Monday, 15 April 2024

Christ in all the scriptures The Priesthood part 1

 Christ in all the scriptures

The Priesthood   Exodus 28v1-30v43

This is a huge subject and 3 chapters here are devoted to it.  Chapter 28 the Clothing of the Priesthood; chapter 29, the Consecration of the Priesthood; chapter 30, the Ceremonies of the Priesthood.  Focus is on the High Priest, under whom the body of priests serve.  The role of the High Priest is defined in Hebrews 5v1, "And every high priest taken from among men is ordained for men in things pertaining to God, that he may offer gifts and sacrifices for sins".  The Priesthood therefore is a mediation service between God and man.  "From men...for things pertaining to God".   To understand this today, we must see Christ as the High Priest; that the sanctuary is in heaven, not anywhere on earth (Hebrews 8v1-2); and all the family of God as priests.  These aspects will emerge in the studies.  The first chapter deals with the Clothing-28v1-39, the garments of the High Priest; v40-43, that of the serving priests.  Clothing in scripture typifies character, as is clarified in Romans 13v14 "Put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh..."; Ephesians 4v22-24, "that ye put off concerning the former way of life, the old man...and that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness"; Colossians 3v8-14,  "Now also put off all these: anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth...put off the old man with his deeds...put on the new man...put on therefore as the elect of God, tender mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering...above all put on love which is the bond of perfectness (maturity)".    Distinctive clothing was the hallmark of public officials, such as judges, lawyers, lords, ladies, kings, queens.  Distinctive character is the hallmark of those who serve God in holy service.

As we would expect, the emphasis is on the High Priest, and a detailed description of his clothing is found in chapter 28: a breastplate; an ephod; a robe; a broidered coat; a mitre; and a girdle; the chains and ouches which united all together.  The garments were "for glory and for beauty", the bright colours for the High Priest, the pure white linen for the serving priests.  There is nothing more glorious or beautiful than service to God.  Strange, therefore, that those who perpetuate a priestly caste system of worship, today,  choose black as their clothing.  There is something perverse about this, though may reflect the darkness of their service as opposed to the pure white linen of biblical priesthood.  In reality, there is no distinctive clothing of the priesthood, save the distinction of sterling character, as we serve the Lord.  There is no priestly caste system, separate from the people, such as is reflected in those who operate clergy and laity.  All the people of God are priests from the greatest to the least, and this reality will become clear in our study.    

The chapter 28 introduces the subject of the priesthood by referring to this important fact; that Aaron is the High Priest, and all his family are priests-"And take thou unto thee Aaron thy brother, and his sons with him, from among the children of Israel, that he may minister unto me in the priest's office, even Aaron, Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar, Aaron's sons"  The sons of Aaron were ministering priests, not by any merit of their own, not by any achievement, but simply by birth into the family of Aaron.   Four times over in the chapter, "that they may minister unto me in the priest's office"-v1v3v4v41.  Aaron is the High Priest, his sons are the priests, and they serve the Lord.  In the New Testament, Christ is the High Priest, not after the order of Aaron, but after the order of Melchisedek-Psalm 110v4; Zechariah 6v13; Hebrews 2v17; 4v14-15; 6v20; 1v25-27.  God's people, by birth into the family of Christ are serving priests-1st Peter 2v5v9.  Bear in mind Peter was writing to believers in at least 5 different locations, Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bythinia, so the whole of the corporate church is intended.  This is the bedrock teaching of the Priesthood of all believers, accepted in general in principle, but often discarded in practice with our modern versions of church structure where self-appointed elders lord it over the flock, and the like.  The overriding issue is that we all serve, and the emphasis must be on character and morality.  Holy, Royal, are the terms used to describe the service of God's people today, and the implications are obvious.  We are a Holy Priesthood to worship God; we are a Royal Priesthood to witness to men.  There are two essentials in this service: the olive oil, symbolic of the Spirit; and the High Priest, the service of Christ in the sanctuary in heaven.  Priestly service is that which is done toward God, and to men in relation to God.  It is any service which is rendered to God, however menial.  Examples are as follows:

Prayer and fasting to seek guidance-Acts 13v2; general prayers and intercessions and supplications and prayers on behalf of all men, and those in authority 1st Timothy 2v1-2; spiritual worship in preaching-Romans 1v9; personal devotion to God-Romans 12v1;  corporate worship by all the churches-Romans 15v16; prayers for family life 1st Corinthians 7v5 and 1st Peter 3v7; giving to the need of others-Philippians 4v18; good words and good works-Hebrews 13v15-16.  Plus a host more that affects everyday life; priestly work is that which is done toward God on behalf of men.  It is something we can all do, and should do.  We do so in the glory and beauty of our great High Priest.

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