Saturday 31 December 2022

External witness to His Deity


The testimony of the scriptures      v39-44


Search the scriptures for in them ye think ye have eternal life and they are they which testify of me.


The meaning appears to be “Ye search the scriptures…”; they thought that in the practice of searching the scriptures, this gave them Divine privilege.  In fact what they searched was the Talmud, the Rabbinical interpretation of scripture(the Torah).  However Jesus did not labour that, instead focusing on the fact they had missed the whole point of scripture, which was a testimony to the Messiah.  It is not in the ritual reading of the texts that one as eternal life, it is in the true understanding of them, and obedience to them.   Scriptures are in essence a revelation of God, in which the Messiah is the primary subject, and they did not recognise Him before their very eyes.  They thought that in having them, in reading them in hearing them, that just by having the scriptures as a religious symbol, their ability to speak the words of scripture, they were right with God.  What a warning to all in the present time who depend on the external form of religion.   The scriptures are a testament to Jesus Christ, and you will not come into me because I am the life giver. There is no life in external religion. The only life is in me; I am that eternal life, I am the subject of all scriptures, I am the Son of God, the Son of man, to whom has been given all judgment, who will raise all dead, and who will decide the eternal destiny of all men.  I receive not honour from men, which I am due, because of who I am.  I know you-the love of God is not in you. I am come my Father’s name and you receive me not.  Another will come in his own name, and you will receive him.  How Can you believe? You seek honour from man, you seek honour from one another. You do not seek the honour that comes from God.


The witness of Moses      v45-47


I am the judge of all the earth. You want to judge me, but I will judge you.  But in the judgment, don't think that I will accuse you to the Father; for it is the word that judges you- even the word written by Moses, the same Moses in whom ye trust. What you don't understand is that Moses wrote of me.  If you don't believe his writings, you will not believe me.  This must be one of the most solemn endings to a discourse in all of scripture. The favoured nation of Israel, who were so privileged by God, have failed to realise their condition before Him.  Moses categorically stated that they were not fit for heaven; that only by keeping the law in all its facets will they be accepted with God.  They knew the standards of blessing and cursing and  chose ignore them, for none of them had kept the Law.  Their only hope is Christ.  No need to wait for the day of judgment, for the standard of judgment is written in the word of God already and we can read it for ourselves. There is no need to wonder what the proclamation will be in the future for the word explicitly tells us.  Moses testified of me, says Jesus; therefore I am the only way of salvation for the nation and for the whole world.



Friday 30 December 2022

External witnesses to the Deity of Christ-the witness of the Father


The three fold witness to his Deity      John 5v30-47

Following the threefold assertion of His Deity, on the back of His spectacular miracle at Bethesda, we now have a threefold witness, such a witness, as is unassailable:

The witness of the Father v30-38

The witness of the Holy Scriptures v39-44

The witness of Moses v45-47.


“In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established”-Deuteronomy 19v15; 2nd Corinthians 13v1.  Such witnesses would have been enough to convince any Jew.  No need to take my word for it, says Jesus. Here are infallible witnesses who bare record to me.  In the course of the verses, He says He did not place any credence on the witness of fallible men who were alive in this world.  His witness came from outside of this world, from above, the superior witness of the Father the scriptures, penned by the Holy Spirit, and the law of Moses, which was revered by all.


The witness of the Father 30-38.


He now brings the issue down to a personal level.  In v19 He  said,” The Son can do nothing of himself; now in verse 30, He says “I can do nothing of myself”; thus indicating absolutely that He Himself was the Son.  Just in case you think I am speaking of someone else, I am the Son, God is my Father.  I can do nothing of myself, as I hear, I judge.  My whole existence is to reflect the thoughts and plans of the Father.  I am in subjection to Him only in the context of the incarnation and the plan of redemption.  I follow exactly His words; when I speak, it is God  speaking and His witness is true.  You sent onto John, but I don’t receive testimony from man, I receive not honour from men.  Mere man cannot testify fully for God;  mere men cannot properly honour God this  is because man is finite in his understanding and lacking in his appreciation.  These things I say that you might be saved, freed from the degrading consequences of sin, freed from the limitations of understanding, freed from the corrupting environment in which men dwell, including their bodies of humiliation.  Concerning John, he was a burning and a shining light.  You were willing for a season to rejoice in his light.  But I have a greater witness than that of John, the works that the Father has given me.  In John10v41, it is written, “John did no miracle, but all things John said of this man was true.” These works these signs done before your very eyes, are in themselves the witness that my Father bears me.  No one but God could do these things. Not even one sent from God could do these things, but only one who is God could do these things; the same works that I do.  These are witness to me; these are witness that the Father sent me.  Of yourselves, you have not heard his voice, nor seen His shape.  And His word is not in you.  You don't believe him, you are not in a position to judge me.  Indeed, I will be the one judging you.


Monday 19 December 2022

Christ invested with all authority


He has authority to judge all mankind           John 5v27


And hath given Him authority to execute judgment also, because He is the Son of man.”


Appointment to Judgment   Acts 10v42 “…it is He which was ordained of God to be the Judge of the living and the dead.”

Assurance of Judgment  Acts 17 v31 “Because He hath appointed a day in the which He will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom He hath ordained: whereof He hath given assurance unto all men in that he has raised him from the dead.”

Accession to Judgment  Daniel 7v13-14 “I saw in the night visions, and behold, one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of days and they brought Him near before Him.  And there was given Him dominion and glory, and a Kingdom that all people, nations, and languages should serve Him: His dominion is an everlasting dominion which shall not pass away, and his Kingdom, that which shall not be destroyed.”

Appearing of the Judgment  2nd Timothy 4v1 “I charge thee before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the living and the dead at His appearing and His kingdom.”


The Father has committed all judgment to the Son-5v22; nothing is surer that every one of us will be brought before Him in judgment for good or bad.  The One who dispenses life now, will execute judgment; the One who can be our Saviour will be our Judge; the One who hung upon a tree to remove our sins, will sit on the throne to judge those who refused His mercy.


He has power to raise the dead, all the dead     v28-29.


“Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear His voice, and shall come forth; they that have done good unto the resurrection of life, and they that have done evil unto the resurrection of damnation.”


Verse 25  “The hour is coming and now is”- present.  He is awaking many to spiritual life in the present time; verse 28 “The  hour is coming”-future.  His voice will call all the dead from the graves!  Note “All that are in the graves…” no exceptions.  There will be a resurrection to life, and a resurrection to damnation.  Daniel 12v2 makes it clear, “…some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.”  None of us have done good in ourselves, only those who have trusted in Christ.  The word “damnation” is krisis from which we get crisis, and it will be a crisis for a tribunal will be set, presided over by an infallible Judge, who needs no witnesses, whose judgment is perfect; our sins and transgressions will be laid before us and an eternal tariff will be executed upon us.  Solemn indeed, but this is reality, and this is forever.  As ever there is a positive note-in Rev. 20v6 “Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection, on such the second death hath no power.”  Christ is the answer to our future, if only we can believe it.

Saturday 17 December 2022

Christ is God for all judgment is committed to Him




The dignity of His office

“Verily, verily, I say unto you, the hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God and they that hear shall live.  For, as the Father hath life in Himself so hath He given the Son to have life in Himself, and hath given Him authority to execute judgement also because He is the Son of man.  Marvel not at this for the hour is coming in the which, all that are in their graves shall hear His voice, and shall come forth; they that have done good unto the resurrection of life, and they that have done evil unto the resurrection of damnation.  I can of mine own self do nothing; as I hear I judge, and my judgment is just because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me.”


His Father God has conferred upon Him such honour that He will be the sole judge of every human being that has ever lived. And he will do so as man- notice the statement in the middle of the section “…because He is the Son of man.”  In Revelation 1v18 He said He has “the keys of hell and of death.” The keys speak of authority, authority over hell which holds the souls; authority over death which holds the bodies.  At His command hell will yield the souls and death will release the bodies to stand before Him.  Paul spoke of a day appointed and a man ordained to judge the world in righteousness.  That day is as yet unknown, but certain, that man is Jesus Christ.  He unfolds the programme to that end, in which He controls all future events.


He dispenses life to save    v25-26

Note the change from Son of God in these verses, to Son of man in verse 27.  As Son of man He will raise all the dead, in verses 28-30.  As Son of God(note the phrase-and now is, which is missing in v28-30), He is raising the spiritually dead.  There it is His future work of judgment; here it is His present work of salvation.  The dead are the spiritually dead-Ephesians 2v1-5; 5v14; Colossians 2v13, which is all unregenerate people, and it is only the voice of the Son of God which gives life.  In 1st Corinthians 15v45 the last Adam (Christ) is a life giving spirit.  We receive life naturally, He gives life, spiritually.  To all who hear his voice, the same one which brought the universe into being is the one who is calling us today, awaking us from our dead state to receive His life.  In the present He is the life-giver, in the future He will be the destiny-decider-17v2 “According as thou hast given Him power (authority) over all flesh to give eternal life to as many as thou hast given Him.”

Friday 16 December 2022

Christ is God as His word carries authority with eternal consequences

John 5v24 

The authority of His word


“Verily, verily I say unto you, he that heareth my word, and believeth on Him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation, but is passed from death unto life.”


With the sole rights to judge every human being, His word alone can save us from condemnation, this is the absolute authority of His word.  Hearing His word, believing that God has sent Him and that He carries all the authority of heaven, is the sole way of salvation for all.  There is no one excluded from this except those that exclude themselves.


Note the certainty of the declaration: “hath everlasting life”-a permanent possession; “shall not come into judgment”-a priceless promise; “but is passed from death unto life”-a judicial change from the judge of all the earth.  The only one who can countermand the judgment of a high court judge is one who is higher.  There is none higher, and so His word is final.  Peter said when asked in the context of defection of others, “To whom shall we go, thou hast the words of eternal life?”- John 6v68; Jesus said Himself in prayer to His Father “The hour is come, glorify thy Son, that thy Son may also glorify thee.  As thou hast given Him power over all flesh to give eternal life to as many as God has given Him”-John 17v1-2.

Thursday 15 December 2022

Christ is God as His work is in harmony with the Father

 John 5v19-23

The harmony of His work       “Verily, verily, I say unto you, the Son can do nothing of Himself; but what he seeth the Father do: for what things He seeth the Father do, these also doeth the Son likewise.  For the Father loveth the Son and showeth him all things that Himself doeth: and He will show Him greater works than these, that may marvel.  For, as the Father raising up the dead and quickeneth them, even so the Son quickeneth whom He will.  For the Father judges no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son, that all men should honour the Son, even as they honour the Father; he that honoureth not the Son honoureth not the Father which hath sent Him.”


Jesus underlines the equality and harmony in the Godhead, much to the chagrin of the Jews disputing with Him.  We note the inner workings of Divine beings, marked by harmony and humility, and honour.  Jesus did not act independently, but always in contact, and in unison with the Father.  Why would you alter perfection, for God is justified in all His ways?  He also acts in humility, as for the purposes of redemption the Son subjects Himself to the Father.  The verses are full of the relationship between the Father and the Son.



·      The Father shares with Him all His works-v19

·      The Father shares with Him in love-v20

·      The Father shares with Him in manner-v21

·      The Father shares with Him in purpose-v23

·      The Father shares with Him in power-v21

·      The Father has given Him the sole honour of judgment


Honour to the Son is honour to the Father, and honour to the Father is honour to the Son.  


Wednesday 14 December 2022

The message of the miracle


Chapter 5v17-48  The significance of this miracle


v17-29  A threefold assertion of His Deity-three times the emphatic phrase “Verily, Verily”; v30-47 A threefold witness to His Deity-John the Baptist, the Father, and Moses.


Chapter 5v17-29  Assertion of Deity

The miracle itself is witness enough, for never had anything on this scale been ever seen.  It was an astonishing miracle, underlining it was an IMPOSSIBILITY, humanly speaking.  Then we see it was INSTANTANEOUS, there being no normal convalescence applied which could have taken months.  It was INVIGORATING, for the man was made whole-healthy is the idea, as if the problem never existed. 


Jesus answered them(and He always had an answer), “My Father worketh hitherto and I work.  He goes on now to speak of His harmony with the Father.  It is in fellowship with the Father I do these miracles, this is the work of God, anyone with any common sense would see that.  No-one but God could do this, and if God did it from whence the criticism?  The work referred to is the ongoing work of redemption which His Father has been doing, and now He will take it to a conclusion.  This is a huge assertion of Deity, and the Jews knew it for it prompted evil thoughts within them. 


There is a sense in which the work of God is finished, both in creation and redemption; however there are many aspects of the work of God still continuing, and Father and Son work together.  Throughout scripture there are examples of God’s work and workmanship, which the reader may wish to consider, although the subject is too vast to study here in detail;


His work in creation(complete and ongoing) Psalm 46v8-Genesis 1v1; 1v21; 1v27; 2v1-2; Ecclesiastes 11v5; Psalm 8v3v6; 9v1; 40v5; 107v8v31 and many others.

His work in government(continuing) -Psalm 46v8; 66v3v5; 78v4v7v11-12; 96v3; 106v22, and others

His work in redemption(complete and ongoing) -Psalm 19v12-14; Isaiah 32v17; John 5v36; 6v29; 9v3-4; Ephesians 1v7-10;  2v10; Philippians 2v13 and others.


These are mammoth subjects detailing the phenomenal work of God on our behalf and we do well to familiarise ourselves with the wonder of it-Divine beings at work!  And what a work it was, but the reaction of the Jews was one of murderous intent.  How insensitive the human spirit, how self-seeking!


Monday 12 December 2022

Man's extremity is God's opportunity


The healing by the Great Physician     John 5v6-15


Both Old and New Testaments are replete with the fact that God will heal Israel, just as He healed this man.  The healing took place at the sheep gate, which was the first gate to be restored on their return from exile-Nehemiah.  In the words of the song by Lowry and Green, reflecting scripture-Isaiah 35 “The blind will see The deaf will hear The dead will live again The lame will leap The dumb will speak The praises of the lamb”


All of these narratives have a past and future application.  We have the healing waters-Ezekiel 47v1-4, waters gushing from under the threshold of the temple.  We have the Messiah who will not only put away sin, but deal with the consequences of sin.  This is an astonishing miracle.  He says to him “Wilt thou be made whole?”   This is a pertinent question; the man has been long time in this condition-it's fair to ask, do you really want to be healed?  Do you mean to say that in 38 years you haven't been able to find someone who helped you to the waters which would have healed you?  Jesus raises the question as to what the man actually wanted.   Did he really want to be cured?  The fact is that some would rather wallow in their sufferings and remain in that state rather than be healed.  How long has it taken Israel to even consider that they need to be healed?  When will they finally return to the Lord, as the prophet Hosea yearns for them?-Hosea 6v1 “Come let us to the Lord our God, for He hath torn, and He will heal us, He hath smitten and He will bind us up.”

The command came sharp and short, “Rise take up thy bed and walk”.  Nothing like this had ever been seen, nor will be seen till He returns to earth.  Thirty eight years, lying in a covered porch, yet rise and walk said Jesus.  By any standards this is humanly impossible, a healing miracle on paralyzed nerves and a static skeletal structure.  No mention of any convalescence, or physiotherapy.  Immediately he rose up and walked as if he had been walking for years!  He was fully cured of his disability-note the language, Jesus to the man “Wilt thou be made whole?”-v6;  the man was made whole”-v9; “…The Jews therefore said unto him that was cured”-v10; “He that made me whole…”-v11; “Behold thou art whole…”-v14; “The man departed and told the Jews that it was Jesus which had made him whole”-v15.  This was a miracle only God could do, and demonstrated His sovereignty over the workings of the human body. 

Jesus found him in the temple and issued some advice “Behold (take note) thou art whole, go and sin no more lest a worse thing come upon thee.”  Jesus knew the history of the man-just as He knows the history of us all.  He knew this man had been afflicted because of some sin in his life.  It is not always the case, as we shall see in the blind man of chapter 9; it is however a fact that God visits people with bodily ailments to deter sin in their lives. This is a subject too big to enlarge here.


The hatred of the Jews for Christ    John5v16


And therefore did the Jews persecute Jesus, and sought to slay Him, because He had done these things on the Sabbath day.”  

They were not in this slightest interested in the welfare of this poor man and were intent only on maintaining the external image of their religion.  So far as they were concerned, Jesus had soiled the Sabbath day and, by his actions, deserved to be punished.  This was obviously a gross exaggeration and a mis-interpretation of the meaning of the Sabbath, which was meant to be for the benefit of man and not a burden for men to carry. 


Thus far we have seen His Deity displayed as the Sovereign Lord of time in the water to wine; then of space in the healing of the nobleman’s son from 20 miles distant;  and now of people, as He makes whole a man who had been infirm for almost four decades!  There can be no doubt who is walking among them.  This, Jesus emphasises in the next section of the chapter.  There is a miracle, and there is a message of the miracle, which all must grasp.




Thursday 8 December 2022

The only miracle Jesus performed in Jerusalem


Chapter 5            Return to Jerusalem


5v1-16      Miracle of healing   the third sign

5v17-47    Message of the third sign


Jesus came to deal with the root problem of sin, but He also dealt with the severe consequences of sin as seen in the ailments of the people.  This prefigures the great Millennial kingdom when the effects of the fall on earth will be largely negated.  Many of these individual cases reflected the condition of the nation as a whole, and the sign pointed to the Master Healer who came for both corporate Israel and individuals within it.


John chapter 5v1-16.  In this portion we shall see:


a)    The hollowness of religion

b)   The helplessness of the people

c)   The healing by the Great Physician

d)   The hatred of the religious heart


The hollowness of religion  v1    “After this there was a feast of the Jews and Jesus went up to Jerusalem.”


John calls the occasion of Jesus’ visit to Jerusalem a feast of the Jews, as he does on four occasions-2v13; 5v1; 6v4; 11v55. What was once a sacred Divine institution, had deteriorated to being just a temple ritual run by men.  No longer was it the feast of the Lord.  The leaders were powerless to help those in need, and they continued the ritual without the reality.  Because He had come to fulfil all the law, nevertheless Jesus attended the feasts, but He would eventually disown the whole system.  Perhaps a lesson for those today who find themselves at odds with the practices of their local churches, yet because of the Divine history of association, maintain a presence with them.  The extent of this vain, uncaring religion, will emerge in the story.



The helplessness of the people        v2-4


There is at Jerusalem by the sheep market a pool, which is called in the Hebrew tongue, Bethesda, having five porches.  In these lay very a great multitude of impotent folk, blind, halt, withered, waiting for the moving of the water.  For an angel, went down at a certain season into the pool and troubled the water; whosoever then first, after the troubling of the water, stepped in, was made whole of whatsoever disease he had.”


The location was the sheep gate, where the animals for sacrifice were held for the services at the altar.  This was the gate that was never shut to allow the sheep access to the temple at all times.  The pool was called Bethesda in Hebrew language and means house of mercy, or house of kindness.  There was precious little mercy or kindness for these helpless infirm people were left without help.  There were five porches by the pool, where the infirm lay waiting for the waters to be supernaturally stirred.  The infirm lay in these porches (covered colonnades), waiting for healing whenever the waters were “troubled”-agitated, v4 and v7.   We cannot be sure whether it was a belief of locals that the waters were miraculously transformed into a healing pool, or whether it was just a sudden gush of fresh water at a “certain season”-v4.  Certainly it was the belief that the waters had medicinal properties for healing, whenever they were agitated. 


The condition of those who lay there was dire, and is detailed as follows:

v A great multitude-there were many people there

v They lay there-they were so sick they were lying down

v Many were impotent-paralysed, lacking mobility

v Many were blind

v Many were halt-could not walk

v Many were withered-old and infirm

v Dependent on others for help


How much this is a picture of humanity in the eyes of God.  Sick, paralysed, helpless.  This is how God sees us spiritually.  He viewed the whole nation of Israel as helpless patients-Isaiah 1v4-6.  Romans 5v6 says “When we were yet without strength” this is the picture here.  Many human beings held in the grip of sin, and unable to extricate themselves. 


Focus is turned on one man, whose situation was dire.  He had been in this situation for 38 years!  Quite incredible yet the bible asserts it-a certain man lying by this pool for almost four decades.  Yet there is a parallel in Old Testament history.  After Israel left Egypt they spent a year at Sinai, learning the law of the Lord, then they wandered for 38 years in the deserts, as they chafed against the Lord.  They were headed for the promised land but because of their sins they were unable to enter in.  Here is another parallel with this man.  Jesus revealed he was in this condition because of his sins-v14.  This is not to say that all serious medical conditions are because of individual sin, but Jesus knew in this case it was.  This man’s experience was a replica of the nation.

Saturday 3 December 2022

Even noblemen need Jesus


4v43-54   Return to Galilee   The second sign

It is well documented that Galilee was Jesus’ “own country”, the place where He was brought up and where He was best known-Matthew 13v54-57; Mark 6v1-4; Luke 4v23-24; John 4v44.  Country is native or father land.  The inference here is that Jesus had left Galilee because they had not honoured Him as they should, following Him for the miracles, rather than for who He was in person.  He returns home after a spell away, and His reception by them is a little better, although not as pronounced as in Samaria.  The Galileans accepted Him for His works, not for His words. 

He comes to Cana where He performed the first miracle, and now He will perform the second sign(miracle).  The result of this sign was that the nobleman believed-v53; the result of the first sign was that His disciples believed-2v11.  This is the theme of this gospel, the manifestation of who He is and people’s belief in Him.  

“So Jesus came again into Cana of Galilee where He made the water wine and there was a certain nobleman whose son was sick at Capernaum.  When he heard that Jesus was come out of Judea to into Galilee, he went out to Him and besought Him that he would come down and heal his son:  for he was at the point of death.”

The nobleman (a government official) walked about 20 miles to see Jesus and addressed him as "Sir." This tells us that even though the man had legal authority, he was submitting to Jesus. The man travelled this distance to ask Jesus to cure his son, who was very sick and near death.

We note a number of things in this account.  The officer believed Jesus could heal and acted in that faith.  However his faith differs from the Samaritans in that the word of Jesus was enough for them- 4v41; the nobleman wanted Jesus to travel the distance to his son.  Jesus said “Except ye see signs and wonders ye will not believe.”

In the original Greek, Jesus' meaning in this verse is easier to see.  The word "you" or “ye” in English can refer to a single person or a group of people. The Greek terms used in this verse are plural: Jesus is saying, "you people" want signs and miracles. His criticism is not of this man alone, but of the general attitude people have toward faith. This was a common problem in Jesus' day-Matthew 16v1–4 and is common in ours as well.

Jesus' approach here is meant to show the difference between "knowledge" and "faith." Biblical faith is really trust—it is not enough to know something, one has to rely on it, and act in accordance with it.  Christ often made comments that seem blunt, dismissive, or even bizarre at first Matthew 15v26; John 4v17–18; John 6v51.  His remarks always had a purpose, however and mostly, this was meant to cause the other person to reveal their true intentions.  Jesus is setting up a spiritual challenge for this man: are you willing to really trust me, without seeing proof, or not -John 4v49–50
.  The man believed Jesus could heal his son but only if He was near him. The point of the story is that distance is no barrier to the master-healer.  He said “Go thy way thy son liveth.”
The man believed Jesus' word and went back to Capernaum, persuaded that his son was healed.  He was greeted with the news, as he arrived back home that his son was well just as Jesus had said.  Upon enquiring when his son was healed, he noted it was at same hour that Jesus had spoken.  As a result of the nobleman's testimony, his whole household believed.  His own faith was strengthened, and the event is great affirmation of the power of Jesus.  The point of the healing of the nobleman’s son is that distance is no barrier to the majestic son of God.  At His word, the disease was cured.

Wednesday 30 November 2022

Look on the fields


John 4v31-38 Discussion with the disciples about service              

As well as persuading the lost, Jesus turns to the needs of His disciples who would carry the message to the world.  They were concerned about Him not eating, being wearied with the journey as He was.  He instils into them matters which must be priority in their service for God.  He said “I have meat to eat that ye know not of…my meat is to do the will of Him that sent me, and to finish His work” -v32-34.  

A feature of service in the gospel must be, that to do the will of God is more important than daily food for our bodies.  We are here to do a work and it must be done God’s way.  He spoke of living water to the woman, now He speaks of living bread to the disciples.  Perhaps Jesus had in mind the words of Job-chapter v23v12 “Neither have I gone back from the commandment of His lips; I have esteemed the words of His mouth more than my necessary food.”  What we do know is that during the temptation in the wilderness, recorded in Matthew 4 and Luke 4, that the Lord Jesus refused to turn the stones of the desert into bread to satisfy His hunger, because there was no word from God for Him to do so.  He only acted according to the will of God. This is a pattern to be followed by all disciples.  This gave rise to the now famous quote from Deuteronomy 8v3 “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the word of God.”   There may be times when we need to practise this.  He made clear His mission was to “finish His work”.   Now He discusses some of the features of that work.

Viewing the work from nature (as He often did), He challenges the disciples to “Lift up your eyes and look on the fields

 Say not, there are yet four months and then cometh harvest.  Behold, I say unto you, lift up your eyes and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.  And he that reapeth receiveth wages and gathers fruit unto life eternal: that he that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together.  And herein is that saying true, one soweth and another reapeth.  I sent you to reap that whereon ye bestowed no labour: other men laboured and ye are entered into their labours.”

The work is hard and constant labour    He uses the term labour in v38-the word means toiling hard.  Unlike in nature where there is a gap between sowing and reaping, in spiritual work the sowing and reaping are going on constantly.

He says the fields are already white to harvest   This is because others have laboured before us.  Jesus saved the woman, who has witnessed to her townsfolk, and many are seeking Jesus-v30 “Then they went out of the city and came unto Him.

The work of the gospel brings eternal reward   v36

One sows another reaps v37    As in nature the sowers are different to the reapers.  There will be many who sow but never reap the harvest.  Others reap where they have not sown.  The work is one, the harvest is one; there must always be sowing if there is to be reaping.  In Acts chapter 2, Peter reaped the fruits of the labour of John the Baptist and others, and there are many such examples.

4v39-42   A rich harvest in Samaria       Almost as if to illustrate His point, here was a case of immediate reaping.  The woman testified to her folks and “many of the Samaritans of that city believed on Him for the saying of the woman…”.  Sometimes there will be a gap between sowing and reaping; other times there will be instant response.  As in nature, the farmer is not in total control of production and is dependent on unknown factors, the same in the spiritual realm.

So, when the Samaritans were come down unto Him, they besought Him that He would tarry with them; and He abode there two days.  And many more believed because of His own word.”                    

The word of one woman brought many, then more came when they heard His word.  They were convinced and declared that He is indeed the Messiah, the Saviour of the world. 

This is a remarkable portion of God's word, for, clearly, the Samaritans responded more than the Jews. This is generally true and, in the Gospels, and the Acts we find that non-Jews responded more to the gospel. The openness of the Samaritans contrasts with the hostility of the Jews. They invited him to remain with them; He stayed with them for two days.  Unlike the Jews, who required signs before they would believe, the Samaritans accepted the word of one of their own, and then the word of Jesus Himself.  The declaration that the Messiah was the Saviour of the world takes us back into history.  This is the area where the bones of Joseph were buried, and this is a reminder that Joseph was the Saviour of the world-Genesis 41v53-57.  The title conferred on him (Zaphnathpaneah-41v46) means “O saviour of the world”, we remember when the famine threatened the extinction of the entire area, Joseph provided life-giving bread, not only to Egypt but to the nations around.  What a picture this paints of Christ as world Saviour.  Contrast again with Jews who saw the Messiah as Saviour of the Jews, the Samaritans viewed Messiah as Saviour of the whole world.  Note the pattern in these chapters: chapter 2v23, the work in Jerusalem; chapter 3v22, the work in Judea; chapter 4v4, the work in Samaria.   Acts 1v8 delineates that very same pattern-Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and unto the uttermost part of the earth!  This is God in action to save the world.  This is the first instance of cross cultural evangelism recorded. Phillip later evangelised the same area with great success in Acts 8v4-8.