Wednesday 29 March 2023

Christ the true bread

 John 6v32-35

Asserting His Deity      v32-58


Christ the true bread   v32-35    A human being, created by God, can be satisfied with nothing less than God.  Even the things that are made, the material creation are not enough, only a hunger and thirst for God Himself, to use biblical language.  Job, who knew God more than most said “I have esteemed the words of His mouth more than my necessary food…”Job 23v12; other scriptures are, Matthew 4v4 (from Deuteronomy 8v3); Matthew 5v6; Psalm 42v1-2; 63v1-5; John 4v34, and others.  When we have the best in life, and few of us have, of the material blessings of this world, there is still a dimension missing that only God can fill.  This is why Jesus came as “the bread of God that gives life to the world”.  The figure of bread is graphic in describing the work of Christ for all mankind.  Consider the chain of growth: seed falls into the ground; the seed dies; the seed rises high on stalks; ears of corn form; the corn ears are gathered and crushed to powder; the resulting flour is refined, then baked in the oven.  The result is life-giving bread.  This is what Christ is to the believer, He is indispensable bread to the human soul. This is the theme of John, the Deity of Christ who gave Himself for the life of the world.


Verily, verily, I say unto you, Moses gave you not that bread from heaven, but my Father giveth you the true bread from heaven; for the bread of God is He which cometh down from heaven and giveth the life unto the world.”


This is the vivid picture of the manna which came from heaven to feed Israel in the desert, where there was no food.  The manna was indispensable to the life of Israel, and is a picture of what Christ is today.  Notice the important detail: each morning for almost 40 years the manna rained on the camp of Israel.  It is estimated that 4500 tons were necessary every day-the logistics were enormous.  This heavenly provision speaks of Christ as the daily portion of God’s people.  We consider the typology of the manna, the narrative is in Exodus 16 and Numbers 11.  Space forbids us to engage a detailed study of the manna, but readers can profit by applying the nature of the manna to Christ who is our daily portion of spiritual food.  In this section we have further evidence of His Deity, followed by objections from the Jews.  The narrative here will lead to separating those who are real from the others.  Acceptance of the Deity of Jesus Christ is fundamental to spiritual life.  For all who receive Him as Divine, this portion is a goldmine of information, as He unfolds His person and defines His mission.   


He is the bread from heaven, the source is outside of this world; He is the true bread-spiritual, in contrast to the material which feeds the body.  We need to learn that the material world is not the real world, the needs of the body are transient-refer 2nd Corinthians 4v18.  We need food for the soul, and He is that food.  He is the bread of God, not merely the bread which God gives, but that on which God Himself feeds.  This is made clear in the picture of the table of shewbread in the tabernacle-Exodus 25v30 and Leviticus 24v5-6.  That which the priests fed upon every sabbath was the portion of the Lord every day.  The import of this is obvious, if He is enough to satisfy the infinite God, He is enough to feed us!  He is the bread of life, just as food sustains the life of the body so Christ sustains the soul of the believer.  The manna from heaven contrasts with the food of Egypt which fed the flesh only.  The appetite of the Christian believer should change; when Christ saves us He not only changes our destiny but our diet.  Just as the Israelites gathered a portion every day, and early in the day, so we regularly feed on Him.  He is the subject of the library we call the bible, and a portion per day is what is suggested.  He is the living bread, the power motivating every changed life.  Several times through these verses He asserts He is the indispensable bread of life.


“I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.”


He is the only satisfaction for the human soul.  Food for the body is not enough for the human being created body soul and spirit.  We need spiritual food and He is that food.  The first step is coming to Him, the only source of true spiritual life, and the fountain of living waters.  The ongoing steps are to feed on Him, the living bread and the refreshing water.  We know what it means for our bodies, we now learn to draw from Him in our souls.  Coming to Him means believing in Him and living in Him.  When we do we find our hunger and thirst in life are satisfied, our lives are full, as God intended it to be.  Never hunger, never thirst, the words are emphatic.  He is the unlimited source not only of salvation but of satisfaction.  This is life indeed and He is the life-giver.  Are we feeding on Christ the true bread?

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