Thursday 9 November 2023

Christ in all the scriptures Genesis 40 Joseph the interpreter of dreams

 Genesis chapter 39v21-chapter 40v23

Joseph the interpreter of dreams

The scene is now the prison of Pharoah's guard.  Joseph, who had found favour with his father in the home in Hebron, and who was honoured in the house of Potiphar, is now in the prison.  He is there through false accusation, yet even there he comes to the attention of the prison keeper.  Not only did he have the admiration of him but he had his trust, as he committed the running of the prison to Joseph.  Whether at home, or in the home of a stranger, and now in a prison, Joseph excelled, and was noted and honoured.  Wherever Jesus went, whomsoever He met, and in all that He did, He excelled, and people noted it.  Readings from Matthew 4v23-25; 15v29-31; Mark 1v45; Luke 4v16-22; John 6v1-14, and a host of other scriptures reveal One of sterling character.  He stood out in every situation.

Another feature of Joseph in all his suffering there is not one word of protest escaped his lips, even though he was abysmally maltreated.  There is a comment in chapter 49v23-24, concerning his treatment by others, "The archers have sorely grieved him, and shot at him and hated him: but his bow abode in strength, and the arms of his hands were made strong by the hands of the mighty God of Jacob."  Exiled from his home, betrayed by his brethren, falsely accused by his guardian, yet there was no retaliation, no complaint, no threat.  He felt the injustice keenly, "his soul was laid in iron"; the natural tendency would be to fight back, but "his bow abode in strength".  We ponder the One whom he typifies; when we think of the injustices He endured, the bodily pain suffered; the soul agony experienced.  Peter wrote about it in 1st Peter 2v21-23 "Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example that ye should follow in His steps: who dis no sin, neither was guile found in His mouth; who when He was reviled, reviled not again; when He suffered, He threatened not; but committed Himself to Him that judgeth righteously."  The hymnwriter aptly captures the power of this:

"Thoughts of His sojourn in this vale of tears: the tale of love, unfolded in those years.  Of sinless suffering and patient grace; we love again, and yet again to trace."  Mary Jane Deck Walker 19th century.

Jesus committed Himself to the only one fit to properly judge.  As it says again in 39v23 "The Lord was with him", he lived only for His approval, and he moved and acted in the light of that.  

Joseph was also a gifted man, as is evident from the narrative.  There arose a situation in the prison, signalled by the opening phrase of chapter 40, "And it came to pass..."   Two high profile servants to Pharoah (no less) were imprisoned for offences to his highness, the ruler.  It may have been the uncovering of a plot to poison the Pharoah, the two being head baker, and head butler.  These came under the charge of Joseph in the prison for a time.  They both dreamed dreams, and were anxious about the meaning, when Joseph came upon their dilemma.  Not only was Joseph known for his dreams, being called "the dreamer", but here interpreted the dreams of these two officers of Pharoah.  Dreams, according to the scriptures, are one method of Divine communication as is evident from various portions.  This introduces a vast subject, far greater than we can study here, but it is obvious God has communicated to human beings in dreams.  Scriptures like Genesis 20v3; 40v8; Numbers 12v6; Job 33v14-15; Daniel 1v17; 7v1-3; Joel 2v28 (quoted in Acts 2v17); Matthew 2v13, give credence to this.  By Divine revelation, Joseph was enabled to interpret the dreams, the details of which came true, which is the test of any prophetic utterance.

By contrast, Jesus was in constant communion with God, had full understanding of the things of God, and was able to predict the future, as can be seen from His teachings, notably Matthew 13 and 24-25.  In the narrative Joseph predicted the fate of each of these.  In the New Testament Jesus holds the fate of every human being, as scriptures reveal-John 3v34-35; 1st John 5v12; Revelation 1v18.  Joseph revealed secrets, Jesus is the secret to the destiny of every one of us.  The picture is clear, human kind will be separated, one saved, the other perished.  In Jesus, as the truth of scripture unfolds, He is the key to all our futures, not merely in His teachings, but in His person.  This is the story of the bible.

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