Friday 4 November 2016


The great whore.                               HER CONTROL                                Revelation 17v3.

We focus once again on the word "sitting" used to portray the situation.   This presents the idea not only of comfort but of control.   Time and again in the new testament when the present sovereignty of Christ in the universe is described it is said  "He is seated on the right hand of God."   It was said of Lot in Genesis chapter 19 "that "he sat in the gate of Sodom."   Psalm 1 speaks of those who "sit in the seat of the scornful."   In the main, world religions are all about mind control.   Karl Marx was not far wrong when he said  "religion is the opium of the people."   What he failed to say was that he was just propagating another religion, namely communism.   There is no doubt that anyone who seeks world power requires the support of the masses.   We are all aware today of the existence of world controls on just about everything we do.   We control the minds of the young by sending them to school.   There is world control on the food supply, on medication, and many other aspects of life;   religion plays a large part in this.   There are religions with caste systems where only the elected priests are allowed to interpret the teaching; in the modern day Roman catholic church the doctrine of the infallibility of the pope is another example and has the tendency to forbid common folks to study for themselves.   The proliferation of eastern mystic religions which depend on unseen supernatural revelations all make for a kind of spiritual slavery pervading even the present world.   In verse 15 of this chapter it says that this woman  "sits on many waters" and those waters are interpreted as masses of peoples of different ethnic backgrounds.   This is much greater than just one system, it is worldwide and may take many different forms.  

In verse 3 it is said that this woman  "sits on a scarlet coloured beast."   This is most astonishing; the woman is controlling the beast!   The next few verses will show that this beast is none other than the last great world emperor with his empire.   This beast has nothing religious about him, makes no pretence to it, and his aim is world domination; yet here we see the woman (symbolic of religion) controlling the beast (symbolic of politics).   We could well wonder if the beginnings of this is happening right now.   Why would a political system which uses money and military might to achieve its ends, succumb to religious influences which advocate peaceful means.   We see later that the beast turns on this woman to destroy her, so it is clear that he is simply using her worldwide influence as a stepping stone to his world domination.   In 1964 the late Hugh Gaitskell said of the attempt to unite Europe  "you cannot unite politically until and unless you unite religiously."   Men and women who are sold on a religion are more likely to support political parties which allow them religious freedom. In turn political parties greatly benefit by accommodating religious freedom.
This situation must refer to the very early days of the tribulation period because as we saw from Revelation chapter 6 and Daniel chapters 7 & 11, this last world emperor rises to power only very slowly and does so by peaceful means and by flatteries.   We are now being told exactly how he does it.   He uses this woman with vast global influence to rise to power.  

We cannot understand the possible identity of this woman until we have unfolded all the details of chapter 17 & 18.   There is however a very important point at the outset of this discussion noted in verse 3  "so he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness."   The wilderness represents a place of barrenness where nothing grows and nothing is produced.    The true Christian has come to learn the reality of the hymn which says  "This world is a wilderness wide."   Spiritually speaking there is nothing in this world for the soul of the believer and the venue at which this vision was given to John tells us that this woman represents a world system which, as far as God is concerned, is nothing but a barren wilderness.   This world produces nothing for God; this world takes from God everything that His kindness will supply (and He supplies it every second) but gives him nothing in return.   There is nothing for God in empty, self pleasing religion.   There are many today who are desperate to identify
this woman in modern day terms.   The fact is, she could be represented in a multitude of systems and organisations of this world.   For me, the best way to consider it is to take the New Testament references to "the world."    This expression occurs many times and refers to the worldwide system which is anti- God.   In Galatians chapter 1 it is described as  "this present evil world."   Remember that the present age in which we live commenced with the greatest act of treason, namely the unlawful killing of the Son of God.    The character of such a world, that has never repented for that outrageous deed, is captured by the apostle John when he wrote in 1st John 2v15-17  "love not the world, neither the things that are in the world.   If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.   For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.   And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth forever."   We will do well to understand this woman in these terms, since she represents the final and full blown worldly life- style contrary to God.  

She sits upon the beast; the chapter will unfold the evil nature of the beast.   The woman is content not only to have association with him but she seeks to control him.   She is thus indeed sitting in the seat of evil, whilst proclaiming respectability. Can it be that large religious organisations are controlling world politics? 

Amazon bookshelf   George Neilly


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