Wednesday 6 December 2023

Christ in all the scriptures Genesis 46-48 In Him, all the promises of God are Yea, and in Him, Amen!Jesus

 Genesis chapters 46-48

The purposes of God advanced

"And God spake unto Israel in the visions of the night, and said, Jacob, Jacob.  And he said, here am I.  And He said, I am God, the God of thy father: fear not to go down into Egypt; for I will there make of thee a great nation: I will go down with thee into Egypt; and I will also surely bring thee up again: and Joseph shall put his hand upon thine eyes"-46v2-4.

The story of these chapters is of the movement of the family of Jacob into Egypt by Divine arrangement; the purposes of God in history were thus continued by sovereign decree.  The names listed in chapter 46, which were the sum total of Israel, became the ancestors of the family line that would lead to the coming of Christ.  Every name is mentioned in detail-there were 70 in all if we count Joseph and his two sons.  It was to be through Israel that Christ would come into the world, and in Him all the purposes of God would be fulfilled.  This is the significance of this portion of God's word.  

We remember God's amazing promise to Abram in Genesis 15v5 "Look now toward heaven, and tell the stars, if thou canst number them: and He said unto him so shall thy seed be".  He declared innumerable seed at a time when there was none.  Abram believed God and he was counted righteous.  Ponder the exponential prosperity of the seed in biblical revelation: the plans of God are slow but sure, and none can hinder.

From the call of Abram to the promise of the seed   10 years

From the promise to the birth of Isaac the first seed 15 years

From Isaac to Jacob 60 years

From Jacob to the family  approx. 60 years  12 sons and one daughter

From the family to Egypt  70 total 70 people

Duration in Egypt 430 years  population of Israel estimated over 3million people!

These figures are estimates verified by a study from the Newberry reference bible.  Calculating from Egypt to Christ and from Christ to the present and on into the future, it is obvious that the number of the seed is incalculable, and God's purposes will be finalised in His own times.  The question is are we part of that number? 

Every one was counted, every family was named.  Only if we are spiritually in this family of faith are we blessed.  Chapter 46v8 says "These are the names of the children of Israel, which came into Egypt...".   12 sons with their families and one daughter Dinah, all settled in Egypt through the good will of Joseph.  They found provision and protection and prosperity in Joseph, whom God had exalted.  Joseph was pivotal in the prosperity of the family that became a nation that brought Christ to the world.  The number of parallels between Joseph and Christ are too numerous to tabulate, but a few will illustrate the point.

Joseph was a shepherd by occupation      Christ is the Good Shepherd of the sheep

Joseph was loved by his father                 The love of the Father to Jesus is legendary

Joseph prophesied his future rule             Jesus' prophetic utterances are many and true

Joseph was hated by his brethren             The Jews rejected Jesus

Joseph was sold to foreigners                   Jesus was handed over to Romans

Joseph was betrayed for 20 pieces of silver    Jesus sold for thirty pieces of silver

Joseph was reported dead, brutally killed  Jesus was actually crucified

Joseph was forgotten by his brethren      Jesus is forgotten by Israel

Joseph overcame temptation                    Jesus resisted the temptation of the devil

Joseph was unjustly treated                     Jesus was unlawfully charged and condemned

Joseph suffered mentally in his soul        Jesus was in anguish of soul

Joseph numbered with transgressors       Jesus crucified with malefactors

Joseph exalted to national authority        Jesus exalted to universal glory

Egyptians called to bow the knee            All heaven and earth will bow to Jesus

Joseph given a special name                   Jesus given a name above every name

Joseph marries an Egyptian wife            Jesus wed to the church, predominately Gentile

Joseph delivers the world from famine   Jesus is Saviour of the world

Joseph preserves Israel from extinction  Jesus will gather all true Israel

Joseph set a memorial of his death          Jesus instituted a memorial of His death

The links are too obvious to persuade us that Joseph is a powerful type of Christ, the Saviour of the world and of Israel.  In Him all the promises of God will come to pass.


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