Friday 29 July 2022

Serpent on a pole...

 John chapter 3v14-15

Jesus continues by introducing Moses, and for good reason, for the Pharisees accepted Moses, at least their own interpretation of him, but they rejected Christ.  They venerated Moses but considered not that Moses said “The Lord thy God will raise up unto thee a prophet from the midst of thee, of thy brethren like unto me, unto him ye shall harken-Deuteronomy 18v15.  He says to them, as Moses, so am I, and all this gives rise to the amazing story of the serpent on the pole.


And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have eternal life.”   


“As Moses…even so”-  the inference is clear.  He was the prophet like unto Moses!  In classic style Jesus now turns the issue of the personal need of Nicodemus, to the greater need of the whole world.  The details are found in Numbers 21v4-9 and symbolise God’s way of salvation for all of mankind.


“They journeyed from Mount Hor, by the way of the Red Sea, to compass the land of Edom.  And the soul of the people was much discouraged because of the way.  And the people spake against God and against Moses. wherefore have ye brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness, for there is no bread, neither is there any water, and our soul loathes this light bread. And the Lord sent fiery serpents among the people and they bit the people and much people of Israel died.  Therefore the people came to Moses and said we have sinned for we have spoken against the Lord and against thee; pray unto the Lord, that he take away the serpents from us.  And Moses prayed for the people.  And the Lord said unto Moses, make thee a fiery serpent and set it upon a pole, and it came to pass that everyone that is bitten when he looketh upon it shall live.  And Moses made a serpent of brass and put it in upon a pole and it came to pass that if a serpent had bitten any man, when he beheld the serpent of brass he lived.” There we have it told in simple terms


The whole camp of Israel             The whole world

Bitten by the serpent                    Bitten by Satan

Ready to die                                 Ready to perish forever

God provided the remedy            God sent His Son

A serpent lifted up on a pole        The Son of God lifted up

Whoever looked lived                   Whoever believes is saved


Because of dissatisfaction and rebellion, they came under the judgment of God.  Only God could provide the remedy.  The whole world is under the condemnation of God and only God can and did provide the cure.  The way of salvation for Nicodemus, and for the whole world is to look, to believe, to accept God’s remedy, and the issue will be forever settled.  There is no other way.  The God who brings the condemnation, Himself provides the solution and all we have to do is BELIEVE IT!

Tuesday 26 July 2022

A master in Israel and you don't know?

 John 3v9-12

Nicodemus was confused, and didn't know what Jesus was talking about. “How can these things be?”  This tells us that all people, including the high ranking religious teachers, were thick concerning the things of God-6v52 and v60.  Religious garments and religious talk, and religious practises do not bring us nearer to God.  We need the cleansing of the Holy Spirit, actual spiritual regeneration, before we can understand the things of God.

Jesus answers “Art thou a master of Israel and knowest not these things?”  Can it be true that one of the topmost teachers in the most religious nation on earth, is really ignorant of these things?  What a come-down for this ill-informed, if sincere teacher of sacred things, that he does not even grasp the basics; what chance those who are his pupils?


V11-12  “Verily, verily, I said to thee, we speak that we do know, and testify that we have seen: and ye receive not our witness.  If I have told you earthly things and you believe not, how shall ye  believe, if I tell you of heavenly things?”


Nicodemus came to Jesus by night and he was in the dark spiritually.  The reason was that the rulers of Israel did not receive Jesus witness. They knew the facts of Holy Scripture they did not know the truth that lay behind them. The very mention of the wind should have immediately registered with Nicodemus the record of Ezekiel 37v1-14 which speaks of the wind of the Spirit which will bring restoration to the nation.  Because of their refusal to accept Jesus as a witness for God they remained ignorant of the truth of God.  Rejection of Christ is noted throughout the gospel- 3v11; 5v37-47 and 12v37-50.  The religious rulers thought that by reciting scripture they had favour with God but they had missed the whole point “They are they that testify of me”-John 5v39.  Parrot recitation of sacred things without meaning is just emptiness.   How solemn is this, that influential men who are ignorant of the truth of God can keep a whole nation from the truth.  An interesting comparison is with chapter 4, when Jesus deals with the Samaritan woman.  With the Pharisee, Jesus was scathing and pointed in His approach; with the woman He was gentle and winsome. 

Jesus spoke of “earthly things” to the rulers, the temple being His Father’s house; water, wind, flesh, all things of the earth; the necessity of new birth because the old life was evil.  If there was confusion about these things, how are they going to receive the things of the Spirit, which are from outside of this world.  This is because “…no man has ascended up into heaven, but the Son of man which is in heaven.”  We can only speak of what we know, and only the Son of man has been in heaven, indeed- spiritually speaking still dwells in heaven, and is in unhindered fellowship with heaven at all times!  He has much more to teach them of unseen spiritual things, but they cannot begin until they are born again.  They can know nothing until they know Him.

Friday 22 July 2022

The wind blows....

 John chapter 3v7-8

New birth is a fundamental biblical truth; it is even found in the Old Testament-Ezekiel 36v36, and in the last book of the bible-Revelation 21v1, and 21v5, “Behold I make all things new.”   God is finished with this old fallen world and its ungodly ways that even the best of religion cannot improve.  We must be made anew or have no part with Him.  This is a matter of necessity, it is not an option, only those born of the Spirit are in the kingdom of God.  Nicodemus had addressed Him as an equal, he said “Rabbi”-respected teacher, which he was himself; He did not address Him as Son of God, or Messiah, or Lord, which He was.  There are many religions today which acknowledge Jesus to be a great teacher, but stop short of calling Him Lord.  To them He was a good man among good men, not one who had the authority of Deity, which is what Jesus has to assert now.  The kingdom of God is the sphere of God’s rule that is coming to earth and refers to the Messianic rule of Christ in the future kingdom.  It has partial fulfilment in the hearts of believers now, but ultimately will be visible and universal.  In John’s gospel it is only used here and in 18v36, for it is now in its invisible and spiritual stage.  Predominant thinking was that all ethnic Jews would be part of that kingdom, and Jesus discards that error.  He proclaims that only new life in Himself, only by the life of the Spirit can bring a person into the kingdom the sphere of the rule of God. 

He refers to nature, “The wind blows where it will, and thou hearest the sound of it  but canst not tell whence it cometh, nor whether it goeth, so is everyone that is born of the Spirit.”   The Spirit is compared to the action of the wind.  Elsewhere He is likened to fire, to a dove, to running water, to oil, and other symbols.  The comparison with the wind is graphic, as pneuma, the word for spirit is the same as for wind.  We could consider the sovereignty of the wind- no one controls the wind, it comes and goes at will; it is universal, it travels worldwide; it can be a gentle breeze soothing people from the heat of the day; or a devastating hurricane that clears everything in its way.  It comes from God who holds the angels of the four winds of the earth; it moves at the command of God to part the clouds, to separate the rain from the clouds.  It comes suddenly, and unexpectedly; how much is this true of the Spirit of God who moves globally and at will; who can be gentle or powerful as He pleases.  People are born again who respond to His gentle impulses.  New life comes alone from God when it is least expected.  Only the Spirit discriminates the real from the unreal.  Those born of the Spirit are so by sovereign will and inscrutable ways.  This cannot be manufactured by any human being, only by the convicting power of God the Spirit in His Divine power, as He moves imperiously across the world.  This comes from God alone, and when we least expect it.  We cannot make it happen, it is beyond us until the gracious Spirit acts upon us in His own inimitable way.  The new birth, this miraculous power to create new life is in the air, it is all around us, it is everywhere, it is within the reach of all.  We must get it if we get nothing else for without it even the most religious of us are lost.  Humbly bow and accept the promptings and persuasions of the gracious Spirit who traverses the globe offering new life.

So is everyone that is born of the Spirit! 

He may come to you suddenly, perhaps gradually; maybe as a mighty hurricane wind, or even as the still small voice in the soul.  He will come some way, some day, hear Him, heed Him when He does, He will "not always strive with man"-Genesis 6v3

Thursday 14 July 2022

Ye must be born again


Nicodemus said what everyone else was thinking “…and said unto Him Rabbi we know that thou art a teacher come from God for no man can do these miracles except God be with Him.”  It had become obvious this was no ordinary man, that He was from God, and wielded the power of God.  Even early in His public ministry, it was evident that He was special, even if some would not admit it.  Jesus ignored the attempted platitude and turned the conversation to the individual need of Nicodemus; “Jesus answered and said unto him Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”  Almost as if to say, not so much of your approval of me, what about God’s approval of you?  What is of more concern is your status with God.  Jesus is speaking to one of the topmost men in Israel, which was the most religious nation in the world, and He is questioning whether he is in the kingdom or will ever even see the kingdom of God!  External religion is nothing to God, indeed it is dead so far as God is concerned, and what you need is to be born again, born from above, you need a new beginning, new life, for your religion is dead and you are dead with it.  All the ceremonies, all the religious rites are empty platitudes, and an insult to God.  Formal religion is nothing to God!

Nicodemus was shocked, “How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother’s womb and be born?”

Not wishing to enter into a debate, Jesus simply repeated what He had said before, but expands it out by saying “Verily, verily  I say to thee except a man be born of water and of the Spirit. He cannot enter into the kingdom of God; that which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.”  In simple terms Jesus is saying you were born of the flesh in water(the water of the womb)-that is natural birth.  You need to be born supernaturally by the Spirit, otherwise you have no place with God.  You were born once naturally, you need to be born again spiritually.  Twice over He has declared an utterance of absolute truth.  He continues “Marvel not that I say unto thee Ye must be born again.”  Wm. Barclay writes:

“All over the New Testament this idea of rebirthre-creation occurs.

1 Peter speaks of being born anew by God’s great mercy (1 Peter 1v3).

1 Peter speaks of being born anew from an imperishable seed (1 Peter 1v22-23).

James speaks of God bringing us forth by the word of truth (James 1v18).

Titus speaks to us of the washing of regeneration (Titus 3v5).

Romans speaks of dying with Jesus and rising anew (Romans 6v1-11).

1 Corinthians speaks of new believers as new-born babes (1 Corinthians 3v1-2).

2 Corinthians speaks of us being a new creation in Jesus (2 Corinthians 5v17).

Galatians says that in Jesus we are a new creation (Galatians 6v15).

Ephesians says the new man is created after God in righteousness (Ephesians 4v22-24).”


Monday 11 July 2022

But there was a man...


Chapter 3   The public reaction to the miracles.

3v1-21    Nicodemus learns of the supreme value of His work

3v22-35 John’s disciples learn of the superior value of His person 

3v1-21   Jesus’ work for the whole world

In both sections the message is the same.  The One who has come is from heaven, and brings a heavenly message.

3v3v7 New Birth is from above

3v12   Jesus spoke of heavenly things

3v13   The Son of man came down from heaven

3v17   God sent His Son

3v19   Light is come into the world

3v27   A man can receive nothing except it be given from above

3v31   He that cometh from above is greater than all

3v34   He whom God hath sent

The message of the whole chapter is the same.  Never had the world ever seen or heard anything like this.  His words. His actions, His presence caused a stir, such that everyone had to take notice. God was walking in their midst upon earth.

We must observe the flow of scripture, which is in evidence from beginning to end, for this adds understanding to the story.  In chapter 2, he ended with Jesus non-committal to those whom He knew were unreal, whose profession of faith was just that, with no reality to it.  Chapter 3 begins with the word “But…”-Newberry margin—“But there was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews: the same came to Jesus by night…”.  In contradistinction to those who were professors only, here is a man who was truly seeking truth.  There was nothing insincere about this man’s approach to Jesus, and the Lord recognised it. 

He was one of the Pharisees, a strong sect within Judaism who were about 6000 strong, and very influential in the nation.  They were like modern day activists who made it their business to enforce conformity to certain core beliefs, and they were feared by many and respected by all.  They were characterised as the guardians of the Jewish scriptures, the whole of scriptures, including the wisdom books and the Prophets; they were fiercely patriotic, opposing the Roman occupation; they were loyal to the traditions of the fathers; they encouraged strict adherence to the law of Moses.  Additionally, Nicodemus was a ruler of the Jews which meant he was one of the seventy appointed of the Sanhedrim, to which only a few Pharisees attained, so this was a prominent man in Jewish society.  In addition Jesus called him “…the teacher of Israel”-v10, so he was recognised to be a national seer.  This is probably why he came by night, for Jesus was unpopular amongst his fellows, and he avoided open confrontation by seeking Him in the dark.  The fact that he came by night became an identifying mark, as it is repeated in 7v50 and 19v39.  Because of his high public profile, Nicodemus was a secret disciple, who slowly but surely made public confession of Christ.  This dialogue with Jesus marks the start of his spiritual journey, which culminated in his very public support in donating expensive embalming ointments at the burial.   This narrative underlines the observation of Jesus, that it would be with great difficulty the rich could enter the kingdom of God. 

Thursday 7 July 2022

He knows everything including our spiritual state


2v23-26    His Divine perception of reality

“Now when He was in Jerusalem at the Passover on the feast day, many believed in his name, when they saw the miracles which He did.  But Jesus did not commit himself unto them because He knew all men, and needed that any should testify of man, for He knew what was in man.

He knows the spiritual state of us all!!

The ritual of the feast continued ,but Jesus knew that much of it was fake.  It is possible to attend religious gatherings, and take part in all the religious rituals, but with a heart far from God in reality.  Many believed on Him when they saw the miracles that He did, but Jesus knew that some of them were unreal. Mere shallow professors who had no sincerity, no commitment.  He knew the real from the unreal, He knew who really believed and who did not and it is the same today. The treasurer of His band of followers, Judas, carried the bag, but was an unbeliever.  For many there was no heart belief and so Jesus did not commit Himself to them; just as today He does not commit to those whose profession is only that.

Only God can know everything and everyone, and only God. can know everything about everyone.  Here again is the Deity of Christ in absolute omniscience displayed.  He forbad demons to publicly praise Him because he knew the shallowness that existed in people.  Belief because of miracles as signs is not necessarily lasting.  Belief based on religious ritual is not necessarily true. It is the same today. The Lord knows them that are His; He knows us individually, He knows us collectively.  In chapter 6v64. Jesus knew who believed and who did not.  He knows whether our profession is real. It is not what we say, but what we do, which shows the reality of new life.  In Revelation 2v23 He said from the throne, “I am He which searches the hearts and the reins…”.   What does He find in me?


Sunday 3 July 2022

Power over death


John 2v18-22    His Divine power over death

Upset by the display of His power in the temple, the Jews answered(by way of disapproval).   They said unto him, “What sign shewest us seeing that ye do these things?  His answer was straightforward, and pointed, “Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up.”  The Jews, spiritually ignorant as they were, reply from a totally human perspective, “Forty six years was this temple in building, and will you raise it up in three days?”  All they knew was the fabulous ornate building that had become their shrine; it mattered not that it was being used for corrupt purposes.  They were spiritually blind seeing only the externals.  His disciples, however remembered these powerful words after His resurrection.

By this declaration He predicts three years in advance, that for the zeal of God’s house, the Jews would kill Him, but He would rise from the dead.  What majesty! What power! What authority from the Son of God before whom even death will be conquered! His body was the Temple of God, not the bricks and mortar of the temple in which sacrilege had taken place. Note His supreme authority over death, He will conquer death, He will raise up Himself in three days.  In Chapter 11, He will demonstrate this power by raising Lazarus from the dead.  At the Cross of Calvary He would enter into death, pass through death, rise from the dead in glorious power.  

The three persons of the Godhead will be involved in His resurrection; Himself(John 10v17); God the Father(Acts 17v31 and others); and the Spirit of God (Romans 8v11).  The greatest power on earth was unleashed at His resurrection- Ephesians 2v18.  Paul exhausts the Greek language for the word power to describe the resurrection of Christ.  All through the gospel He will speak of things He will do beyond the death experience.  His resurrection would mean the resurrection of all who believed him.  He said in chapter 11v25 “I am the resurrection of the life”.  The greatest sign given to the world is the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  His resurrection assures the resurrection  to glory of all believers and also ensures the resurrection to judgement of all unbelievers.  If ever there was a sign of the Deity of Christ, then this is it.  

Acts 2v24, “…whom God raised up because it was not possible that he should beholden by it; Acts2v31 “His soul will not be left in hell, and His body will not see corruption.

John 10v17-18  "Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life that I might take it again.  No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself.  I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again.  This commandment have I received of my Father."