Friday 22 July 2022

The wind blows....

 John chapter 3v7-8

New birth is a fundamental biblical truth; it is even found in the Old Testament-Ezekiel 36v36, and in the last book of the bible-Revelation 21v1, and 21v5, “Behold I make all things new.”   God is finished with this old fallen world and its ungodly ways that even the best of religion cannot improve.  We must be made anew or have no part with Him.  This is a matter of necessity, it is not an option, only those born of the Spirit are in the kingdom of God.  Nicodemus had addressed Him as an equal, he said “Rabbi”-respected teacher, which he was himself; He did not address Him as Son of God, or Messiah, or Lord, which He was.  There are many religions today which acknowledge Jesus to be a great teacher, but stop short of calling Him Lord.  To them He was a good man among good men, not one who had the authority of Deity, which is what Jesus has to assert now.  The kingdom of God is the sphere of God’s rule that is coming to earth and refers to the Messianic rule of Christ in the future kingdom.  It has partial fulfilment in the hearts of believers now, but ultimately will be visible and universal.  In John’s gospel it is only used here and in 18v36, for it is now in its invisible and spiritual stage.  Predominant thinking was that all ethnic Jews would be part of that kingdom, and Jesus discards that error.  He proclaims that only new life in Himself, only by the life of the Spirit can bring a person into the kingdom the sphere of the rule of God. 

He refers to nature, “The wind blows where it will, and thou hearest the sound of it  but canst not tell whence it cometh, nor whether it goeth, so is everyone that is born of the Spirit.”   The Spirit is compared to the action of the wind.  Elsewhere He is likened to fire, to a dove, to running water, to oil, and other symbols.  The comparison with the wind is graphic, as pneuma, the word for spirit is the same as for wind.  We could consider the sovereignty of the wind- no one controls the wind, it comes and goes at will; it is universal, it travels worldwide; it can be a gentle breeze soothing people from the heat of the day; or a devastating hurricane that clears everything in its way.  It comes from God who holds the angels of the four winds of the earth; it moves at the command of God to part the clouds, to separate the rain from the clouds.  It comes suddenly, and unexpectedly; how much is this true of the Spirit of God who moves globally and at will; who can be gentle or powerful as He pleases.  People are born again who respond to His gentle impulses.  New life comes alone from God when it is least expected.  Only the Spirit discriminates the real from the unreal.  Those born of the Spirit are so by sovereign will and inscrutable ways.  This cannot be manufactured by any human being, only by the convicting power of God the Spirit in His Divine power, as He moves imperiously across the world.  This comes from God alone, and when we least expect it.  We cannot make it happen, it is beyond us until the gracious Spirit acts upon us in His own inimitable way.  The new birth, this miraculous power to create new life is in the air, it is all around us, it is everywhere, it is within the reach of all.  We must get it if we get nothing else for without it even the most religious of us are lost.  Humbly bow and accept the promptings and persuasions of the gracious Spirit who traverses the globe offering new life.

So is everyone that is born of the Spirit! 

He may come to you suddenly, perhaps gradually; maybe as a mighty hurricane wind, or even as the still small voice in the soul.  He will come some way, some day, hear Him, heed Him when He does, He will "not always strive with man"-Genesis 6v3

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