Monday 18 December 2023

Christ in all the scriptures Exodus 3 The great I AM

 Exodus chapter 3

The great I AM commissions Moses to deliver Israel  Ex. 3v11-22

This revelation of Christ is presented in the context of Moses commission by God.  In the story of the burning bush, the Deity of Christ was to the fore.  Immediately after the voice was heard to speak from the bush, it is the Lord speaking (v4) and God speaking (v5).  The voice is the voice of God, the One in the burning bush is God.  "He says, "Come now therefore and I will send thee unto Pharoah, that thou mayest bring forth my people, the children of Israel out of Egypt"-3v10.  Moses, 40 years before, would have welcomed this call (Acts 7v25 says, "He supposed his brethren would understand how that God by his hand would deliver them, but they understood not".)   Back then, the virtual prince of Egypt was so sure he was called to emancipate Israel, but now the call has come, he proclaims every reason why he cannot go.  In Exodus 3v11-4v17 he gives five objections to the call:

Exodus 3v11 "Who am I that I should go unto Pharoah...?"; 3v13 I don't know your name; 4v1 They won't believe me; 4v10 I am not eloquent enough for the task; 4v13 Send someone else.  Moses was a reluctant servant, for he had long since given up hope.  In a sense it was a better attitude than the cocky, self-assured man who wanted to move before God's time.  Now he is doing the opposite, wishing to lag behind, indeed to refuse the call.  This angered the Lord (4v14) and He would hear no more objections.  How much is that true of us who are either too quick, or too slow to follow the will of the Lord?

It was, in the course of this, revealed to him the nature of the unchanging God who was able to meet every challenge that would come his way.  What he was being asked to do was extremely difficult, but he would be given every resource necessary, including miraculous powers.  We are all treated to a new revelation of God in a new name given, the mysterious, but thrilling name "I AM THAT I AM".  It is important to notice that, often when God appears, whether that appearance be direct or indirect, a new name for God is declared. In Genesis 12v1, with Acts 7v2, He appeared as the God of Glory; Genesis 14v18-22, He is the Most High God, Possessor of heaven and earth; Genesis 16v13 He is the God who sees all, including the small details of individual lives; Genesis 17v1, He is Adonahy, Almighty God who subdues all before Him; Genesis 22v14 He is Jehovah Jireh, the God who will provide; Genesis 33v20 El-Elohe-Israel, the mighty One, preserver of Israel.  All these names reveal the nature of our God, and this name revealed to Moses is the beautiful title of the eternal, unchanging God.  

The Hebrew title Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh literally means "I will be, that I will be".  It can be translated "I am what I am", "I will become what I choose to become", I create what I create".  All possible translations of this magnificent title points to the Ever Existing One, who will be for us, what we need Him to be at all times and in every situation.  It focuses on living in the moment, rather than fretting about tomorrow, or regretting the past.  It reveals the Ever Present, Ever Benign, Ever Able God, for us at all times.  Whatever happens, God says to Moses "Certainly I will be with you"-Exodus 3v12.  

This title is applied to Christ no less than 16 times in the Gospel of John, and therefore applies to every believer today!

 There are seven predicated claims to Deity using the term “I AM”. 

This was the name given to Moses in Exodus 3v14 to present God to the Pharoah of Egypt to release Israel from slavery.  He became known as the “Great I AM”-the eternal God, ever present, ever powerful to accomplish His purposes.  Whenever He said “I will…” it was taken for granted it would be done.  The Jehovah of the Old Testament is the Jesus of the New Testament.  All that God stated of old will come to pass in Jesus.  The man who walked this earth was no less than the eternal God.

Ø 6v35   I AM the bread of life

Ø 8v12   I AM the light of the world

Ø 10v7   I AM the door of the sheep

Ø 10v11 I AM the good shepherd

Ø 11v25 I AM the resurrection and the life

Ø 14v6   I AM the way, the truth and the life

Ø 15v1   I AM the true vine

There are nine absolute statements of I AM as follows:  4v26-the context is the Messiah; 6v20; 8v24; 8v28; 8v58; 13v19; 18v5; 18v6; 18v8.  He is the eternal God, and all that means.

There are 25 statements of “VERILY, VERILY” which are statements of absolute truth.   Actually the word is taken directly from the Hebrew and is “Amen” so let it be, or it will be.  The word is repeated as a superlative, as a truth that can be depended upon.  Jesus was speaking about matters in which He had infallible knowledge, and we can be sure they are true:

1v51; 3v3; 3v5; 3v11; 5v19; 5v24; 5v25; 6v26; 6v32; 6v47; 6v53; 8v34; 8v51; 8v58; 10v1; 10v7; 12v24; 13v16; 13v20; 13v21; 13v38; 14v12; 16v20; 16v23; 21v18.

In all these cameos, and others, is one incontrovertible theme- He is God come in flesh!

He came to save us, and to be for us whatever we need Him to be.  This from the Sovereign God of all heaven and earth, what a blessed people we are!

As He said to Moses, say to the children of Israel, "I AM hath sent me unto you."  Also He said "This is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations"-Exodus 3v15  As He said to Joshua at the death of Moses, "As I have been with Moses, so will I be with thee."

Jesus, the great "I AM" will be, for every one of us,  whatever we need Him to be!


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