Wednesday 3 August 2022

God's provision for a perishing world

John 3v16   "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son; that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."

Where else will you get an offer like that?  Everything in life comes with a price, and those who have most to pay live better.  This is a price that no man can pay and so God offers it to every man freely.  All we have to do is believe it, and the results will last forever, even beyond this life into the great eternity to which all of us are headed.  So above is the great text of the bible.


Note the little word “so”; in like manner to the recorded history of Israel from Numbers 21v5-9, so God is dealing with the world.  Bitten by the serpent, dying a slow but certain death; no cure in sight by any man; only God has the cure and it is by something or someone being lifted up from the earth in sight of the whole earth so that everyone can see it!  What do we have to do?  Just look, just believe, and you have eternal life!  Don’t miss out on the greatest offer given to the entire human race and more importantly to you.


God….the greatest Person in existence

The world….the greatest possible number of people

Loved….the greatest love ever revealed

Gave…the greatest free gift ever given

Son…the most precious possession He had

Whosoever…the most all-inclusive invitation

Believeth in Him….The simplest remedy ever offered

Perish…the most solemn alternative destiny

Eternal life…life beyond our wildest dreams


Look and live; believe and be saved!  No need to pay; no need to attend any church; no need to give to charity for the greatest charity is what God gives to us.  Just believe, swallow your pride, accept God’s gift and be sure of salvation.  Do it just where you are, it only takes a second of your time and the transaction is complete.  God says it, I believe it, Join me!

In this lovely verse of scripture we have a series of couplets:


God…..His only begotten Son; The source of the gospel

Loved….gave;  The sacrifice of the gospel

The world…whosoever;  The scope of the gospel

Believeth…hath;  The simplicity of the gospel

Perish…everlasting life;  The solemnity of the gospel


From the narrative of Numbers, all under threat, all can be saved, only believe.  God has the answer, and you can have it as an unalterable guarantee right now.


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