Monday 8 May 2023

Public acclamation


12v12-19   Acclamation in the streets of Jerusalem

The whole place was abuzz with the news of the resurrection of Lazarus, and unfulfilled hope appeared to rise in the breasts of those who looked for deliverance in Israel.  Many came to see the situation, including the Greeks from afar, but there seemed to be insincerity around for some among them wanted to see Lazarus, indicating a curiosity, rather than a conversion factor.  Like when Jesus fed the 5000, many followed because of the loaves and fishes; now they were clamouring because of the miracle of resurrection. 

“On the next day much people that were come to the feast, when they heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem, took branches of palm trees and went forth to meet Him and cried “Hosanna! Blessed is the King of Israel that cometh in the name of the Lord.” Jesus when he had found a young ass sat on it as it is written, Fear not, daughter of Zion, behold thy king cometh, sitting on an ass’s colt.”  These things understood not His disciples at the first, but when Jesus was glorified then they remembered  these things which were written off Him, and that they had done these things unto Him.”

Religious crowds in the Middle East are legendary and, according to the historian Josephus, there may have been, at this time, something like 2.7 million people in and around Jerusalem for the Passover.  You have to understand this to visualise the scene, the crowds were enormous.  People began excitedly to shout Hosanna, which means “Save now!” and is a call for Messiah to release Israel from their enemies.  This was the constant hope of every Israelite.  What with the predictions of John the Baptist, and now Jesus performing miracles, is this it? Is this truly the long-awaited Messiah come?  They quoted Zechariah 9v9 and applauded Him as the King of Israel.  Normally Jesus avoided publicity, but He allowed this as there was no turning back, the time had come.  This is a time of jubilation, it was short-lived but previews the time of festal joy when the King of glory will enter the everlasting gates (Psalm 24).  Palm tree branches are used in scripture to mark times of joy and worship and victory-Leviticus 23v40; Nehemiah 8v15; also to mark a time of rest after an arduous journey-Exodus 15v27, Numbers 33v9.  The city of Jericho at the entrance to the promised land was known as the “city of palm trees”, and the palm represented symbolically all that was the blessing of God upon His people.  In the temple there were carvings of palm trees-1st Kings 6v29, v32, and 7v36.  They were symbolic of prosperity-Psalm 92v12; also of uprightness and stability as the palm was the most upright of trees-Jeremiah 10v5.  The palm tree was always associated with the preservation and protection of, and provision for God’s people.  This preview of the King entering the gates of Jerusalem will be fulfilled in reality.  The miracle of the resurrection persuaded many of the people that Jesus was the Messiah.  This had effects on others who were present.

v19 it brought consternation to the Pharisees who were disturbed at His new found fame; v20 the Greeks, possibly Jewish converts, were seeking Jesus.  So much was going on, people milling about everywhere. No one wanted to miss anything. Those who witnessed the resurrection were there. Many people of the Jews who did not witness, the resurrection were there.  Many people in the crowd who had gathered for the feast of Passover were part of the thronging crowd.  The Jewish converts, the Greeks came seeking Jesus.  This was the fulfilment of the prophetic scriptures-Psalm 118v25 and Zechariah 9v9.  He approaches Jerusalem in humility riding on a colt of an ass, a beast of burden.  When He comes the next time to set up His Kingdom, He will come on a white horse-the symbol of victory and authority.

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