Monday, 13 May 2024

Christ in all the scriptures Principles of worship

 Christ in all the scriptures 

Principles of worship  Exodus 30v11-38

We have been introduced to the place of worship in v1-10; now we come to the principles of worship, of which there are four:

Redemption for atonement-v11-16.  Cleansing at the laver-v17-21.  Anointing with the holy ointment-v22-33.  Preparation of incense for sweet smelling perfume-v34-38.

We will take time to study each of these, but there is a warning attached to each of these that bring to us the reality of the worship of God. 

1)  30v12 "...that there be no plague among them".  2)  30v20 "...that they die not".  3)  30v33 "...shall even be cut off from His people".  4)  30v38 "...shall even be cut off from His people". 

Theses are Divine sanctions imposed on persistent disrespectful behaviour.  There is a solemnity associated with the worship of God.  These are severe and we must, at the outset, take note that God will not be worshipped in any old way.  Reverential fear of the One who has approached us, is the proper attitude as we approach Him.  Modern worship services range from crass dance floor revelling to staid rigid exclusivism.  None of these extremes are worthy of the Lord.  Persistence in such disrespect will court His wrath, as is evident from this first institution of worship.  The sanctions are the plague (bodily illness); sudden death; excommunication.

The bible has much to say about reverence toward God, as we approach Him in service.

Leviticus 19v30 and 26v2, "Ye shall keep my sabbaths and reverence my sanctuary: I am the Lord"; Deuteronomy 10v17 "For the Lord your God is God of gods, and Lord of lords, a great God, a mighty, and a terrible, which regardeth not persons nor taketh reward"; 1st Chronicles 16v25 "Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised: He also is to be feared above all gods"; Psalm 47v2 "The Lord most high is terrible (awesome); He is a great King over all the earth"; Psalm 89v7 "God is greatly to be feared in the assembly of the saints, and to be had in reverence of all them that are about Him"; Psalm 111v9-10 "...holy and reverend is His name".  The New Testament reveals the same...there is a preposterous teaching around today, that the God of the Old Testament has changed and is now a God of love and compassion.  Nothing could be more false than this, He never changes, as the following N/T scriptures make clear:

Hebrews 12v25 "Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear".  In the epistle which outlines our priestly worship in the present time-1st Peter 1v17 "And if ye call on the Father, who without respect of persons judgeth according to every man's work, pass the time of your sojourning here in fear"; 2v17, Honour all, love the brotherhood, fear God, honour the King"; 2v18 "Servants, subject to your masters with all fear..."; 3v2, "While they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear"; 3v15, "But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear".   Respect to men and reverence to God is the requirement, and especially as we approach God.

Much of what passes for worship today is of that which is acceptable to men.  The N/T emphasis is of that which is acceptable to God-Romans 12v1; 12v2; 14v18; 15v16; 2nd Corinthians 5v9; Ephesians 5v10; Philippians 4v18; Hebrews 13v21.  We cannot worship God in any old way, out of our own concoction or that of other men.  This is made abundantly clear in the chapter before us-30v9; v32-33; v37.  Persistent offenders will suffer loss in a severe way.   Association with God is a sobering, if  blessed experience.  The N/T declares many sanctions, because as Peter said, "Judgment must begin at the house of God"-1st Peter 4v17.  God cannot condone in the Church, what He will condemn in the world.  Our lives, our worship, should be acceptable to Him.

Ananias and Sapphira fell to sudden death-Acts 5v1-10.  The serial fornicator in the church at Corinth was excommunicated-1st Corinthians 5.   Corinthian believers became ill, and some died because of  behaviour in worship[1st Corinthians 11v28-34.   Hymenaeus and Alexander were excommunicated for moral shipwreck-1st Timothy 1v20.   Hymenaeus and Philetus were to be shunned because of doctrinal error-2nd Timothy 2v17-18.  Those who have a form of godliness, without the reality, are to be avoided-2nd Timothy 3v5-7.  Unruly and vain talkers were to be excluded from public speaking-Titus 1v10-11.  The Lord threatened to remove the lampstand from a loveless church-Revelation 2v5.  He threatened illness and death to the church at Thyatira-Revelation 2v21-23.  He warned the church at Sardis to repent or face undefined sanction-Revelation 3v3.  He threatened to disown the church at Laodicea, having temporarily removed His presence among them-Revelation 3v15-20.  

These and other examples declare the solemnity of association with God.  We can next look at the four principles of worship that must be observed by all who will approach Him.

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