Tuesday 30 April 2024

Christ in all the scriptures The sons of Aaron

 Christ in all the scriptures

The sons of Aaron  Exodus 28v40-43

We have before established that the family of Aaron were priests by birth, and this truth bears repetition, as it is important to understand the function of God's people today.  Back then there was a priestly caste system, such as is practised today in many religions, including some nominal Christian groups, by the wearing of distinctive clothing.  There is no such system in the Church of God; all God's people are priests as clearly asserted in Peter's 1st epistle.  There is no form of clergy and laity today in scripture. 

"Ye also, as living stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ"-2v5. 

"Ye are a chosen  generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people (God's treasured possession); that ye should shew forth the praises (virtues, excellencies) of Him who hath called you out of darkness in to His marvellous light"-2v9.

Holy priesthood is Godward in worship, as we offer up spiritual sacrifices; Royal priesthood is manward in witness as we demonstrate to men of the excellencies of our God.

We are so by new birth-1v23, and not by any personal distinction or achievement.  In the Aaronic priesthood, there were restrictions (refer Leviticus 21), and these represent moral deficiencies.  Also there was order in functioning, as in 1st Chronicles 24, King David instituted 24 courses of the priesthood, and each course functioned in order.  Apart from those limiting factors, all the sons of Aaron were priests under the High Priest of the day.  Similarly, all God's people today are functioning priests under Christ.

As such, this brings upon us a dignity that should be marked by a certain decorum, and in Exodus 28 we have the illustration of this in the clothing they must wear as they operate as priests.  As we have seen, clothing in scripture is typical of character, and the four items of clothing-the coat, the girdle, the bonnets, and the breeches-all denote some aspect of behaviour that should mark those in priestly function.  Since that applies to all believers we are all responsible.  The coat speaks of salvation; the girdle of self-control; the bonnets of subjection; the breeches of  sanctity.  Each of these are expounded in 1st Peter as being the proper attire of those engaged in public service.  We are, at all times, every one of us, engaged in this service, and these attributes should mark us continually.  God instructed Moses to "anoint them, and consecrate them, and sanctify them, that that they may minister unto me in the priest's office"-chapter28v41.  These three rituals will be the  subject matter of chapter 29.

The coats of fine linen (material not defined, but assumed to be the same as Aaron-28v41 and 39v27).  Clothed in righteousness given to them-as Isaiah 61v10 says, "I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for He hath clothed me with the garments of salvation, He hath covered me with the robe of righteousness...".   Clothing is used a lot to denote our salvation-refer Job 29v14; Psalm 132v9; Zechariah 3v4; Revelation 3v4; 19v8, to name but a few.  Peter, who described our priestly status, unfolds the traits that mark us in our service.  He speaks about the gift of salvation which is given to us...1st Peter 1v5; 1v9; 1v10; 2nd Peter 1v1; 3v15.   He calls it an inheritance-1v4; it is a high calling-1v15; 2v9; 2v21; 3v6; 3v9; 5v10; 2nd Peter 1v3.  In light of the wonder of our salvation, Peter says we should be "clothed with humility"-4v5.

The girdles of fine twined linen, and blue, and purple, and scarlet of needlework-28v40 and 39v29.  Girdles were used in the Middle East to gather long flowing garments which they wore.  Their purpose was to avoid entanglement when they were at work, in service, or at war.  Thus the girdle represents self-control.  Peter uses this in his teaching of the Christian priesthood, when he says "Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ"-1st Peter 1v13.  It means to be prepared for action; to be alert; to adjust any flaws in your character so as not to hinder your testimony for God.  In 1st Kings 18v46, Elijah outrun Ahab, who was in a chariot, by "girding up his loins".  Control of self is a major bible subject, and should be part of our lives as redeemed people.  

The bonnets represent subjection in scripture.  Today, headwear is often worn to draw attention, but in the bible the opposite was the purpose.  Whether we think of the High Priest in subjection to God or the priests in subjection to the High Priest, the purpose was of deference the one to the other.  Paul introduced the principle in the Christian Church in 1st Corinthians 11v2-16, that a head covering for women was a matter of deference, ultimately to God.  This does not suggest superiority or inferiority, for Christ is not inferior to God; neither are women inferior to men.  It is a matter of subjection to acknowledge Divine order in creation.  It is the teaching of headship, not lordship, and refers to the role each is to play in worship.   We should not confuse the cultural and creational arguments in this chapter to disregard what is a simple design of God.  Peter develops the issue of subjection, an attitude of mind in Christian society, involving many aspects of life.  The spirit of subjection is the very essence of Christianity of which our Lord is the supreme example.  Peter writes:

Submission to public authorities  1st Peter 2v13 "Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake: whether it be to the king as supreme, or to governors, as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that to well".

Subjection to masters or employers  1st Peter 2v18 "Servants be subject unto your masters with all fear (respect); not only to the good and gentle, but also to the froward (perverse)".

Subjection of wives to husbands  1st Peter 3v1/5-6 "Likewise ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands...after this manner in old time, the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves being in subjection unto their own husbands: even as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord...".

Submission of younger to elder  1st Peter 5v5 "Likewise ye younger submit yourselves unto the elder...".

Submission of all of us to each other  1st Peter 5v5 |"Yea all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud and giveth grace to the humble".

Respect to the word of God, both Old and New testaments  2nd Peter 3v1-2  "That ye be mindful of the words which were spoken by the holy prophets, and of the commandments of us the apostles of the Lord and Saviour".   Their words are His words!

The breeches speak of sanctity, another subject developed by Peter.  These were to cover private parts, or as the text says, to cover their nakedness.  The nearest in our language is "breeks" that our mothers spoke about.  There was a saying in Scotland in school holidays "Eight weeks to tear yer breeks, and a day and a hawf tae mend them".  Mandatory in the service of God is cleanliness and purity, so Peter writes about this profusely:

1st Peter 1v15  "But as He which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; because it is written, Be ye holy, for I am holy."

1st Peter 2v1  "Wherefore laying aside all malice, and all guile, and hypocrisies. and envies, and all evil speakings...".

1st Peter 2v11-12 "Dearly beloved, I beseech you, as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul; having your conversation honest among the Gentiles...".

1st Peter 3v10-12 "...let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile: let him eschew evil, and do good; let him seek peace and ensue it.  For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous...".

1st Peter 4v2-3 "That he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh to the lusts of men, but to the will of God.  For the time past of our life may suffice us to have wrought the will of the Gentiles, when we walked in lasciviousness, lusts, excess of wine, revellings, banquetings, and abominable idolatries".  

It is a solemn, if privileged, occupation to serve God as a priest, and we must rise to the calling in the fear of God.  At all times, our great High Priest is there to guide us.

Saturday 27 April 2024

Christ in all the scriptures The Robe, the Mitre, and the Tunic

 Christ in all the scriptures

The robe, the mitre, and the linen coat   Exodus 28 v31-39

The distinctive garments of the High Priests describe for us this important role in religious authority.  We continue with consideration of the robe, the mitre, and the linen coat.

In summary we can say that the robe proclaims the DIGNITY OF THE OFFICE; the mitre with its golden plate, suggests the SANCTITY OF SERVICE; and the coat of fine linen the PURITY OF CHARACTER.   We can profit from a study of each these, all the while relating it to the High Priestly ministry of Christ for us in the sanctuary above.

The robe of blue  The robe was a full length, seamless garment, worn under the ephod and breastplate.  This full length attire was a mark of public dignity, being worn exclusively by rulers, judges, magistrates, priests and rabbis.  This was a mark of great dignity for those who wore them.  The robe was woven fro the top throughout with an embroidered neck binding at the aperture.  Jesus wore such a garment as a rabbi in public service.  In John 19v23-24 the soldiers at the crucifixion took His garments (in modern parlance they "took the shirt from His back!")  They divided His garments among them but the robe was kept intact.  The specific instruction for the robe was "that it be not rent"-Exodus 28v32.  Intended as mock horror at Jesus claim to Deity, by rending the High Priest's garment, contrary to the Divine command-Matthew 26v65, Caiaphas unwittingly ended the Priesthood, just as later the rending of the temple veil ended Judaism as a Divinely instituted religion.  In Revelation 1v13, in the vision of John of the glorified Jesus, He was "clothed with a garment down to the feet".  Thus the robe points to the dignity of the office of Christ as our High Priest.

The first observation is that, while we read of the High Priest in Israel's worship, only Christ is described as the Great High Priest-refer the word megas for great in Hebrews 4v14; 9v11 10v21; and the great shepherd of the sheep in13v20.  This sets Him apart from all others.  He is Priest after a superior order, the order of Melchisedek.  Of Melchisedek it is said "Now consider how great this man was...".  If the type was great, how great is the anti-type?  The dignity of His office, whether as Priest of God's people, or Judge of the unbelieving world, is supreme.  

Secondly the robe is of blue; this is undefined and can refer to heavenly blue, as in sky blue, or to sapphire blue of the throne of judicial power.  His sphere is heaven, and His operation is powerful and authoritarian.

The hem of the robe is adorned with multi-coloured pomegranates and bells of gold, interspersed.  In activity, the High Priest would be heard, and pleasant to the eyes.  The pomegranates symbolise fertility; the bells symbolise testimony.  Pomegranates grew profusely in the fertile crescent; this healthy fruit, when fully ripe contains 613 seeds*.  Each seed is enclosed in nutritious, healthy pods, and the presence of so many seeds ensures a harvest of fruit.  Our Lord Jesus Christ in His High Priestly prayer in John 17, referred to this fertility-v20, He spoke of "them also which shall believe on me through their word".  In Hebrews 2v10, He was qualified as High Priest to lead "many sons to glory".  His ministry in heaven will produce many souls whose lives will be fruitful.  Through Him, they will audibly testify to the saving power of God-again John 17v20, many will be saved "through their word".  Psalm 22v25, "My praise shall be of thee in the great congregation". He wants us to be heard in our testimony and He has given us the words-v8, the very words of God; He has also given us the word of God, the very broad principles to set before men while we are in the world.  We are to do it with joy-v13, it is good news, and a joyful proclamation.  Souls are won, when God's word is shared joyfully.

The mitre was a turban-like crown, fitted with a golden plate, secured by a blue ribbon.  On the forehead, on the front of the mitre, was a clear message, "HOLINESS TO THE LORD".  Anyone in the presence of the High Priest was reminded of the character of God in their midst.  This reveals the reverence with which Christ serves the Father.  "Holy and reverend is His name", says the Psalmist-111v9.  The title reverend occurs only once, and is applied to God alone; no man should ever take that title.  The reverence our Lord has toward God is noteworthy.  He taught His disciples to pray thus, "Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name..."-Matthew 6v9; "I thank thee O Father, Lord of heaven and earth"-Matthew 11v25; "Father the hour is come; glorify thy Son, that thy Son may also glorify thee"-John 17v1.  As the great high priest He understands at all times the holiness of the Father and the sinfulness of the people.  To bring Holy God and sinful man together (subject to sin even in our regenerate state) in prayer and worship, He must deal with the offending sin.  He bears the iniquities of the holy things, that is even in sacred exercise, in bringing gifts to God, our offerings are tainted with sin, and He takes them to Himself to achieve acceptance before God.  Scripture teaches that our High Priest deals with both our infirmities, and our iniquities, as we serve God.  We thank God for our Mediator who intercedes for us.  We should be duly humbled that only by His intercession can we truly serve Him.

The coat of fine linen was the innermost garment of the high priest and the garment  details have moved from the external to the internal.  This is so as to end in the most important aspect of sacred service, that of inner purity and righteousness.  The is made clear in the summary of the dress in v39, "the coat of fine linen, and the mitre of fine linen and the girdle of needlework".  Inner purity and self control is fundamental in the service of God, and Christ exemplified that. 

*The 613 seed pods of the pomegranate may have been the basis for the Rabbinical 613 tenets of the law, made up of 248 negative "thou shalt not" commands; and 365 positive "thou shalt" commands.  This they linked to 248 bones in the human body and 365 days in the year!  The message was they were to obey God with every bone in their body for 365 days a year!  However this degenerated into a man made control of the people, while the leaders put on an outward show.  We may well laugh at this but we are not devoid of spiritual showmanship in our day.  In His service God requires "truth in the inward parts"-Psalm 51v6, not spiritual actors as the Pharisees became, and as modern day Pharisees are amongst us.


Monday 22 April 2024

Christ in all the scriptures The High Priest Breastplate

 Christ in all the scriptures

The Breastplate  Exodus 28v13-30

"For Christ has not entered into the holy places made with hands, which are the figures of the true; but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us"  Hebrews 9v24.

The New Testament interprets the Old Testament, and the Old illuminates the New.  Nowhere is this better illustrated than here; we need both Old and New to understand God.  Exodus 28 depicts the Aaronic Priesthood as a type of the present High Priestly ministry of Christ in heaven for us, which is expounded in Hebrews.  The old instructions to Moses concerning the priesthood, find their resonance right now in a way that is unimaginable.  The present, and superior, High Priestly ministry of Christ is truly an amazing, if neglected, reality.  This teaching must be resurrected in our thinking as it the most powerful incentive for godly living!  We rob ourselves and those around us of much blessing if we fail to understand this.  There is a man in heaven today, a man who loves us, who died to save us, who is daily involved in representing us before the throne of God.  The names of all His people are engraved on onyx stones set in gold upon His strong shoulders.  The names of all His people are set in gold as precious stones on the breastplate, close to His heart.  In the onyx stones on the shoulders we see His power to save us in every situation, and carry us through to our eternal life with Him.  In the breastplate we see His passion for us in loving care and understanding.  On His shoulders, and next to His heart-Divine strength and Divine love.  Not one without the other, or one sometimes and then the other, but both working together at all times. We say it, we sing it, but do we really believe it?  We are represented in this way continually before God!-refer Exodus 28v29-30.  In the detail of the breastplate, we find heart-warming features of Christ's ministry for us in life.

The breastplate is foursquare   It is universal and applies to all believers-Hebrews 7v25.

It is near to His heart  He can be touched with the feelings of our infirmities-Hebrews 4v15.  He lived here on this earth, He knows how difficult life can be; He knows the rejection of men, the fickleness of human kind; He knows the emotions of the heart, apart from sin.

It was doubled   It was strong and useful; we shall see the usefulness later, but His affection for us is strong-Hebrews 4v15, "He was in all points tempted (put to the test) as we are...", He knows every experience we pass through.

It is measured by a span   The span in scripture is the measure of the handbreadth, from the tip of the thumb to the tip of the index finger on an outstretched hand.  The Hebrew zereth for span is used again in Isaiah 40 v12 to describe Creation, |"God measured out the heavens with a span"- His span is greater than ours and it is this unlimited measure we apply to the breastplate.  There is no limit to God's affection for us.

The names of the children of Israel are characterised by precious stones   Each tribe a precious stone, each one of varying colour.  All God's people are precious to Him,. His treasured possession-Deuteronomy 7v6; Isaiah 43v4; Daniel 10v19; Zechariah 2v8; Matthew 13v46; Ephesians 2v10; James 1v18; 1st Peter 1v7; 2v9; Titus 2v14.  The prophet Malachi (3v17) describes God's people as His jewels.  In the vision of the throne by John in Revelation 4v3, the throne appears in the form of the sardine (ruby) stone and the jasper (crystal stone.  These are the first and last stones on the breastplate, therefore encompassing all God's people.  In the eternal city the city of God, the New Jerusalem, the 12 foundation stones are precious stones, as are the 12 gates.  Together, they represent the 12 apostles of the Lamb and the 12 tribes of Israel.  All God's people depicted as precious stones!  The value of anything is the price someone is prepared to pay for it.  God paid the ultimate price to secure our salvation, when He gave His only Son-Acts 20v28.   Speculation is around to interpret the meaning of the different stones to characterise the different tribes.  This is a study that requires separate attention and it is open to all today to ponder this special subject, which has received scant attention thus far, and some current offerings are dubious in the extreme.  The epistles of Peter focus on the value of God's people to God, by the repetition of the word precious applied to our salvation-1st Peter 1v7; 1v19; 2v4; 2v6; 2v7; 3v4; 2nd Peter 1v1; 1 v4.  Such a study is very revealing and edifying.

The Ephod is linked to the breastplate by means of wreathen chains.   Wreathen is not a word in common use today, but means material, whether floral or fabric or metallic, intertwined to form a continuous chain.  My friend Graham Kennedy, the bible artist, points out that he once produced a life size painting of the High Priest, but found that he had depicted the chains in link form; someone corrected him by observing that the strength of a chain made from links is only as good as its weakest link.  There are no weak links with God! and so Graham altered the painting.  Set in sockets of gold, and linked by unbreakable chains, God's power and His pathos for us are inextricably linked.

The breastplate is called "The breastplate of judgment", three times in the chapter-v15v29v30.  This aspect is usually passed over but it is the most revealing of all.  Inside the pocket of the doubled over breastplate were placed the mysterious stones called "Urim and Thummim"-v30, meaning "lights and perfections".  No explanation is given of these, but it is thought they may have been crystalline stones which interacted with the 12 coloured stones to form some kind of communication between God and the High Priest.  The judgment is not in the sense of punishment, but of decision making, and reveals the constant communication between God and Aaron in decisions affecting the twelve tribes.  That these were in constant use is evident from their repeated mention in scripture, as in Numbers 27v21; 1st Samuel 28v6; Nehemiah 7v65.  This suggests a continual decision making process between God and our great High Priest, in matters that affect us as the people of God.  These decisions are made from the heart, and thus we are the permanent concern before Him at the very pinnacle of the universe!!

Is this an illustration of Peter's word of comfort to believers in 1st Peter 5v7 "Casting all your care upon Him, for He careth for you"-or as one version puts it, "it matters to Him about you".   In the glory of heaven, His thoughts are with us, He cares for us, He is in communication with His Father concerning us!  He performs all things for me-Psalm 57v2; He perfects all things concerning me-Psalm 138v8.  "All things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose-Romans 8v28.

We are not alone, there is One in heaven who is powerfully and passionately, and permanently involved in our lives.   

Wednesday 17 April 2024

Christ in all the scriptures The High Priests garments The Ephod

 Christ in all the scriptures

The garments of the High Priest   the Ephod  Exodus 28v5-12

We consider now the reality of the High Priestly ministry of Christ, of which Aaron is typical.  The type falls down, as all types come short, and this is seen in the fact Aaron could not enter the sanctuary in garments of glory and beauty, but must change into the pure white linen Ephod-Leviticus 16v4v23.  This distinguishes him from Christ.  Indeed the Aaronic priesthood is distinguished from the priesthood of Christ in Hebrews, where the superior priesthood of Christ is after the order of Melchisedek.  The important thing for us is the realisation of the High Priestly work of Christ for us in the present.  There is a sense in which His work was finished on the cross; it is also true that His work for us continues all through life.  WE ARE NOT ALONE ON THE CHRISTIAN JOURNEY, and it is vital we are aware of it.  We have a great High Priest in heaven who ministers in the sanctuary on our behalf.  Scriptures like Romans 5v10 "For if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of His Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by His life"!  He is alive, He is active for us.  Romans 8v24, "Christ died, yea rather is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us!"  Hebrews 7v25, "Wherefore He is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by Him, seeing He ever liveth to make intercession for them"!  Believers, enter into the joy of knowing that, not only did He die to save you, but He lives to comfort you through life, and He will bring you through no matter what.

Attention is drawn to the beautiful colours of the ephod, and also the wonderful function of the ephod.  The ephod was a sleeveless apron like vesture, secured by a sash of similar colouring, called a curious girdle, and stretching  to below the hips.  The ephod was worn over the blue robe and was the primary visual appearance.  Its colours were gold and blue and purple and scarlet, and made of fine twined linen.  It was made by the finest artisans who had learned their trade in Egypt; thus it was a garment of highest quality, as well as dazzling beauty.  It was the same expensive material as the inner curtains.  This fact alone links the High Priest to the holy place and the inner sanctuary.  

Gold  symbolising Deity-Hebrews 4v14 "Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God...".  Gold is mentioned first and is the predominant colour of the ephod.  Our great High Priest, who can, and does sympathise with our infirmities, is no less than God Himself!  This awesome truth can be traced throughout the letter to Hebrews.

Blue  His heavenly sphere of service-Hebrews 9v24 "Christ has entered into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us".

Purple  His majestic office-Hebrews 1v3, "When He had by Himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the majesty on high ; He brews 8v1 "We have such an high priest, who is set on the right hand of the throne of the majesty in the heavens|"; Hebrews 10v12, But this man, after He had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God."; Hebrews 12v2 "Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith...who is set down at the right hand of the throne of God." 

Scarlet  His sacrificial nature-Hebrews 2v10, "For it became Him, for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons unto glory to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings";  Hebrews 5v8 "Though He were a Son, yet learned He obedience by the things that He suffered."

Fine twined linen  His righteous character, His interceding's are always accepted because of His nature-Hebrews 9v14 "...offered Himself without spot to God."; Hebrews 4v15, "He was in all points put to the test as we are, yet without sin"; Hebrews 7v2, "King of righteousness...King of peace"; Hebrews 7v26 "For such an high priest became us, who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners".

Attached to the ephod on both shoulder straps are onyx stones set in sockets of gold.  On these are engraved the names of the children of Israel, six on each shoulder, listed in accordance with their birth.  Thus on the right shoulder were the names of Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtali; on the left shoulder, Gad, Asher, Issachar; Zebulon, Joseph, Benjamin.  These are the twelve tribes, representing all the people of God.  They are supported on the High Priest's shoulder, the symbol of strength.  No matter their tortuous history, His strength will see them through.  Modern history is testimony to that!  Way into the future, scripture speaks of the twelve tribes, currently scattered throughout the nations of the world, but will be gathered intact as a unit.  James wrote to the twelve tribes; Peter to the dispersion in Asia; John, writing concerning the end times, mentions them in prophecy-Revelation 7 and 20v12.  All those born into the family of God will endure to the end in the strong support of their leader.  The words of Augustus Toplady are relevant here, "The work which His goodness began, the arm of His strength will complete".   He carries all His people on His shoulder.  Remember the mention of His shoulder in Isaiah 9v6, "The government (that is the government of the world) shall be on His shoulder"-strong shoulder! In the parable of the lost sheep in Luke 15, He carried the sheep on His shoulders (plural).  This symbolism of the work of Christ in heaven today is very graphic:

Onyx   Onyx is the colour of a human nail, no matter the skin pigmentation; all human nails are the same.  This is the UNIVERSAL colour common to all.  Thus all God's people are implied- Hebrews 7v25, "He is able to save to the uttermost all who come unto God by Him".

The curious girdle  Speaks of constant activity, with no hindrances to His service.  The girdle for clothing was used in work in travel and in warfare to enable free movement-He is with us in every situation, the subject of Psalm 121.

The names were engraven  This speaks of the PERMANENCE of His ministry on our behalf-Hebrews 6v20; 7v3.  The engraving was professionally done.

The names were according to birth  They were not arranged according to their fidelity, but according to birth.  His ministry for us is IMPARTIAL- Hebrews 2v17.

The names were for a memorial   They will never be forgotten-Hebrews 13v5-6.

They were secured in sockets of gold  They are unassailable, nothing, no one, can harm them!-they are preserved by Deity-Matthew 16v18; John 6v39; John 10v28-29; John 17v12; John 18v9; Romans 8v35-39.

Monday 15 April 2024

Christ in all the scriptures The Priesthood part 1

 Christ in all the scriptures

The Priesthood   Exodus 28v1-30v43

This is a huge subject and 3 chapters here are devoted to it.  Chapter 28 the Clothing of the Priesthood; chapter 29, the Consecration of the Priesthood; chapter 30, the Ceremonies of the Priesthood.  Focus is on the High Priest, under whom the body of priests serve.  The role of the High Priest is defined in Hebrews 5v1, "And every high priest taken from among men is ordained for men in things pertaining to God, that he may offer gifts and sacrifices for sins".  The Priesthood therefore is a mediation service between God and man.  "From men...for men...in things pertaining to God".   To understand this today, we must see Christ as the High Priest; that the sanctuary is in heaven, not anywhere on earth (Hebrews 8v1-2); and all the family of God as priests.  These aspects will emerge in the studies.  The first chapter deals with the Clothing-28v1-39, the garments of the High Priest; v40-43, that of the serving priests.  Clothing in scripture typifies character, as is clarified in Romans 13v14 "Put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh..."; Ephesians 4v22-24, "that ye put off concerning the former way of life, the old man...and that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness"; Colossians 3v8-14,  "Now also put off all these: anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth...put off the old man with his deeds...put on the new man...put on therefore as the elect of God, tender mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering...above all put on love which is the bond of perfectness (maturity)".    Distinctive clothing was the hallmark of public officials, such as judges, lawyers, lords, ladies, kings, queens.  Distinctive character is the hallmark of those who serve God in holy service.

As we would expect, the emphasis is on the High Priest, and a detailed description of his clothing is found in chapter 28: a breastplate; an ephod; a robe; a broidered coat; a mitre; and a girdle; the chains and ouches which united all together.  The garments were "for glory and for beauty", the bright colours for the High Priest, the pure white linen for the serving priests.  There is nothing more glorious or beautiful than service to God.  Strange, therefore, that those who perpetuate a priestly caste system of worship, today,  choose black as their clothing.  There is something perverse about this, though may reflect the darkness of their service as opposed to the pure white linen of biblical priesthood.  In reality, there is no distinctive clothing of the priesthood, save the distinction of sterling character, as we serve the Lord.  There is no priestly caste system, separate from the people, such as is reflected in those who operate clergy and laity.  All the people of God are priests from the greatest to the least, and this reality will become clear in our study.    

The chapter 28 introduces the subject of the priesthood by referring to this important fact; that Aaron is the High Priest, and all his family are priests-"And take thou unto thee Aaron thy brother, and his sons with him, from among the children of Israel, that he may minister unto me in the priest's office, even Aaron, Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar, Aaron's sons"  The sons of Aaron were ministering priests, not by any merit of their own, not by any achievement, but simply by birth into the family of Aaron.   Four times over in the chapter, "that they may minister unto me in the priest's office"-v1v3v4v41.  Aaron is the High Priest, his sons are the priests, and they serve the Lord.  In the New Testament, Christ is the High Priest, not after the order of Aaron, but after the order of Melchisedek-Psalm 110v4; Zechariah 6v13; Hebrews 2v17; 4v14-15; 6v20; 1v25-27.  God's people, by birth into the family of Christ are serving priests-1st Peter 2v5v9.  Bear in mind Peter was writing to believers in at least 5 different locations, Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bythinia, so the whole of the corporate church is intended.  This is the bedrock teaching of the Priesthood of all believers, accepted in general in principle, but often discarded in practice with our modern versions of church structure where self-appointed elders lord it over the flock, and the like.  The overriding issue is that we all serve, and the emphasis must be on character and morality.  Holy, Royal, are the terms used to describe the service of God's people today, and the implications are obvious.  We are a Holy Priesthood to worship God; we are a Royal Priesthood to witness to men.  There are two essentials in this service: the olive oil, symbolic of the Spirit; and the High Priest, the service of Christ in the sanctuary in heaven.  Priestly service is that which is done toward God, and to men in relation to God.  It is any service which is rendered to God, however menial.  Examples are as follows:

Prayer and fasting to seek guidance-Acts 13v2; general prayers and intercessions and supplications and prayers on behalf of all men, and those in authority 1st Timothy 2v1-2; spiritual worship in preaching-Romans 1v9; personal devotion to God-Romans 12v1;  corporate worship by all the churches-Romans 15v16; prayers for family life 1st Corinthians 7v5 and 1st Peter 3v7; giving to the need of others-Philippians 4v18; good words and good works-Hebrews 13v15-16.  Plus a host more that affects everyday life; priestly work is that which is done toward God on behalf of men.  It is something we can all do, and should do.  We do so in the glory and beauty of our great High Priest.

Tuesday 9 April 2024

Christ in all the scriptures Pure olive oil

 Christ in all the scriptures

Pure Olive Oil Beaten

Readings Exodus 27v20-21

These verses represent a turning point in the detail of the tabernacle.  From 25v1-27v19 the emphasis has been on GOD APPROACHING MAN, beginning with the Ark and ending with the beautiful gate of entrance.  Now from 27v20-30v43 the emphasis is on MAN APPROACHING GOD!  In this section we have the olive oil; the office and service of the Priesthood; the golden altar of incense; the brazen laver; the holy anointing oil, the sweet spices for incense, all associated with man's approach to God.  This establishes the fact that in our reconciliation to God, the initiative is all from God.  Had He never sought us, we would never have sought Him!  This much is stated in Paul's exposition of the gospel-Romans 3v11 "There is none that seeketh after God".  The emphasis is always on God seeking us.  This is a very important fact that God has ever sought us in our lost and sinful condition.  From the beginning in Eden-Genesis 3v9, "Adam where art thou?"  Matthew 13v45 "The kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man seeking goodly pearls".  The three pictures in Luke 15, seeking the lost sheep; seeking the lost silver; seeking the lost son, are all pictures of God seeking the lost.  Luke 19v10 "The Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost."  John 6v44 "No man can come unto me except the Father which sent me draw him".  God moved toward us in order that we might move toward Him, and this pattern is clearly seen in the presentation of the tabernacle.  As John said "We love Him because He first loved us"-1st John 4v19.  

Note also the first consideration in approaching God is the pure oil olive to keep the lamp  burning continually.  Service to God never ceases and the empowering element is the oil.  This is interpreted for us in Zechariah 4.  The oil is the Holy Spirit (4v6-"...not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord of hosts").  Our service to God is spiritual, inspired and empowered by the Holy Spirit.  In this chapter, the supply of oil is constant as the vision is of two olive trees, that stand by the Lord of the whole earth.   The supply of the Spirit never ends.  There are three functions of the olive oil in the service of God-1) to maintain a light for the lamp (Exodus 27v20); 2) as a necessary ingredient in the grain offering (Leviticus 2v1v2v4v5v6v7v15v16-no matter how the grain offering is presented it must be mingled with oil); 3) as a necessary ingredient in the anointing oil (Exodus 30v24).  The oil for the lamp represents public testimony; the oil for the meal offering is for personal character; the olive oil, as part of the anointing oil, is for special service-three offices in Israel required anointing, the Priest, the King, an d the Prophet.  Every aspect of service in association with God required the olive oil, symbolic of the Spirit of God.  In our public testimony, in our personal character, in official service, the Holy Spirit is a necessity.  This we all possess but we have to be empowered by Him, else all service is vain.

Scriptures abound with the necessity of the Spirit in all that we are and do.  This is a massive subject, and its importance cannot be over emphasised.    We cannot, by ourselves, achieve this, we need His help.  The Lord, before He commissioned His disciples to serve, said "Receive ye the Holy Spirit"-John 20v22.  In the Acts the Spirit is mentioned 51 times; in Romans 24 times; in the Corinthian letters 25 times; in Galatians 14 times; in Ephesians 12 times; in Philippians twice; in Colossians once; in the Pastoral epistles 9 times; in Hebrews 7 times; in James once; in the epistles of Peter 6 times; in the epistles of John 6 times; in Jude twice; in Revelation 15 times.  The extent of that should be enough to convince us of the primary role He plays in our lives and service, being indispensable in every aspect.  He inspires, He leads, He guides, He transforms, He restrains, He empowers, He, controls, He enriches, He enlarges...He is our Comforter, who draws alongside us in our pathway.  

Of course, our Lord Jesus Christ is the supreme example of conformity to the Spirit the Spirit rested on Him in the form of a dove, a picture of absolute beauty and serenity.  No wonder it says that "God gave not the Spirit by measure unto Him"-John 3v34.

The oil olive had to be pure, it also had to be beaten.  Historians tell us that there are over 800 million olive trees on planet earth, mostly around the Mediterranean.  We all know that olive oil is symbolic for health and vigour.  Experts tell us that while the olives are ultimately crushed to collect the oil, the best of the oil comes from initial beating, which is done to extract the best quality.  It is interesting to acquaint ourselves with the process of extraction.  The beating is actually quite brutal, literally to break into pieces.  Olive oil, which is considered to be the elixir of youth and health, is extracted first through a process of beating, then by final crushing.  There was no one more beaten than the Lord Jesus, bodily, mentally, and spiritually.  The Spirit of God is beaten and bruised as He traverses this world for God.  We, believers can grieve Him, quench Him, and ignore Him.  The world at large rejects Him, and insults Him, and mocks Him.  Yet He remains pure, and goes about His work gracefully.  For us to reflect the youthful, healthy joyous vigour of the oil, may involve a time of trial through beating-"Whom the Father loveth, He chasteneth...Hebrews 12v6.  He does this to bring the best out in us, for the finest oil of olive comes from the process of beating.  We are exhorted not to despise His chastening, nor become weary if it continues for a while.  True light for God shines only when the pure oil olive is at work.  

Thursday 4 April 2024

Christ in all the scriptures The courtyard

 Christ in all the scriptures

Readings: Ex. 27v9-19; 35v17; 38v9-19; 40v8v33;1st Tim. 3v14-16

The courtyard screens

The order in which these various pictures are placed is just amazing.  The thought flow of scripture is something to behold.  No sooner have we learned of the Brazen Altar, the place of slaughter, as the only basis for man approaching God, than we are confronted by the NEED FOR THE ALTAR.  The great white sheet of pure linen woven, 5 cubits high, and 280 cubits round, screens the house of God from the outside world.  Upheld by 60 pillars, standing on sockets of brass, with pins of brass; hooks and fillets and chapiters of silver.   There was only one entrance, through the gate of 5 cubits high and 20 cubits broad.  The gate was wide enough to allow access for a number but it was the only way.  All the pillars and sockets and hooks and pins were of brass (v19).   In the construction, the hangings of the courtyard were last to be reared up, and were the finishing touches to the entire tabernacle, symbolic of the worship of the true God-Ex. 40v33.  Only when this was done, did the glory cloud descend.  We see in the court and hangings a number of  interesting pictures of the house of God.

Measured from the ends of the entrance gate, there are 280 cubits of pure linen, upheld by pillars.  We have already suggested this equates to the gestation period in a normal human birth, so it speaks of humanity.  The fillets and  and hooks and chapiters, being of silver, compassing the entire perimeter, suggests REDEEMED HUMANITY.  Each pillar had a chapiter (an ornamental head) of silver, almost like a crown of distinction-Ex.38v19.

The height of 5 cubits round about, based on the significance of the number 5, (5 fingers, 5 toes, 5 senses-we are expected to use our fingers, and feet, and senses in the worship of God) suggests HUMAN RESPONSIBILITY.   Five cubits is approx. 8ft. high so there is a standard higher than the normal human stature.  In our personal worship, our presentation should be acceptable to God-Romans 12v1; in our corporate worship we are to "offer up sacrifices acceptable to God"-1st Peter 2v5.  There is no room for human invention, simply conformity to the will of God.

The pure linen fabric for the hangings all around, suggests DIVINE PURITY.  Fine twined linen is said to be the righteous acts of the saints-Revelation 19v8.  Clothing in scripture often is related to character.  In olden times clothing distinguished a person's social status; so spiritually, our righteous character should display our standing in Christ.  We have been "covered with a robe of righteousness"-Isaiah 61v10.  We are called to maintain righteous standards in our service for God.  In the holy service of the priesthood, they were clothed in fine linen.  Purity just means of unmixed quality, not appearing one thing then another.  This becomes all who serve God.  No impurity is to be associated with the house of God.  Jesus said to those at Sardis who had not defiled their garments, "They shall walk with me in white"; the Bride of Christ will be arrayed in white linen at the marriage of the Lamb.  The picture is unmistakable, "Holiness becometh thine house O, Lord, forever"-Psalm 93v5.

In the pillars, upholding the pure hangings, we see PUBLIC TESTIMONY.  The pillars of brass stand to uphold the Divine truth.  Paul referred to this in 1st Timothy 3v14-16, where he describes the house of God as the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.  We stand together as testimony to God in a dark and perverse world-Philippians 2v15-16, "Holding fast the word of life"; 1st Timothy 1v19 "holding faith and a good conscience"; 1st Timothy 3v9, holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience; 2nd Timothy 1v13, "Hold fast the form of sound words"; Rev. 2v25, "Hold fast till I come". 

The brazen sockets and pillars and pins are all of brass.  We have shown that brass signifies judgment, and so this is the aspect of DIVINE SCRUTINY.  In the worship of God, we are personally accountable to the Lord for the quality of our work.  This fact is imprinted in holy scripture, and it deserves further mention.  It is a fundamental fact that, although we will not face penal judgment, there will be assessment of our character and our work as the following scriptures reveal: Romans 14v10-12, we will be personally judged so we should not act as judges of others; 1st Corinthians 3v13-14, the quality of our work will be scrutinized; 2nd Corinthians 5v10, regarding things done in the body; Ephesians 6v8, for the good we have done; 1st Thessalonians 2v4, concerning the manner of our preaching; James 5v9, concerning our attitude to other Christians-"Grudge not one against another, brethren, lest ye be condemned: behold the judge standeth before the door".  Overseers will be scrutinised concerning their pastoral care over God's flock-Hebrews 13v17 and 1st Peter 5v2-4.

In the gate we have PIETY, where the worshippers may enter to bring their offerings to God.   Respect to the goodness of God, and desire to please Him prompts the Israelite to bring what they can to honour Him.  Likewise, Christian worshippers today approach the sacred presence with gifts.  There are no more animal sacrifices; the offerings are spiritual.  The worshippers come through the gate, which is the same area as the door to the tent, although wider, and half as high.  Also, the hanging is of the same embroidery of blue, purple, and scarlet, and of fine twined linen.  They come in the consciousness of the heavenly, regal, sacrificial, and righteous character of Christ.  They bring their offerings which speak of Christ.  Worship is no longer confined to space or time-John 4v20-24.  The New Testament expands on the different aspects of worship as follows:

Romans 1v9 "God is my witness whom I serve with my spirit (religiously serve-worship) in the gospel of His Son..."   Paul worshipped in preaching!

Romans 12v1 "I beseech you therefore, brethren, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service (religious service-worship).  We can all worship by presenting our bodies in His service!

Philippians 2v17 "Yea and if I be offered upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I joy and rejoice with you all".  Service is religious service-worship.  Paul was the lesser individual drink offering poured on the greater corporate sacrifice of the Philippian church.  They worshipped by the distinctive beauty of their lives!

Philippians 4v18 "I am full, having received of Epaphroditus, the things that were sent from you, an odour of a sweet smell, a sacrifice acceptable, well pleasing to God."  They worshipped by sending material support to the Lord's servant!

Hebrews 13v15 "By Him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is the fruit of our lips giving thanks in His name".  We worship by the fruit of our lips, whether in prayer or in song or in pastoring!

Hebrews 13v16 "But to do good and communicate forget not: for with such sacrifices God is well pleased".  We worship by doing good works!

Hebrews 13v21 "Make you perfect in every good work to do His will, working in you that which is well pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen".  We worship when we allow the Lord to change us for the better!

Worship is not so much an act, rather is it an attitude, and it takes many forms.  It could be viewed as WORTH-SHIP!  How grateful are we, by how much do we value Him?