Wednesday 25 May 2022


 "In the beginning was the Word...."   John 1v1

The message of John is clear, his intention in writing was that people might believe, as he sums up his gospel:

And many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of His disciples, which are not written in this book: but these are written that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, and that believing ye might have life through His name”-John 20v30-31

We don’t have the full record, for, as he says in the very last verse, that if all were written, the world could not contain the books that should be written.  Such is the inscrutability of the Living word, the written word about Him would be more than the capacity of the whole world to take it in.  However enough has been written for the faith that produces eternal life.  We have His authority(through His name), that belief in Him is eternal life!  Faith in Him transcends all human ability to express Him, and produces that life which comes from outside of this world.

The book is replete with the word “believe”-the Greek word pisteuo and related words.  Out of 248 occurrences in the New Testament, it appears 63 times(more than 25%) in John.  It means to have absolute trust in Jesus Christ who is unfolded in the book as God, and the One who is the only source of eternal life(another great theme-referred to no less than 134 times in the book).  As many as received Him to them gave He the power to be called the sons of God, even to them that believe in His name.”  Believing Him is to receive Him, contrary to the majority of the world which rejects Him.

No person has ever aroused such interest as Jesus Christ, and the eyewitnesses who wrote about Him, expressed the questions that everyone is asking:

In Matthew the question was “Where is He?”- 2v2

In Mark the question was “What is He?”-1v27

In Luke it was “How shall this be?”-1v34

In John it is “Who is He?”-8v25

All these questions are still being asked by a sceptical world, despite the fact they have been answered in full.  They were written that we might believe, and that is the message of John.

We begin this series with a question----WHO ARE WE GOING TO BELIEVE?  The One who is the very truth of God, or all the deceivers masquerading as the ministers of God?  Who is He? The answer is in the gospel of John, He is the Christ, the indispensable revealer of God, apart from whom, God remains forever unknown.

Next His pre-existence... 

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