Monday 8 August 2022

God's beneficence to the world

 John 3v17-21

It is a known historical fact that God sent His Son into the world, and He did not send Him to condemn it but to save it-v17.  He that believes is free from any condemnation from God, and therefore from anyone, since God is the supreme judge of all.  Any condemnation, now, is because of refusal to believe in His Son; such is the sacrifice God made for the world that rejection of it will carry the ultimate penalty-v18.  Rejection of God’s love is not because of ignorance but because of wilfulness.  It’s not that we don’t know, but that we don’t want to know-“…this is the condemnation that light is come into the world and men loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil: for everyone that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved; but he that doeth truth cometh to the light that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God”-John 3v19-21


In essence we love evil deeds more than God, and, according to John’s Revelation-chapter 22v11, will be left in that state for ever.  

C.S. Lewis, the converted Irish philosopher, wrote words that are piercingly true-“When a person receives the truth of God they say to God “Thy will be done”; when a person rejects God, God says to them “Thy will be done”.   God has done everything in His beneficent motion in grace to the world.  Now we all determine our fate, whether to perish or have eternal life.  God will accept your decision, He will not force His way upon anyone.  It is clear from the later narrative that Nicodemus did accept Christ and was born again-John 7v50-51; 19v39-40.  What about you?

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