Friday 16 December 2016


The reign of Christ

"They lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years...."  

The thousand years are literal; if they were to mean an indeterminate period of time, ten thousand years would have been used which is the highest number in ancient Hebrew literature; again there is no qualification to the years, or variation, so they are to be understood as literal years.   We must take in this glorious statement that Christ will live and reign on this earth for one thousand years and the many groups of His faithful followers will reign with Him!   We ask ourselves what will it be like?   The word "reign" suggests there will be the need for government and order and structure as in all societies.   So today we are asking what will be the nature of the reign of Christ, and what will be the nature of the life style during that period of time?  

The reign of Christ on earth.  
  • His reign will be universal.     Psalm 2v8     "And I shall give thee the nations for thine inheritance and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession."   Psalm 22v27; also Psalm 72v8     -     "He shall have dominion also from sea to sea and from the river unto the ends of the earth."    
  • His reign will be eternal.      Daniel 2v44     "In the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom which shall never be shall stand forever."   Isaiah 9v7   "Of the increase of His government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David and his kingdom."     Although the millennium is a limited period of time the same order of things will continue into the eternal state.
  • His reign will be in righteousness.     Isaiah 32v1    -     Isaiah 2v2-3     -     Isaiah 41v10-11  - the principle being that in this time every wrong will be made right, and earthly order will be replaced by heavenly order.
  • During His reign He will be worshipped by all.     Psalm 72v10-19     Psalm 115v10-13     The rejected Christ will be universally applauded.
  • His reign will be with a rod of iron.     Isaiah 40v10     Psalm 2v8     Psalm 110v2-3     Revelation 2v7.   There will be an immediate suppression of all sin when the Christ shall rule in inflexible righteousness.
The millennial lifestyle.    
  • Peace all over the earth    Isaiah 2v4  -  Isaiah 9v6   -  Psalm 72v3&7.
  • The eradication of all poverty.   Psalm 72   -   Psalm 102v16-17.
  • Plentiful supply for all.     Psalm 22v26  -    Psalm 22v29  -  Psalm 102v16  -  Psalm 30v23-24.
  • The wild animals tamed.    Isaiah 11v6 - 9   -   Isaiah 65v25.
  • The deserts shall flourish.    Isaiah 35v1-6   -   Isaiah 41v15-20.
  • All bodily ailments healed.     Isaiah 35   -   The blind will see, the deaf will hear and the lame will leap like the hart.
  • There will be universal prosperity    -    Amos 9v14-15   -   Isaiah 55v11-12   -   Hosea 2v22   -   Hosea 14v5-7   -   Malachi 4v2-3.
  • There will be great world unity   -   Hosea 1v11   -   Ephesians 1v10.

In general there will be a removal of the curse of sin upon the earth (Romans 8v19-21: Revelation 22v3).   This will be a time of perfect conditions for human habitation and will continue for one thousand years. Is this what men call "utopia"?; yes, it will come, but only through Christ.      

Amazon bookshelf   George Neilly


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