Christ in all the scriptures
Institution of the priesthood Leviticus 8
Leviticus 8 repeats the details of Exodus 29: there it was the principles of the priesthood, necessary to conduct the worship of God, now it is the practice laid down for proper approach. The fact that this was repeated underlines its importance. We have established that modern priesthood is of a different order to the Aaronic priesthood, and therefore renders the first obsolete. Nevertheless there are abiding principles that we can apply today from this important chapter. The essential difference is that what was done by hands back then, is done in hearts: we worship in spirit and in truth. No more visible altar, or killing of animals, or sprinkling of blood, or anointing with oil, or distinctive garb, or ornate temples. Worship is spiritual today, and God resides in redeemed hearts. Tragically, much of the ceremony of present day religious ceremony finds them living in the past. God has moved on and so must we. We can glean from the chapter some of the spiritual realities that are symbolised here.
The call to priesthood Leviticus 8v1-5
The cleansing of the priesthood Leviticus 8v6
The clothing of the priesthood Leviticus 8v7-13
The consecration of the priesthood Leviticus 8v14-36
The call to priesthood 8v1-5 "And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, take Aaron and his sons with him, and the garments, and the anointing oil, and a bullock for the sin offering, and two rams, and a basket of unleavened bread; and gather thou all the congregation together unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation."
A priest is one who preserves and promotes the worship of God. As such it is a status and privilege of highest honour and those who are so called are the elite of humanity. This privilege was granted to Israel in Exodus 19v5-6, "Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine: and ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation". This honour was conditional upon their obedience, and the treachery and idolatry in chapter 32 removed it from the nation. It was given to the tribe of Levi who, in the face of this evil had remained loyal. The priesthood was therefore passed to the Levites, and this order continued until the coming of Christ-as late as Malachi 2v9, the Lord remonstrated with Israel for "corrupting the covenant of Levi", thus perpetuating the exclusive right of priesthood to the Levites. Thus priesthood was not based on achievement or merit, but simply by birth into the lineage of Aaron! In the chapter, many times over we read of "Aaron and his sons", or similar: (refer 8v2, v6, v13, v14, v18, v22, v24, v27, v30, v31, v36).
Fast forward to New Testament times, 1st Peter 2v5 N/T believers are said to be "...a spiritual house, an holy priesthood..."; 2v9 "...a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation..."; Revelation 1v6, 5v10, 20v6 we are called a kingdom of priests. We are so by NEW BIRTH IN CHRIST JESUS. Peter describes us as priests in the context of new birth-1st Peter 1v23 and 2v2! Every believer in Christ, by reason of new birth, is conferred with holy and royal priesthood to represent God in this world. Our conversion to Christ is a call to serve the living God, as is evident from the gist of scripture. This elevates every believer to highest service, a fact which needs to be proclaimed from every Christian platform. Martin Luther made the priesthood of all believers as one of his main objections to Catholicism during the Reformation of the 17th century. There remains a hierarchy, but this is intended to maximise the working of the whole (refer Ephesians 4v7-13).
Jesus is our great High Priest (Hebrews 2v17; 4v14-16; 6v20; 7v26; 8v1; 9v11; 10v21). The sanctuary is in heaven, (Hebrews 3v1; 4v14; 6v20; 8v1; 9v24; 10v12-13; 10v19). We function for God in a heavenly context. The chapter begins with what is necessary for such a function-8v2: Garments, which speak of character; Anointing Oil which symbolises the Holy Spirit; Animals for sacrifice; Baskets full of bread for fellowship. Service for God will require all of these. For us today it means: Excellence of character, Holy Ghost energy, Discernment of the sacrifice of Christ for acceptance and commitment, and Baskets full for sharing holy things. These are the ingredients for Divine service, in which all believers are occupied today.
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