Saturday, 27 April 2024

Christ in all the scriptures The Robe, the Mitre, and the Tunic

 Christ in all the scriptures

The robe, the mitre, and the linen coat   Exodus 28 v31-39

The distinctive garments of the High Priests describe for us this important role in religious authority.  We continue with consideration of the robe, the mitre, and the linen coat.

In summary we can say that the robe proclaims the DIGNITY OF THE OFFICE; the mitre with its golden plate, suggests the SANCTITY OF SERVICE; and the coat of fine linen the PURITY OF CHARACTER.   We can profit from a study of each these, all the while relating it to the High Priestly ministry of Christ for us in the sanctuary above.

The robe of blue  The robe was a full length, seamless garment, worn under the ephod and breastplate.  This full length attire was a mark of public dignity, being worn exclusively by rulers, judges, magistrates, priests and rabbis.  This was a mark of great dignity for those who wore them.  The robe was woven fro the top throughout with an embroidered neck binding at the aperture.  Jesus wore such a garment as a rabbi in public service.  In John 19v23-24 the soldiers at the crucifixion took His garments (in modern parlance they "took the shirt from His back!")  They divided His garments among them but the robe was kept intact.  The specific instruction for the robe was "that it be not rent"-Exodus 28v32.  Intended as mock horror at Jesus claim to Deity, by rending the High Priest's garment, contrary to the Divine command-Matthew 26v65, Caiaphas unwittingly ended the Priesthood, just as later the rending of the temple veil ended Judaism as a Divinely instituted religion.  In Revelation 1v13, in the vision of John of the glorified Jesus, He was "clothed with a garment down to the feet".  Thus the robe points to the dignity of the office of Christ as our High Priest.

The first observation is that, while we read of the High Priest in Israel's worship, only Christ is described as the Great High Priest-refer the word megas for great in Hebrews 4v14; 9v11 10v21; and the great shepherd of the sheep in13v20.  This sets Him apart from all others.  He is Priest after a superior order, the order of Melchisedek.  Of Melchisedek it is said "Now consider how great this man was...".  If the type was great, how great is the anti-type?  The dignity of His office, whether as Priest of God's people, or Judge of the unbelieving world, is supreme.  

Secondly the robe is of blue; this is undefined and can refer to heavenly blue, as in sky blue, or to sapphire blue of the throne of judicial power.  His sphere is heaven, and His operation is powerful and authoritarian.

The hem of the robe is adorned with multi-coloured pomegranates and bells of gold, interspersed.  In activity, the High Priest would be heard, and pleasant to the eyes.  The pomegranates symbolise fertility; the bells symbolise testimony.  Pomegranates grew profusely in the fertile crescent; this healthy fruit, when fully ripe contains 613 seeds*.  Each seed is enclosed in nutritious, healthy pods, and the presence of so many seeds ensures a harvest of fruit.  Our Lord Jesus Christ in His High Priestly prayer in John 17, referred to this fertility-v20, He spoke of "them also which shall believe on me through their word".  In Hebrews 2v10, He was qualified as High Priest to lead "many sons to glory".  His ministry in heaven will produce many souls whose lives will be fruitful.  Through Him, they will audibly testify to the saving power of God-again John 17v20, many will be saved "through their word".  Psalm 22v25, "My praise shall be of thee in the great congregation". He wants us to be heard in our testimony and He has given us the words-v8, the very words of God; He has also given us the word of God, the very broad principles to set before men while we are in the world.  We are to do it with joy-v13, it is good news, and a joyful proclamation.  Souls are won, when God's word is shared joyfully.

The mitre was a turban-like crown, fitted with a golden plate, secured by a blue ribbon.  On the forehead, on the front of the mitre, was a clear message, "HOLINESS TO THE LORD".  Anyone in the presence of the High Priest was reminded of the character of God in their midst.  This reveals the reverence with which Christ serves the Father.  "Holy and reverend is His name", says the Psalmist-111v9.  The title reverend occurs only once, and is applied to God alone; no man should ever take that title.  The reverence our Lord has toward God is noteworthy.  He taught His disciples to pray thus, "Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name..."-Matthew 6v9; "I thank thee O Father, Lord of heaven and earth"-Matthew 11v25; "Father the hour is come; glorify thy Son, that thy Son may also glorify thee"-John 17v1.  As the great high priest He understands at all times the holiness of the Father and the sinfulness of the people.  To bring Holy God and sinful man together (subject to sin even in our regenerate state) in prayer and worship, He must deal with the offending sin.  He bears the iniquities of the holy things, that is even in sacred exercise, in bringing gifts to God, our offerings are tainted with sin, and He takes them to Himself to achieve acceptance before God.  Scripture teaches that our High Priest deals with both our infirmities, and our iniquities, as we serve God.  We thank God for our Mediator who intercedes for us.  We should be duly humbled that only by His intercession can we truly serve Him.

The coat of fine linen was the innermost garment of the high priest and the garment  details have moved from the external to the internal.  This is so as to end in the most important aspect of sacred service, that of inner purity and righteousness.  The is made clear in the summary of the dress in v39, "the coat of fine linen, and the mitre of fine linen and the girdle of needlework".  Inner purity and self control is fundamental in the service of God, and Christ exemplified that. 

*The 613 seed pods of the pomegranate may have been the basis for the Rabbinical 613 tenets of the law, made up of 248 negative "thou shalt not" commands; and 365 positive "thou shalt" commands.  This they linked to 248 bones in the human body and 365 days in the year!  The message was they were to obey God with every bone in their body for 365 days a year!  However this degenerated into a man made control of the people, while the leaders put on an outward show.  We may well laugh at this but we are not devoid of spiritual showmanship in our day.  In His service God requires "truth in the inward parts"-Psalm 51v6, not spiritual actors as the Pharisees became, and as modern day Pharisees are amongst us.


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