food of God's people (spiritually speaking), is made clear in John chapter 6.   There Jesus explains that He is "the Bread of Life."   For the Christian there is no life worth talking about apart from Him.   He says He is "the true bread from heaven; He says "I am the bread of God who has come down from heaven and giveth life unto the world;"   "I am the bread of life, he that cometh to Me shall never hunger;"   "I am the bread from heaven, which if a man eat he shall never die, he shall live forever;"    "The bread that I shall give, is My flesh which I will give for the life of the world."   Jesus came to tell us that there is more to life than material things, and that He Himself is the very bread that the human soul needs.   Jesus is not only our Saviour, He is also our sustainer, and our satisfaction. We feed on Christ by studying His word of which He is the primary subject.   The understanding of the manna can be found in Exodus16, Numbers 11, and Psalm 78.
  • The manna was supernatural food   (1st Corinthians 10 & Psalm 78)   It is described in Psalm 78 in a two-fold way; first,  as "the corn of heaven" and secondly, "the food of angels."   In the first of these we see that nothing of this earth produced this bread which fed a nation of several millions in a desert for forty years!   This is a historically indisputable fact.   Secondly, the food of angels carries the idea of "the food of the mighty," and it was not merely good for food, but it was a source of spiritual power.  
  • It descended from heaven on the morning dew every single day for forty years and was sufficient for every family of the nation.  
  • It was small and round and tasted of sweetness and fresh oil.   All of these refer to features of Christ.  
  • It was unique.   They called it "manna" because they did not know what it was and the name means "what is it?"   There was nothing to compare with it of anything else they had ever seen.  
In summary it was an inexhaustible supply of supernatural food and spiritual power for all God's people.   When Jesus speaks of eating of the "hidden manna"  He is referring to what will sustain God's people for all eternity.   The hidden manna is that which was only seen by the eye of God while He was here.   Very little was recorded of His many years in Nazareth; we know something of His life, but there were things only God saw that we will feed on then.   There were many things in His public ministry and especially in His death that were hidden from the eyes of men.   John the apostle said in chapter 21 that only a small sample of "signs" were recorded, and that if they were written every one, he said "I suppose the world itself could not contain the books that should be written."   Christ will become the food of God's people forever, is what is behind this statement.

He also mentions the white stone; it is difficult to know what the Lord meant by this, but the clearest suggestion which would fit with the context of "the overcomer" is that it was the practice in those days to reward the victors at the games with a white pebble containing their name, which when produced would give them freedom of access to all public events.   It was a symbol of honour. similar to someone today receiving "the freedom of a city."   There is little doubt that severe restrictions were placed on Christians in this godless city.   In compensation for their loss they will be granted the freedom of the universe.   God knows how to compensate and he will.

The third reward mentioned is that of the new name written:  if the manna speaks of eternal provision, and the stone speaks of eternal freedom. the new name speaks of eternal dignity.   In a rising population, people complain of "just being a number",  an environment in which your name means nothing.   This symbol of the new name carries the idea of dignity that God will give to every individual Christian in the world to come.   Furthermore this name would be known only to the individual and to the Lord.   It is rather like having (incredible thought), and we have to say this reverently, a hot line to God.   What dignity does this confer on human beings who at best in life have been taken for granted, and at worse have been severely abused.   God grants dignity, and that for eternity upon those who overcome in His name.
Eternal provision, eternal freedom, eternal dignity!!  Who wouldn't want to belong to Christ?   

Wednesday 15 June 2016


PERGAMOS        The Correction     Revelation 2v16.  

"Repent, or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth".  

The correction is summed up in one word "repent;" change your mind, change your thinking about this, go another way.   The command was backed up by a very clear threat.   The power behind this threat is awesome.   Pergamos was not only a religious pagan city, it was also the seat of the judicial power of the Roman emperor in Asia Minor.   The Roman pro-consul who ruled the city with a rod of iron had a symbol of an upright sword in his hand (i.e. the constant threat of punishment).   This symbol would be changed when judgement was pronounced, and the sword became horizontal.   Jesus uses the same symbolism, which the church would understand.   If the judicial power of Rome was great, His was greater.   In order to effect His judgement He needed no army, He would act simply "with the sword of His mouth."   His word would be enough to punish the perpetrators of evil in His church.   The solemn picture is graphically drawn for us in Numbers 25v3-9, the section of which begins and ends as follows  "the anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel....... and those that died in the plague was twenty four thousand."   The Jesus of the New Testament has the same attitude to public sin amongst His people as the God of the Old Testament.   He says  "I will come quickly."   When God decides to act in judgement it is swift.   We should not presume on our right to remain on this earth.   The Lord of all glory wields the sword and expects behavior from those who claim to be His people.   His church must be cleansed.   John the Baptist said "He will thoroughly purge His floor."   Matthew 3v12.

His message to the church is to excommunicate these people.  " Thou hast there them that hold this doctrine."   So heinous is this doctrine they should not be there in His church.   In the New Testament there are various courses of action to deal with doctrinal and moral evil; if we don't judge the evil, He must and He will.  

  • 1st Corinthians 5v13   -   "Therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person."   This chapter is about purging from the company people who are serial fornicators, extortioners, idolaters, covetous people, railers (false accusers), drunkards.
  • 1st Timothy 6v3-5          -  "If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is according to godliness; he is proud, knowing nothing, but dotting about questions and strifes of words, whereof cometh envy, strife, railings, evil surmisings, perverse disputings of men with corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself."
  • 2nd Timothy 2v20-21     -    "But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honor, and some to dishonor."   If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honor, sanctified, and meet for the Master's use, and prepared unto every good work." 
  • 1st Timothy 1v19-20     -      "Holding faith and a good conscience; which some having put away concerning the faith have made shipwreck; of whom is Hymenaeus and Alexander; whom I have delivered unto Satan, that they may learn not to blaspheme."  
  • Titus 3v10                     -        "A man that is an heretic after the first and second admonition reject;  knowing that he that is such is subverted and sinneth, being condemned of himself."
Clearly serious matters of doctrine and morality must be addressed in the churches.   There are other lesser forms of discipline that do not involve the extreme act of excommunication.   Titus 1v11  "whose mouths must be stopped."  ;   Titus 1v13  "Rebuke sharply"  ;  1st Timothy 6v20  "Avoid profane and vain babblings"  ;  2nd Thessalonians 3v6  "Withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly."    The course of repentance in a church context is never easy.   It may involve persuasion, visitation, constant prayer, and perhaps ultimately discipline.   All such discipline must always be with a view to restoration.   Church life involves much more than singing hymns and giving sermons.   Sometimes action has to be taken for the good of the company and for the honor of our Lord.