Tuesday 25 July 2023


Caiaphas the imposter high priest    19-27)  The high priest asked Jesus of His disciples and of His doctrine.  Jesus answered him. I spoke openly to the world, I ever taught in the synagogue and in the temple, whither the Jews always resort; and in secret have I said nothing. Why asketh thou me?  Ask them which heard me, what I have said unto them; behold, they know what I said.  And when He had thus spoken, one of the officers which stood by struck Jesus with the palm of his hand, saying, answerest thou the high priest so?  Jesus answered him, if I have spoken evil, bear witness of the evil, but if well, why smites thou me?  Now Annas had sent him bound unto Caiaphas the high priest.  And Simon Peter stood and warmed himself. They said therefore unto him Art thou not also one of his disciples?  He denied it, and said, I am not.  One of the servants of the high priest, being his kinsman, whose ear Peter cut off said, did not I see thee in the garden with Him? Then Peter denied again and immediately the cock the crew.”

Caiaphas was not appointed by God, and he had no moral authority over Jesus, but Jesus ignored this fact and answered directly.  He did not receive the same courtesy in return but He answered in such a way they could not gainsay Him.  He could point to His very public teaching which was known by all, and their response was to attempt to violently silence Him.  It was Annas the former high priest who sent Jesus to Caiaphas.  Meanwhile Peter, remained outside, warming himself by the fire.  He was challenged a second and third time, and still he denied, even when recognised by a kinsman of the man whom Peter had injured.  Other records show that he denied vehemently with oaths and curses.  The cock crowed, and Jesus warning to Peter was fulfilled.  How many imposters are there like Caiaphas, who masquerade as spokesmen for God, when in fact they speak for themselves.  Jesus made it clear that those who speak for God, speak the truth of God which is in the public domain.  The Lord said there were false prophets claiming to speak for Him, but He did not send them-Jeremiah 27v15; Ezekiel 13v2-7, and many others.  Caiaphas joined a long line of spiritual frauds, who are also proliferating in the present day.  Do not be fooled by religious garb or sanctimonious words.  The only test is doctrine which is in line with the Divinely revealed word.

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