Wednesday 14 December 2022

The message of the miracle


Chapter 5v17-48  The significance of this miracle


v17-29  A threefold assertion of His Deity-three times the emphatic phrase “Verily, Verily”; v30-47 A threefold witness to His Deity-John the Baptist, the Father, and Moses.


Chapter 5v17-29  Assertion of Deity

The miracle itself is witness enough, for never had anything on this scale been ever seen.  It was an astonishing miracle, underlining it was an IMPOSSIBILITY, humanly speaking.  Then we see it was INSTANTANEOUS, there being no normal convalescence applied which could have taken months.  It was INVIGORATING, for the man was made whole-healthy is the idea, as if the problem never existed. 


Jesus answered them(and He always had an answer), “My Father worketh hitherto and I work.  He goes on now to speak of His harmony with the Father.  It is in fellowship with the Father I do these miracles, this is the work of God, anyone with any common sense would see that.  No-one but God could do this, and if God did it from whence the criticism?  The work referred to is the ongoing work of redemption which His Father has been doing, and now He will take it to a conclusion.  This is a huge assertion of Deity, and the Jews knew it for it prompted evil thoughts within them. 


There is a sense in which the work of God is finished, both in creation and redemption; however there are many aspects of the work of God still continuing, and Father and Son work together.  Throughout scripture there are examples of God’s work and workmanship, which the reader may wish to consider, although the subject is too vast to study here in detail;


His work in creation(complete and ongoing) Psalm 46v8-Genesis 1v1; 1v21; 1v27; 2v1-2; Ecclesiastes 11v5; Psalm 8v3v6; 9v1; 40v5; 107v8v31 and many others.

His work in government(continuing) -Psalm 46v8; 66v3v5; 78v4v7v11-12; 96v3; 106v22, and others

His work in redemption(complete and ongoing) -Psalm 19v12-14; Isaiah 32v17; John 5v36; 6v29; 9v3-4; Ephesians 1v7-10;  2v10; Philippians 2v13 and others.


These are mammoth subjects detailing the phenomenal work of God on our behalf and we do well to familiarise ourselves with the wonder of it-Divine beings at work!  And what a work it was, but the reaction of the Jews was one of murderous intent.  How insensitive the human spirit, how self-seeking!


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