Sunday 3 July 2022

Power over death


John 2v18-22    His Divine power over death

Upset by the display of His power in the temple, the Jews answered(by way of disapproval).   They said unto him, “What sign shewest us seeing that ye do these things?  His answer was straightforward, and pointed, “Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up.”  The Jews, spiritually ignorant as they were, reply from a totally human perspective, “Forty six years was this temple in building, and will you raise it up in three days?”  All they knew was the fabulous ornate building that had become their shrine; it mattered not that it was being used for corrupt purposes.  They were spiritually blind seeing only the externals.  His disciples, however remembered these powerful words after His resurrection.

By this declaration He predicts three years in advance, that for the zeal of God’s house, the Jews would kill Him, but He would rise from the dead.  What majesty! What power! What authority from the Son of God before whom even death will be conquered! His body was the Temple of God, not the bricks and mortar of the temple in which sacrilege had taken place. Note His supreme authority over death, He will conquer death, He will raise up Himself in three days.  In Chapter 11, He will demonstrate this power by raising Lazarus from the dead.  At the Cross of Calvary He would enter into death, pass through death, rise from the dead in glorious power.  

The three persons of the Godhead will be involved in His resurrection; Himself(John 10v17); God the Father(Acts 17v31 and others); and the Spirit of God (Romans 8v11).  The greatest power on earth was unleashed at His resurrection- Ephesians 2v18.  Paul exhausts the Greek language for the word power to describe the resurrection of Christ.  All through the gospel He will speak of things He will do beyond the death experience.  His resurrection would mean the resurrection of all who believed him.  He said in chapter 11v25 “I am the resurrection of the life”.  The greatest sign given to the world is the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  His resurrection assures the resurrection  to glory of all believers and also ensures the resurrection to judgement of all unbelievers.  If ever there was a sign of the Deity of Christ, then this is it.  

Acts 2v24, “…whom God raised up because it was not possible that he should beholden by it; Acts2v31 “His soul will not be left in hell, and His body will not see corruption.

John 10v17-18  "Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life that I might take it again.  No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself.  I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again.  This commandment have I received of my Father."

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