Sunday 6 November 2016


The great whore                                HER CREDENTIALS                      Revelation 17v5. 


The Holy Spirit draws attention to three women, representing corporate bodies in the book of Revelation.   Each one has stated credentials, which are clear for all to see and everyone of us will belong to one of these three groups.  
  • "The woman clothed with the sun."   Revelation 12v1, verse  4, verse 6, verse 14, verse 15, verse 16, verse 17.   This woman represents true Israel
  •  "The bride the Lamb's wife."    Revelation 19v7, verse 8, & chapter 21v2, verse 9.   This is the church of Jesus Christ redeemed by blood consisting mostly of Gentile nations. 
  • "The great whore......the mother of harlots."   Revelation 17 v1, verse 2, verse 3, verse 4, verse 5, verse 7, verse 15, verse 18.   This is everyone else.      
Her credentials are obvious, they are written on her forehead for all to see.   She represents the world in rebellion against God.  We note carefully what is said about her.

  • Her name is mystery.    There are fifteen mysteries in the New Testament, all of them describing some aspect of the period of time between the first and the second advents of Christ.   The idea is not so much as that which is mysterious, but secret; something which was held back, covered up in times past, but is now revealed.   This aspect is very important because it speaks of an ages- long process, that will not be fully recognised until the end times. When the time comes for the secret to be revealed, she will be destroyed almost immediately.  
  • Her name is Babylon the great.   The development of Babylon has been seen throughout scripture.   Genesis chapter 11, the building of a city and a religion in defiance against God.  Genesis chapter 14 the invasion of the land that God gave to Abraham.   The prophecy of Daniel, from those small beginnings she became a world empire intoxicated with her pomp and splendour and might even to the extent of enslaving the people of God and robbing the temple of God.   The very next time she appears is in the Revelation, so from her beginnings, she has never really gone away.   Her kingdom may have fallen but her spirit lives on and will rise to power again.   She is indeed Babylon the great.
  • She is the mother of harlots.   Through the course of time she has spawned many daughters in her own image.   There are many who wish to identify her as a modern religious group, but none of these can be described as "the mother of harlots."    Many indeed may be among the harlots but none of them is the mother of harlots; it goes back much further than that.   Therefore by process of elimination it cannot be Rome, it cannot be liberal Protestantism , it cannot be Hinduism, Buddhism, or any other ism, or any modern cult who have similarly walked in her ways; the truth is Babylon of Genesis chapter 11 has never gone away.   What is the spirit of Babylon which has outlasted the generations?   It is world domination in independence of God.  Babylon the great has spawned countless daughters, many of which exists today.   She is the mother of harlots.
  • She is the mother of the abominations of the earth.    In the bible this word is always used to refer to idolatry.     Any belief or practice which does not honour the God of heaven as revealed in the bible is abomination to God.   Whether these be figments of imagination, images of heavenly bodies, the deifying of animals, the worship of material created things, it is all an abomination to God.   Every religious practice, contrary to the will of God has come from the spirit of Babylon.   She is the source of every false doctrine and practice.   She is called in the Old testament  "the queen of heaven."   She does not exist except in the spirit world and yet millions will follow her ways.   Though unseen she is a powerful force, she is what the new testament describes as the world; the world system in defiance of God.   Whether it be the world of politics, of commerce, of academia, of science, of medicine, of religion, or any other thing you care to mention, where these are not subject to the will of God they are an abomination to God.   He suffers them, He has suffered long, but He will bring it all to an end.

Amazon bookshelf   George Neilly

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