Wednesday 28 December 2016


The great white throne                                               Revelation 20v11-15.

2.   The pageantry of the throne.

Every throne has an entourage and this one is no different.   The presence of dignitaries around the throne will add to the spectacle which can only be described as awesome.   It is called "the great white throne" the word "great" is used more than sixty times in the book of the Revelation to describe many things; e.g.  "the great day of His wrath"," "Babylon the great," "the great tribulation," etc.etc.  This is because the book of Revelation is the climax of the ages.   Whatever has been developed in the course of time finds its culmination here.   For good or bad everything is great because nothing like it has been seen before.   We consider now the greatness of the spectacle.
  • It is great because of the greatness of the One who sits on the throne.   We will develop this later, but there is none to compare with Him.   Of all who are lords in this world, He is the Lord of Lords.   Of all who have been and are kings on the earth, He is the King of Kings.    His greatness is extolled all the way through; His role here is as the Judge of all humanity, and there is none higher.   Of all the courts that have ever been, His is the supreme court of the universe.   There is none above Him, there is no appeal because there is none higher; His judgments are final and just. This book has already penned His worth as billions of angels together with redeemed humanity have all declared His supremacy.   Matthew records this supremacy in the realm of the priesthood, (Matthew 12v6) and of the prophets (Matthew 12v41) and of the kings (Matthew 12v42). .   He is greater than the temple, He is greater than Jonah and He is greater than Solomon.   In the realm of prophet, priest and king, Jesus Christ is supreme.  
  • The throne is great because of the splendour of His entourage.     He is accompanied by myriads of beings both angelic and human whenever He sits in judgment.   Scripture gives us some insight into this.   Daniel 7v9-10  -  "I beheld till the thrones were set (RV)  and the ancient of days did sit, whose garment was white as snow and the hair of His head like pure wool: His throne was like the fiery flame and His wheels as burning fire.   A fiery stream issued and came forth from before Him: thousand thousands ministered unto Him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before Him: the judgment was set and the books were opened."  Again in 1st Kings 22v19  "I saw the Lord sitting on His throne, and all the host of heaven standing by Him on His right hand and on His left."   A clear picture of this entourage is given in Hebrews 12v22-23 which speaks of myriads of angels, the church of the firstborn and the spirits of just men made perfect.   All this in the context of  "God the Judge of all." in Mount Zion the city of the living God.  There is further insight in Luke 11v31-32 where it clearly says that both the queen of the south and the men of Nineveh shall rise up in the judgment and condemn this generation.   The queen of Sheba and the city of Nineveh represent people who had scant information of divine things, yet responded quickly when they realised the truth.   Thus we understand that they saints of all ages will be present on this awesome occasion, and may well be involved in the proceedings.
  • The throne is great because of the magnitude of the issues involved.     It is the final assize.   It is the last great judgment.   There has been the judgment on Babylon; there has been the judgment of the living nations; there has been the judgment of the beast and the false prophet; there has been the judgment of the rebels of the millennium; there has been the judgment of Satan; and now we have the last great judgment of the dead of all ages.   The occasion is breathtaking, and we continue to ponder it because of its importance to every believer in their work for the Lord, and even more important to those who are presently out of Christ.

Amazon bookshelf   George Neilly


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