Tuesday, 10 December 2024

Christ in all the scriptures Leviticus 9

 Christ in all the scriptures

The God who answers by fire  Leviticus 9

The key to this chapter is verse 24, which announces God's approval to the delight of the people.  The entire contents are a summary of all that has gone before, the offerings, the priesthood, and now the initiation of the priestly worship of Israel.  This is a new beginning, the first public gathering for worship, the first sacrifices offered, the first order of ceremony established, culminating in the answer of God from heaven.  Following seven days of continuous preparation, in which the priests learned the meticulous order of ceremony, the day of glory arrived.  It was the eighth day of ceremonial procedure.  Eight in scripture indicates a new beginning (seven days completes a week, and the eighth day starts a new week).  Never before had there been anything like this.  The people who had served the godless Pharaohs in bitter bondage were now the happy servants of the God of heaven.  Thus the only priesthood that God instituted on earth came into being.  He ratified their service in unmistakeable fashion...Moses and Aaron blessed the people, the glory of the Lord appeared in the whole congregation, and the fire of God kindled the sacrifice on the altar-Leviticus 9v22-24.  THIS WAS DIVINE APPROVAL INDEED!

The significance of this should not be lost upon us.  God kindled a fire that would never be extinguished (refer Leviticus 6v9v12v13).  In this, the first dedicated offering, God answered by fire, a fire that was never to be put out.  This was the Divine stamp on Israel's priesthood.  He is the God who answers by fire, no one could mistake the symbolic evidence.  No one did, for this sent the people into raptures (9v24).  On a number of occasions, in history, God answered by fire from heaven, in times of great moment:

Leviticus 9v24                  Aaron

Judges 6v21-24                 Gideon.

Judges 13v19-23               Manoah

1st Kings 18v24-39          Elijah.

1st Chronicles 21v26-28  David

2nd Chronicles 7v1          Solomon  

The wording at the confrontation by Elijah of the false prophets of Baal in 1st Kings 18 is significant, "The God that answereth by fire, let Him be God (other versions He is the God!), all others are false.  The result was emphatic, "Then the fire of the Lord fell and consumed the burnt sacrifice and the wood, and the stones, and the dust, and licked up the water that was in the trench.  And when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces and they said, The Lord He is the God, the Lord He is the God."  One prophet against 450 false prophets prevailed as vindicated by God.  Likewise, the people of Israel were left in no doubt that God ratified the design and construction of Moses, and the Aaronic priesthood by fire from heaven, and the glory of His presence.  What was it that caused the Lord above to so endorse and glorify the worship of His people?  The priesthood had honoured the institution of God; the offerings (all of them) were sacrificed in order; Aaron and his sons were sanctified; the people were sanctified and blessed.  Everything was done in accordance with the will of the Lord.

Fast forward to the day of Pentecost in Acts chapter 2, at the initiation of the Church.  God ratified the work of Christ in His death and resurrection by sending the Holy Spirit in cloven tongues of fire, so visible it was seen by those from all nations of the earth.  Thus was the new age ushered in, and within 30 years the known world was evangelised.  The statements in the Acts of the apostles reveal the wonderful reality of God speaking to the world in no uncertain terms...at Thessalonika, where the city was in uproar, "these that have turned the world upside down have come hither"; Paul to King Agrippa-Acts 26v26"this thing was not done in a corner".  The fire of God spread across the entire world, and, indeed through the centuries of time, for the fire has never gone out, and never will.  Nigh on 2000 years and the Spirit still works, still saves.  The Church will go through many barren times, face many problems, but "the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  THE FIRE WILL NEVER GO OUT!  At this the people shouted with joy, and this should be our joy today, for in our weakness God's strength is made perfect.  The fire that the Holy Spirit kindled within us on the day of our conversion will remain until the end.  If, perchance, it is waning a little the way to fan it is to return to the time of first awakening individually.  If our corporate testimony is waning, it is to return to day of Pentecost, when the Church lived in the first light of the apostles' doctrine, and all things were done for His glory.  In days of departure and weak testimony, the need is to heed the call of Paul to "stir up the gift of God that is in thee..." 2nd Timothy 1v6.  The word used is "anazopureo", which literally means to rekindle, to fan the flame, which is fading away, to bring to life what is dying down.  The flame has not quite gone out, but because of the hardship of the way, Timothy has been cooling down a little, has become less forthright, less courageous, less lucid than before.  This is a reminder we should be on fire for the Lord, "who maketh His ministers a flame of fire"; this is applied to angels but we are now fellow servants with them.  Our Lord, at the end of His life, entered the temple to rid it of the moneychangers, and the disciples remembered that it was written of Him, "The zeal of thine house hath consumed me"-from Psalm 69v9.   He declared the lukewarmness of the Laodiceans nauseated Him.  We are told not to quench the Spirit; we must become passionate about the things of the Lord.  It was General Booth, founder of the Salvation Army who said, "The tendency of fire is to go out; it needs constant rekindling".  No one doubts the fire for the Lord in his heart!  

We remember the honest exclamation of the couple who walked with the Lord on the road to Emmaus..."Did not our hearts burn within us while He talked with us by the way, and while He opened to us the scriptures?-Luke 24v32.  Listen to the Apostle Peter's thoughts of the perspective of the blessed people of God with hearts on fire for God...

1st Peter 1v3 Abundant mercy; 1v4 An Inheritance Incorruptible, Undefiled, and that Fadeth Not Away; 1v9 Joy unspeakable; 1v22 and 4v8 Fervent Love; 2v9 Marvellous Light; 4v10 Manifold Grace; 5v4 A Crown of Glory; 5v10 Eternal Glory; 2nd Peter 1v1 Precious Faith; 1v4 Exceeding Great and Precious Promises; 1v11 An Abundant Entrance into the Everlasting Kingdom; 1v17 the Excellent Glory; 3v13 New Heavens and a New Earth, wherein dwelleth Righteousness.  Nothing half hearted or lukewarm about any of this, Peter's Christianity.  The spiritual fire was burning in the life of Peter, will it burn in ours?

On this note, may I wish all readers a merry Christmas with your families, as we remember the joy brought to the world by the coming of our Lord.  I will resume studies early in the New Year; meanwhile may you all experience the presence of the Lord in all your celebrations.  Thank you all for your continued support.


Wednesday, 4 December 2024

Christ in all the scriptures Leviticus 8

 Christ in all the scriptures

The fitness and function of the priesthood  Leviticus 8

Priestly service is that which is done (however menial) in the sight of the Lord, and for the benefit of men.  It is the highest form of service to be undertaken by mortal man, and requires fitness for the task.  God, Himself has provided that fitness, and we have entered a blessed occupation that will never end.  Firstly, we should consider what priestly function means in New Testament terms, so that we understand what is expected of us who are the recipients of this high calling.

We can do this by tracing the priestly terms used: they are "serve or service"; "sacrifice"; "ministry"; "acceptable"; "pleasing"; "offering".

Service   Gr. latreuo it means to serve, as in temple service, as priests of old did, directly in the sight of the Lord.  This word is used in Romans 1v9 in context of gospel preaching, "whom I serve with my spirit in the gospel of His Son".  Also, Luke 2v37and 2nd Timothy 1v3-unceasing prayers; Philippians 3v3 and Hebrews 9v14-worship; Hebrews 12v28-reverenceand godly fear; ceaseless and eternal devotion-Revelation 7v15 and 22v3.

Sacrifice  Gr. thysia it means whole of life devotion to the Lord expressed many different ways, and without limitations.  Romans 12v1-wholehearted presentation of our bodies to the cause of God; Philippians 2v17-unfettered devotion to the edification of the saints in pastoral care; Philippians 4v18-material support to the servants of the Lord; Hebrews 13v15-the fruit of our lips in praise, whether in words or in song; Hebrews 13v16-doing good works and communicating with God's people, whether of material or spiritual graces; 1st Peter 2v5-preparations of spiritual worship to the Lord.

Acceptable/well pleasing  Gr.  dektos, apodektos, euarestos this is the sweet savour aspect of service, that which brings pleasure to God.  1st Timothy 2v3- prayer for rulers and all men for peace in the world and for their salvation; 1st Timothy 5v14-care of elderly parents; Philippians 4v18 material support for the work of the gospel; Romans 12v2-non-conformity to the world, renewal of our minds; Romans 14v18-gentle tolerance of the weakness of brethren; Ephesians 5v10-ordering our lives as children of light, as decided before the Lord; Colossians 3v20-children obeying parents in all things; Hebrews 13v21-allowing the Lord to have His way in your life, to do His will.

Ministry, minister      Gr. diakonia, diakoneo  this is humble service, literally it means "table waiters", those who serve others in the work of God.  Acts 6v1v4-literally serving tables; Acts 13v2-worship to the Lord while seeking guidance; Romans 12v7-service of administrative nature in the church; Romans 15v31-Paul's discharge of his responsibility in the gospel; 1st Corinthians 3v5-Paul and Apollos and every believer's discharge of speaking the gospel to others; 1st Corinthians 12v5-translated "administrations", the responsibility of all, this includes the gift of teaching, helps, and governments (1st Cor. 12v28); Ephesians 4v12 the work of mature saints for the edifying of the church; 2nd Timothy 1v18-providing spiritual refreshment as Onesiphorus did often to Paul; 1st Peter 4v10 "As every man has received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the grace of God".  

Essentially, priestly service is that which is done in the sight of the Lord, and in accordance with His will.  All of us can find occupation for life, from unseen good works in private to the very public necessary spiritual exercises.  The rest of the chapter outlines the context in which we serve.

Cleansing of the priesthood  Leviticus 8v6.  Service is Godward, and, since God is holy those who serve must also be holy.  This can only come from God who has cleansed us and fitted us for holy service in Christ.  This is the once for all cleansing that took place at conversion.  Relevant scriptures are: Ephesians 5v26; Titus 3v5; John 13v8-10.  Every believer has been cleansed and fitted for temple service.  Our part is to make use of the various measures indicated to keep ourselves clean in practise.

Clothing of the priesthood  Leviticus 8v7-13.  Under our great high priest, who is enrobed with garments of glory and beauty, and who is enthroned in highest authority, the priests were dressed in white linen garments, interpreted in Revelation 19v8 as "the righteousness of the saints".  The glorious character of Christ as our high priest is reflected in the righteous character of the serving priests.  Psalm 132v9 "Let your priests be clothed with righteousness, and let your godly ones sing for joy".  Isaiah 61v10 "I will rejoice greatly in the Lord, my soul will exult in my God; for He has clothed me with garments of salvation, He has wrapped me with a robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decks himself with a garland, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels"; Zechariah 3v4 "See, I have taken your iniquity away from you, and will clothe you with festal robes".  We have been endowed with a heavenly beauty instead of the ugly nature of earth.  We must become what we already are by the grace of God.

The consecration of the priesthood  Leviticus 8v14-36   The bull for a sin offering; two rams, one for a burnt offering, and another for the consecration of the priesthood.  The priest hood was established on the blood of animals; New Testament priesthood (which is us according to Hebrews 3v1, 7v12, and 9v14) is established on the blood of Christ.  The ram of consecration was killed and the blood sprinkled and marked upon the right ear, the right hand, and the right toe of all the priests, to consecrate them to the service of God.  Thus the whole person was consecrated from head to foot (this is in contrast to their condition in unbelief and disobedience described by Isaiah in chapter 1v5-6 where they were from head to foot contaminated with sin)  Now they are sanctified and fitted for service.  Consecrated just means the practise of "filling the hands", where they were wholly committed to the service of God.  They were now priests of the living God.  Believers, today, in the same way are committed to holy and heavenly service, and it is necessary we understand this, as it brings a whole new perspective.  When we consider that our individual bodies (1st Cor. 6v19), and our local churches (not the building) (1st Cor. 3v17), as well as the Church, the body of Christ (Ephesians 2v21) are all called the temple, the inner sanctuary of God, we begin to understand the sacred nature of our lives on earth.  We began by indicating many ways in which we can be occupied for God, each according to their several ability, God-given; there is no reason to be idle or marginalised in the things of God, and we should be filling our hands for Him.  At this initiation they were to remain 7 days, for this was to become a permanent occupation.  We serve under the example and guidance of One who was wholly committed to God in His work, and who served for the benefit of others.  We serve in the light of His consecration, in the words of the hymn..."The vow was on thee, Thou didst come, To yield thyself to death; AND CONSECRATION MARKED THY PATH AND SPOKE IN EVERY BREATH!" He was committed to us, are we also committed to Him?