Thursday 8 December 2016


His appearance                                             Revelation 19v12-13.

"His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns.............and He was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood...........".

How will Jesus present Himself at His appearing?   The language of scripture is very clear........
In power and great glory!    Three of the gospel writers record it so (Matthew 24v30, Mark 13v26, Luke 21v27).   Not now the lowly servant, but the majestic Sovereign to rule for God.   Also  He is in battle mode, and three clear descriptions set the scene:

  • Eyes as a flame of fire......His omniscient awareness.
  • Head with many crowns...His sovereign authority.
  • Vesture dipped in blood....His combat activity.
This is grace-delayed judgment; for long centuries the patience of God has waited, the mercy of God extended and rejected, and now the conquering Christ appears.   Attention has already been drawn to His new mode in Revelation 1v12-16. The long "garment down to the feet" suggested Him as the judge; only priests and judges wore full- length distinctive garb. The overall context of Revelation is that of Christ glorified as judge
Chapters 2/3     Judging in the church "walking in the midst of the seven golden lampstands".
Chapters 4/20   Judging in the world at large(7 seals, 7 trumpets, 7 vials, the destruction of Babylon, and, now, the crushing of the kingdom of the beast.).

His eyes were as a flame of fire.

The all- piercing, all- knowing, eyes of the judge. Earthly judges need counsel, and jurors, and evidence, to arrive at a just judgment. Jesus needs none of these; He knows all, He sees all, nothing will escape those eyes. Men comfort themselves that they are too small, or too insignificant, that they will escape.   No one will be too great or too small to escape those eyes.   The expression occurs in chapter 1v14 ; chapter 2v18 as well as here.   In chapter 2v18 He sees all that is going on the churches; here in chapter 19v12 He sees all that is going on in the world.    It is a common saying that  "the eyes are the window of the soul."   These eyes are the eyes of the Infinite God; they are the eyes of the Creator God who knows every atom that makes us all up; they are the eyes of perfection that can detect imperfection just by a look.   They are the same eyes that looked on Peter following his denial.   They are the eyes of love and compassion that looked on Jerusalem wishing them to repent; yet they are the eyes of severe wrath and justice and zeal.   His love for mankind is only superseded by His love for His father and He must act in judgment, and act He will.  

His head with many crowns.

There are different kind of crowns and most of them refer to those which have been gained by merit. However the word here is "diadem" and this could only be worn by someone like a king, who by birth and status had a right to wear such a crown,   He has on His head many diadems.   He comes with divine right and status.   He carries the full authority of heaven; the mighty resources of all heaven are at His disposal.   Nothing can stand in His way, until He has accomplished His purposes.   He has many diadems such that His Divine authority will hold good in every sphere in which He moves.   When this process is complete all heaven and all earth will bow before Him and confess him as Lord.   In the meantime he has a work to do.

His vesture dipped in blood.

This may well be offensive to some but scripture holds nothing back when describing the wrath of God against rebels.   The prophet Isaiah predicted this very thing in Isaiah chapter 63v1-4.  " Who is this that cometh from Edom, with dyed garments from Bozrah?    This that is glorious in His apparel travelling in the greatness of His strength?   I that speak in righteousness, mighty to save.   Wherefore art thou red in thine apparel and thy garments like Him that treadeth in the wine fat?   I have trodden the wine press alone; and of the people there was none with Me: for I will tread them in mine anger, and trample them in My fury; and their blood shall be sprinkled upon My garments, and I will stain all My raiment.   For the day of vengeance is in mine heart, and the year of My redeemed is come."  No doubt this refers to the awesome statement in chapter 14v20.   It seems the conquering Jesus will travel from south to north and crush the gathered armies under His feet.   We will see further details of this later on.  The extent of this carnage is 200 miles!

Amazon bookshelf   George Neilly

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