Monday 14 November 2016


Her Identification                            Revelation 17v18.

"The woman which thou sawest is that great city which reigneth over the kings of the earth".

Finally she is identified as the great city which reigns over the kings of the earth;  within her confines this city dominates the political, commercial, and religious systems of the world.  Scripture is its own interpreter; we know that in scripture that Jerusalem is called "the great city" (Jeremiah 22v8; Revelation 11v8, Revelation 16v9).   However Jerusalem has never ruled the world in this way and also in chapter 16v9 where she is called a great city, she is distinguished from Babylon.   Indeed no city in the world has dominated the earth as is described here.   So we are looking for something that will exist in the future.   In the book of Jonah God referred to Nineveh as  "that great city " four times over.   No doubt he was referring to its size and population but in Revelation chapters 17&18 this city has achieved greatness beyond anything that has gone before.  

From chapter 17v18 - chapter 18v24, this phrase  "the great city " is mentioned six times (17v18; 18v10; 18v16; 18v18; 18v19 and 18v21).   In each case it refers to Babylon.    The old city Babylon today is only a shrine, although there are reports of activity even now.   In summary we are looking for a city called Babylon which does not exist today, but which will rise to such power as no city on earth ever has.   Also, since Babylon is mentioned over 260 times in the bible and is the subject matter of many chapters in the bible, it seems certain that in a coming day, a great city will be built which will have total world power in every conceivable department of life.  

There is a clue given to us in Zechariah 5v5-11 which may shed light on it.   This is the vision of the "ephah" being the seventh of eight visions in the prophecy.
  • Zechariah 5v6     -     "He saw an ephah which goeth forth."   An ephah is the largest single commercial measure of fluids or solids and had come to be symbolic in biblical times of commerce.   So the vision is of commerce on the move.   It was probably a commercial cage which held the exact amount for use in transportation.
  • Zechariah 5v7     -     A woman sitting in the midst of the ephah (similar to Revelation chapters 17&18).  
  • Zechariah 5v8     -     The declaration "this is the wickedness" (again Revelation 17&18); a woman plying her wicked trade.  
  • Zechariah 5v9/10     -     The whole thing is lifted up and moved by two women with stork like wings; angels? or demons? we don't know but we do know that this is a supernatural act.   Where are they headed?    
  • Zechariah 5v11 "to build a house in the land of Shinar, and it shall be established and set on its own base."   Where is the land of Shinar?    It is first mentioned in Genesis 10v10, then Genesis 11v2, then Genesis 14v2 and is always connected with Babylon.    The land of Shinar is modern day Iraq along the southern banks of the river Euphrates.   It is here that a new city will be built that will rise to control politics, religion and commerce.   It is described as the great wickedness and the man who will rise to control it, eventually, will be called "the man of sin."   Babylon in the land of Shinar is another name for Sumer or Akkad where Babylon was located.   Throughout the scripture she has come to symbolise the focus of anti-God sentiment and activity.
The only conclusion can be that Babylon in Revelation chapters 17&18, the great whore, the mother of harlots will be be a rebuilt city controlling the world and plying her evil anti-God trade whether material or spiritual.   This will become clearer as we move through chapter 18 which is basically an expansion of chapter 17v16.   There we shall see the extent of her wickedness and the calamity of her judgment.

Amazon bookshelf   George Neilly

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