Thursday, 4 April 2024

Christ in all the scriptures The courtyard

 Christ in all the scriptures

Readings: Ex. 27v9-19; 35v17; 38v9-19; 40v8v33;1st Tim. 3v14-16

The courtyard screens

The order in which these various pictures are placed is just amazing.  The thought flow of scripture is something to behold.  No sooner have we learned of the Brazen Altar, the place of slaughter, as the only basis for man approaching God, than we are confronted by the NEED FOR THE ALTAR.  The great white sheet of pure linen woven, 5 cubits high, and 280 cubits round, screens the house of God from the outside world.  Upheld by 60 pillars, standing on sockets of brass, with pins of brass; hooks and fillets and chapiters of silver.   There was only one entrance, through the gate of 5 cubits high and 20 cubits broad.  The gate was wide enough to allow access for a number but it was the only way.  All the pillars and sockets and hooks and pins were of brass (v19).   In the construction, the hangings of the courtyard were last to be reared up, and were the finishing touches to the entire tabernacle, symbolic of the worship of the true God-Ex. 40v33.  Only when this was done, did the glory cloud descend.  We see in the court and hangings a number of  interesting pictures of the house of God.

Measured from the ends of the entrance gate, there are 280 cubits of pure linen, upheld by pillars.  We have already suggested this equates to the gestation period in a normal human birth, so it speaks of humanity.  The fillets and  and hooks and chapiters, being of silver, compassing the entire perimeter, suggests REDEEMED HUMANITY.  Each pillar had a chapiter (an ornamental head) of silver, almost like a crown of distinction-Ex.38v19.

The height of 5 cubits round about, based on the significance of the number 5, (5 fingers, 5 toes, 5 senses-we are expected to use our fingers, and feet, and senses in the worship of God) suggests HUMAN RESPONSIBILITY.   Five cubits is approx. 8ft. high so there is a standard higher than the normal human stature.  In our personal worship, our presentation should be acceptable to God-Romans 12v1; in our corporate worship we are to "offer up sacrifices acceptable to God"-1st Peter 2v5.  There is no room for human invention, simply conformity to the will of God.

The pure linen fabric for the hangings all around, suggests DIVINE PURITY.  Fine twined linen is said to be the righteous acts of the saints-Revelation 19v8.  Clothing in scripture often is related to character.  In olden times clothing distinguished a person's social status; so spiritually, our righteous character should display our standing in Christ.  We have been "covered with a robe of righteousness"-Isaiah 61v10.  We are called to maintain righteous standards in our service for God.  In the holy service of the priesthood, they were clothed in fine linen.  Purity just means of unmixed quality, not appearing one thing then another.  This becomes all who serve God.  No impurity is to be associated with the house of God.  Jesus said to those at Sardis who had not defiled their garments, "They shall walk with me in white"; the Bride of Christ will be arrayed in white linen at the marriage of the Lamb.  The picture is unmistakable, "Holiness becometh thine house O, Lord, forever"-Psalm 93v5.

In the pillars, upholding the pure hangings, we see PUBLIC TESTIMONY.  The pillars of brass stand to uphold the Divine truth.  Paul referred to this in 1st Timothy 3v14-16, where he describes the house of God as the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.  We stand together as testimony to God in a dark and perverse world-Philippians 2v15-16, "Holding fast the word of life"; 1st Timothy 1v19 "holding faith and a good conscience"; 1st Timothy 3v9, holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience; 2nd Timothy 1v13, "Hold fast the form of sound words"; Rev. 2v25, "Hold fast till I come". 

The brazen sockets and pillars and pins are all of brass.  We have shown that brass signifies judgment, and so this is the aspect of DIVINE SCRUTINY.  In the worship of God, we are personally accountable to the Lord for the quality of our work.  This fact is imprinted in holy scripture, and it deserves further mention.  It is a fundamental fact that, although we will not face penal judgment, there will be assessment of our character and our work as the following scriptures reveal: Romans 14v10-12, we will be personally judged so we should not act as judges of others; 1st Corinthians 3v13-14, the quality of our work will be scrutinized; 2nd Corinthians 5v10, regarding things done in the body; Ephesians 6v8, for the good we have done; 1st Thessalonians 2v4, concerning the manner of our preaching; James 5v9, concerning our attitude to other Christians-"Grudge not one against another, brethren, lest ye be condemned: behold the judge standeth before the door".  Overseers will be scrutinised concerning their pastoral care over God's flock-Hebrews 13v17 and 1st Peter 5v2-4.

In the gate we have PIETY, where the worshippers may enter to bring their offerings to God.   Respect to the goodness of God, and desire to please Him prompts the Israelite to bring what they can to honour Him.  Likewise, Christian worshippers today approach the sacred presence with gifts.  There are no more animal sacrifices; the offerings are spiritual.  The worshippers come through the gate, which is the same area as the door to the tent, although wider, and half as high.  Also, the hanging is of the same embroidery of blue, purple, and scarlet, and of fine twined linen.  They come in the consciousness of the heavenly, regal, sacrificial, and righteous character of Christ.  They bring their offerings which speak of Christ.  Worship is no longer confined to space or time-John 4v20-24.  The New Testament expands on the different aspects of worship as follows:

Romans 1v9 "God is my witness whom I serve with my spirit (religiously serve-worship) in the gospel of His Son..."   Paul worshipped in preaching!

Romans 12v1 "I beseech you therefore, brethren, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service (religious service-worship).  We can all worship by presenting our bodies in His service!

Philippians 2v17 "Yea and if I be offered upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I joy and rejoice with you all".  Service is religious service-worship.  Paul was the lesser individual drink offering poured on the greater corporate sacrifice of the Philippian church.  They worshipped by the distinctive beauty of their lives!

Philippians 4v18 "I am full, having received of Epaphroditus, the things that were sent from you, an odour of a sweet smell, a sacrifice acceptable, well pleasing to God."  They worshipped by sending material support to the Lord's servant!

Hebrews 13v15 "By Him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is the fruit of our lips giving thanks in His name".  We worship by the fruit of our lips, whether in prayer or in song or in pastoring!

Hebrews 13v16 "But to do good and communicate forget not: for with such sacrifices God is well pleased".  We worship by doing good works!

Hebrews 13v21 "Make you perfect in every good work to do His will, working in you that which is well pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen".  We worship when we allow the Lord to change us for the better!

Worship is not so much an act, rather is it an attitude, and it takes many forms.  It could be viewed as WORTH-SHIP!  How grateful are we, by how much do we value Him?

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