Thursday 7 July 2022

He knows everything including our spiritual state


2v23-26    His Divine perception of reality

“Now when He was in Jerusalem at the Passover on the feast day, many believed in his name, when they saw the miracles which He did.  But Jesus did not commit himself unto them because He knew all men, and needed that any should testify of man, for He knew what was in man.

He knows the spiritual state of us all!!

The ritual of the feast continued ,but Jesus knew that much of it was fake.  It is possible to attend religious gatherings, and take part in all the religious rituals, but with a heart far from God in reality.  Many believed on Him when they saw the miracles that He did, but Jesus knew that some of them were unreal. Mere shallow professors who had no sincerity, no commitment.  He knew the real from the unreal, He knew who really believed and who did not and it is the same today. The treasurer of His band of followers, Judas, carried the bag, but was an unbeliever.  For many there was no heart belief and so Jesus did not commit Himself to them; just as today He does not commit to those whose profession is only that.

Only God can know everything and everyone, and only God. can know everything about everyone.  Here again is the Deity of Christ in absolute omniscience displayed.  He forbad demons to publicly praise Him because he knew the shallowness that existed in people.  Belief because of miracles as signs is not necessarily lasting.  Belief based on religious ritual is not necessarily true. It is the same today. The Lord knows them that are His; He knows us individually, He knows us collectively.  In chapter 6v64. Jesus knew who believed and who did not.  He knows whether our profession is real. It is not what we say, but what we do, which shows the reality of new life.  In Revelation 2v23 He said from the throne, “I am He which searches the hearts and the reins…”.   What does He find in me?


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