Saturday 31 December 2022

External witness to His Deity


The testimony of the scriptures      v39-44


Search the scriptures for in them ye think ye have eternal life and they are they which testify of me.


The meaning appears to be “Ye search the scriptures…”; they thought that in the practice of searching the scriptures, this gave them Divine privilege.  In fact what they searched was the Talmud, the Rabbinical interpretation of scripture(the Torah).  However Jesus did not labour that, instead focusing on the fact they had missed the whole point of scripture, which was a testimony to the Messiah.  It is not in the ritual reading of the texts that one as eternal life, it is in the true understanding of them, and obedience to them.   Scriptures are in essence a revelation of God, in which the Messiah is the primary subject, and they did not recognise Him before their very eyes.  They thought that in having them, in reading them in hearing them, that just by having the scriptures as a religious symbol, their ability to speak the words of scripture, they were right with God.  What a warning to all in the present time who depend on the external form of religion.   The scriptures are a testament to Jesus Christ, and you will not come into me because I am the life giver. There is no life in external religion. The only life is in me; I am that eternal life, I am the subject of all scriptures, I am the Son of God, the Son of man, to whom has been given all judgment, who will raise all dead, and who will decide the eternal destiny of all men.  I receive not honour from men, which I am due, because of who I am.  I know you-the love of God is not in you. I am come my Father’s name and you receive me not.  Another will come in his own name, and you will receive him.  How Can you believe? You seek honour from man, you seek honour from one another. You do not seek the honour that comes from God.


The witness of Moses      v45-47


I am the judge of all the earth. You want to judge me, but I will judge you.  But in the judgment, don't think that I will accuse you to the Father; for it is the word that judges you- even the word written by Moses, the same Moses in whom ye trust. What you don't understand is that Moses wrote of me.  If you don't believe his writings, you will not believe me.  This must be one of the most solemn endings to a discourse in all of scripture. The favoured nation of Israel, who were so privileged by God, have failed to realise their condition before Him.  Moses categorically stated that they were not fit for heaven; that only by keeping the law in all its facets will they be accepted with God.  They knew the standards of blessing and cursing and  chose ignore them, for none of them had kept the Law.  Their only hope is Christ.  No need to wait for the day of judgment, for the standard of judgment is written in the word of God already and we can read it for ourselves. There is no need to wonder what the proclamation will be in the future for the word explicitly tells us.  Moses testified of me, says Jesus; therefore I am the only way of salvation for the nation and for the whole world.



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