Friday 29 March 2024

Christ in all the scriptures The Brazen Altar

 Christ in all the scriptures

The Brazen altar Ex. 27v1-8; 29v38-46; 38v1-7; Lev. 6v8-13

There are 433 references to an altar in scripture, so the subject is of major importance.  The first reference is Genesis 8v20, when Noah built an altar in praise to God for deliverance from the flood.   Consistently, the concept of the altar is the worship of God.  Famously, Abraham built four altars in his lifetime, and this alone is worthy of study.   Many commentators view the brazen altar as a picture of the sinner coming to the Saviour.  However their salvation took place in Egypt at the Passover, and what we have here is the saint approaching God in worship, and it is from that standpoint we will consider the altar.  

The brazen altar is the largest of the seven vessels of the tabernacle, exactly twice the dimensions of the ark; also it is the first in view on entering the courtyard, and in light of its positional, as well as its functional role, is fundamental to the whole.  It is designated as "the altar"-many times; "the altar of burnt offering"-Ex. 30v 28; "the altar of God"-Psalm 43v4; "the altar of Jehovah"-Malachi 2v13.  It is foursquare, hollow with boards, with a central grating in the middle, and external staves for transportation; four horns protruding at the corners, and utensils of firepans and scoops for collection of ashes and blood of sacrifice.  Literally it means "the place of slaughter"-(Hebrew mizbe'ah) and prefigures Calvary, the place where Jesus died.  Without this sacrifice there could be no worship, and no approach to God by anyone.  The picture presents a detailed view of the sacred place, the very focal point of man's reconciliation to God.

Note, first of all, the significance of the altar-his horns v2; his pans, his ashes, his shovels, his basins, his flesh hooks, his firepans v3.  Seven times in two verses, there is no doubt the Spirit is focusing on a person, no less than the person of Jesus Christ. 

We note the substance of the altar-shittim wood, overlaid with brass.  This is the humanity of Jesus, impervious to the sin of the world.  He lived His life apart from sin-ridden humanity, and when the time came to offer His life, He was without sin.  Only hours before the crucifixion, He declared "The prince of this world cometh and hath nothing in me"-John 14v30.  The writer to the Hebrews (9v14) penned, "Christ...offered Himself without spot to God".  Perfect humanity, a perfect sacrifice.  The wood was overlaid with brass, thought to be copper, resistant to heat, and ideal dissipation of heat to avoid burning of the wood.  This altar would require long term exposure to heat.  Brass, or copper is the symbol of Divine judgment on sin-Deuteronomy 28v23; In Numbers 21 we have the picture of the serpent (symbolic of Satan) upon a pole-prefiguring the cross.  On that cross, sin was judged in Christ, who took upon Him all that the serpent had introduced into humanity.  The picture is graphic-Paul says in 2nd Corinthians 5v21, "He hath made Him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might become the righteousness of God in Him".   He knew no sin (the shittim wood), He was made sin for us (the brass overlaying the wood).  Romans 8v3 says "God sending His own Son, in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh..."

The shape of the altar- 5x5x3 cubits.  Five is the number of human responsibility, and three is the number of the Godhead.  At Calvary, all the responsibility of man, which had fallen short of the Divine standard, was fully met.  All three persons of the Godhead were involved; there is plenty of evidence of that.  The altar was foursquare, suggesting the universal nature of the sacrifice on the altar.  In the biblical narrative, north is mentioned-Lev.1v11; east-Lev. 1v16, south- Ezekiel. 47v1.  West is omitted, as there was to be no turning of backs to the throne of God.   All false religions, today, worship toward the east, with their backs to God!  This points us to the "whosoever" aspect of the work of Christ.  Also foursquare is the golden altar, and the breastplate of the high priest.  The great city of God, where all the saints shall dwell is also foursquare-Rev. 21.  What took place on the altar will have effect on every nation, and kindred and tribe and people.  What a prospect!  In the breastplate there is a heart for all; in the city there will be a home for all; in the altar there is hope for all.  Luke 13v29 "They shall come from the north, south, east, and west, and sit down in the kingdom of God"!

The strength of the altar-four horns in each corner.  No doubt the purpose of the horns was to bind the unwilling sacrifice in preparation for offering.  The main thought in the horns, however is that of strength, or power.  Psalm 118v27, "God is the Lord which hath shown us the light: bind the sacrifice with cords to the horns of the altar".  The horns of animals who have them are primarily for attack and defence.  Horns in scripture are emblematic of dignity, power, strength and authority.  Scriptures like; 1st Samuel 2v1v10; 2nd Samuel 22v3; Psalm 18v2, 89v24, 112v9; Jeremiah 48v5; Daniel chapters 7-8; Revelation 17v12 make this clear.  There is a dignity attached to the altar, a power, an authority.  What appears to be symbolic of weakness, in fact in the hand of God is ultimate strength.  Paul takes up this theme in 1st Cor. 1, where the cross of Christ is declared to be the power of God, and the wisdom of God.  Strength and dignity in the most abject event in world history.

The service of the altar-utensils, all made of brass, as the function of the altar was all-pervading in the tabernacle.  Pans to receive ashes; shovels to remove debris; basins to collect blood; flesh hooks to distribute pieces of the sacrifice; firepans to move the fire as required; a brass grating attached to the centre of the altar; rings of brass to secure the grating, and staves for transportation.  We shall learn that the first sacrifice upon the altar was kindled by the fire of God, and that the fire was never to be extinguished through all the wilderness journey.  All of these are symbolic of Christ in all that He suffered as the sacrifice for sins.  Hebrews 2 makes a distinction between His life sufferings to prepare Him for His High Priestly ministry for us, and His death sufferings, which reconciles us to God and delivers us from the realm and rule of Satan-Hebrews 2v9-10.  The brazen altar represents His sufferings in death, where He absorbed the fire of God in His human form,  It is fitting, that on this Good Friday 29th March 2024, that we consider the deep sufferings of this sinless man, who became sin for us to bring us to God.

Monday 25 March 2024

Christ in all the scriptures The door of the tent

 Christ in all the scriptures

The door of the tent   Exodus 26v35-37: 36v37-38

The door consists of 5 pillars of shittim wood, overlaid with gold, standing on a foundation of brass, with a hanging curtain, attached on rings of gold.  There are similarities and differences with the veil; the hanging is the same as the veil, but without the golden cherubim; the foundation for the pillars is brass instead of gold; there are five pillars, whereas the veil had four.  Now we can ask, what does all this mean?   

We begin by asking, what is the function of this door?  It was to allow ease of entrance for the priests into the holy place to perform sacred service.  In addition to their inspection of sacrifices for worship, and their attention to the needs of the people, they attended to holy service.  This involved  maintaining light in the darkness, twice every day; replenishing of the shewbread every seven days; and burning incense at the golden altar on a regular basis.  How do we understand priesthood in the present day.  We begin by noting that men became priests, not through any process or programme, but, inherently by birth into the family of Aaron.  Similarly, believers are priests by right of new birth in Christ.  The truth of the priesthood of all believers has been suppressed by modern churches who insist on operating  a priestly caste system, dividing clergy from laity.  It was so in the olden times; it is not so today, as the New Testament reveals.  Peter wrote, referring to all believers, that we are "...a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ"-1st Peter 2v5; this is our service in worship to God.  Again in the same chapter verse 9, "Ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people, that ye should shew forth the praises (virtues, excellencies) of Him who hath called you out of darkness into His marvellous light".  This is our service in witness manward.  Again, in Revelation 1v5, in that great doxology of praise, outlining our salvation in Christ, it says, "...and hath made us kings and priests unto God, and His Father...".  All believers are priests today, there is no caste system; we serve God in worship, we serve men in witness.

Therefore the door of the tent speaks of the church, as the veil speaks of Christ.  Hence, the differences.  The cherubims (representing the inherent righteousness of Christ) are missing, since any righteousness we have is a gift, not a right.  The base of brazen sockets is a reminder that any service we give is only because Christ bore our sins on the cross (the brass is the symbol of the judgment of God, as pictured in the brazen altar, where He was sacrificed).  The five pillars of acacia wood overlaid with gold may reflect the five writers of the New Testament-Paul, Peter, John, James and Jude.  These were attached to rings of gold, which may suggest Divine inspiration of their writings.  The hanging of blue reminds us of the heavenly nature of believers-we are not of this world, even as He is not of this world.  The purple is our royal position in Christ, we are the royal family of heaven-this is penned all over scripture.  The scarlet suggests our sacrificial service in the interest of others, which is the essence of Christian service.  The fine twined linen reflects the purity of service, and the evenly balanced service that marks all true believers, avoiding extremes-2nd Timothy 2v21-24.   All of these graces come upon us only in Christ, and we are occupied in  the greatest service possible to man.

This truth of priestly service by all God's people needs to be understood and promoted and practised today.  We are called to highest service; as such our lives have been elevated.  It is not in the volume of service that we do, but in the character of it.  Remember Paul wrote 14 epistles and Jude only one, yet both are equal pillars in the Church.  Even a cup of water given in His name will be rewarded. 

Wednesday 20 March 2024

Christ in all the scriptures The Veil

 Christ in all the scriptures

The veil of blue

Readings: Exodus 26v31-37; 36v35-38; 39v34; 40v3; Numbers 4v5; Hebrews 9v3v7-8; 10v20

The veil is the screen which separates God from people.  It has been well said that "what conceals Jehovah, reveals Jehovah".  We must, ever, in approaching Him, maintain that reverence to His supreme greatness-1st Timothy 6v15-16.  Indeed, in a sense, the tabernacle is God unapproachable.  Surrounded by 280 cubits of pure white linen, 5 cubits high; only one entrance gate; access to the holy place only for the priests and only after they have washed at the brazen laver; three coverings which concealed the beautiful tabernacle to the outside world; the door to the holy place; and the veil of blue which prohibits entry to the throne to all except Aaron, once a year, and Moses by Divine invitation.  Such was the aura around the Ark that God placed it beyond the human eye.

The veil always covered the Ark, even in transit.  In a similar way God screens Himself  by the blue sky, which separates Him from view...the hymnwriters speak of "somewhere beyond the blue".   Job 9v8 and Psalm 104v2 with Isaiah 40v22 say that He stretched out the heavens as a curtain, and, in the last scripture He sits on the circle of the earth.  This to portray His superior greatness over all humanity who are small like grasshoppers in His sight; at the same time His involvement in the affairs of this world.  The God, before whom the burning seraphs cover their faces, can only manifest Himself remotely.  He reveals Himself in creation-Psalm 19v1-6 and Romans 1v20; in commandments-Exodus 31v18 and32v15-16; in the inner conscience of humanity-Ecclesiastes 3v11 (R.V. "He has set eternity in their heart") and Romans 2v15.  Above us, and all around us; before our eyes; within our inner beings, God has revealed Himself.   His ultimate revelation came in Christ, who is "God manifest in flesh".  

The veil is interpreted in the New Testament in Hebrews 9v8 as signifying that "the way into the Holiest was not yet made manifest".  Note the not yet, indicating it was His ultimate intention to allow mankind a way into the very presence of God.  When Christ died on the cross, the veil was rent from the top to the bottom-Matthew 27v51, by a Divine act, which proclaimed there is now a way to God.  Hebrews 10v19 calls it a "new and living way", which means that for all who come this way, access is granted.  We ponder for a moment the wonder of this that we have a direct line to the Sovereign of the universe, we have access to God in the sanctuary!  Our prayers and worship are received, and will be acknowledged and answered in due time.  The only condition is that we come in the name, and trusting in the merit of Christ, in His person and His work.  That access is granted to saint and sinner alike; to sinners for saving grace, to saints for spiritual support.

Hebrews 10v19 says the veil is "His flesh", which brings us to the interpretation of the Old Testament symbol.  The hymnwriters have grasped the enormity of this-the carol by Charles Wesley, "Veiled in flesh the Godhead see! Hail the incarnate Deity! Pleased as man with man to dwell, Jesus our Immanuel!"  He appeared as an ordinary man, and He veiled the splendour of His being.  On the mount of transfiguration, He was seen by Peter, James, and John, in awesome mode, and John saw Him in post-incarnate wonder on the isle of Patmos.  This is His actual appearance.  All the while, in humble appearance, He moved among men, portraying ordinary humanity, yet, at times, displaying extraordinary character in demeanour and miraculous deeds.  Exodus 26 tells the story in no uncertain terms.

It was a veil of blue, He was a man of heavenly character.  Externally normal, internally superior: John 1v18 and John 3v13, He was on earth but He lived in the bosom of the Father; John 1v49, Nathanael declared Him Son of God, King of Israel; John 3v31, He came from above; John 6, no less than 8 times, He is from heaven.  He is the bread from heaven which is given for the life of the world; John 8v33 and 13v1 and many others, He spoke of returning to the Father.  John 8v29, He did always those things that pleased the Father; John 8v42, "He proceeded forth and came from the Father".  He was literally heaven on earth as is presented in John 11v27, 13v3, 14v2, 14v12, 14v28, 16v7, 16v16, 17v3.

The veil was of purple, the colour of royalty-Judges 8v26; Esther 8v15; Song of Solomon 3v10; Mark 15v17; John 19v2; Revelation 17v4.  He was a man of regal disposition, accorded royalty by many.  Matthew 1v1, "Son of David, Son of Abraham".  Ten times in Matthew's gospel alone is He referred to as the Son of David.  The significance of this is stated in 2nd Samuel 7v16.  Matthew 2v2, "Where is He that is born king of the Jews?"; Matthew 4v23, "And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom..."; Matthew 7v29 "He taught them as one that had authority, and not as the scribes"; Matthew 13v11, He taught His disciples the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven; Matthew 28v18 "All power (authority) is given unto me in heaven and in earth".  He was a servant but in all that He did He was kingly.

The veil was of scarlet, the colour of sacrifice.  He was a man of servile devotion who gave Himself to the service of men and of God.  This aspect is prevalent in the gospel of Mark.  He is the perfect servant, but a suffering servant.  He made himself available in all places and at all times.  Mark 1-3 records He was by the sea, in the synagogue, in the house, at the door, on the mountain; also that He served in the morning, and at even when the sun did set.  This sacrificial devotion, which marked Him always, culminated in the ultimate sacrifice of His life, when He gave Himself to death.  Three times over Mark refers to this, the ultimate purpose of His coming.  Mark 8v31; 9v31; 10v32-33.  Unique to Mark's gospel is the reference to the extent of the suffering involved.  Only Mark says He was DRIVEN by the Spirit into the wilderness-Mark 1v12-13; also that He was with the WILD BEASTS.  Mark 14 v33 says He began to be SORE AMAZED-the same word is used in 16v5 to refer to the astonishment of the women when they met the angels from heaven.  Jesus was similarly astonished in Gethsemane, as He was confronted by something so utterly foreign to His soul.  He was "exceedingly sorrowful unto death".  The scarlet worm which is crushed to produce the red dye for embroidery is a fitting picture of the excruciating suffering of Christ in the final days of His flesh.

The veil was of fine twined linen, the garb of priestly service.  He was a man for all men in relation to God, serving humanity in all their need.  He was the Son of Man, Luke takes up this aspect.  His gospel commences and ends with a temple scene.  He was compassionate, understanding the infirmities of men, and supplying relief where necessary.   He was a praying, dependent man-Luke 3v21; 5v16; 6v12; 9v18; 9v29.  He was a preaching man of gracious words-Luke 4v22, and powerful words-Luke 4v32.  He was a priestly man serving all kinds of men-those who were outcasts of society; focusing on women, who in that day were marginalised.  One third of Luke's gospel is devoted to healing miracles as we would expect from the "beloved physician".  He reacted with the lost, and the so-called losers; of 14 occurrences of alms in scripture, ten are found in Luke.  Jesus came to seek and to save that which was lost-Luke 19v10.

The veil was upheld with four pillars of shittim wood, overlaid with gold.  The four gospel writers, as we have just illustrated?  These are the pillars holding before our eyes the perfections of Christ.

The veil is embroidered with the golden cherubims.  They appear on the mercy seat, on the tabernacle curtains and now on the veil.  These are the guardians of the throne of God.  In Christ, the integrity of God was preserved in totality, and He is the ultimate judge of all men. This is written all through the four gospels.  

Friday 15 March 2024

Christ in all the scriptures Standing Up in the presence of God

 Christ in all the scriptures

Standing up in the presence of God

Readings: Exodus 26v15-30; 36v20-34

"And thou shalt make boards for the tabernacle of shittim wood standing up"  26v15; 36v20

It is obvious that the boards are symbolic of believers in Christ.  Many features point to this as we shall see; these all give a delightful view of those of faith in Christ.

The boards are of shittim (acacia) wood; we have already seen that this represents incorruptible humanity.  Whilst we can readily see this applies to Christ, in what way can it be applied to the Christian believer?  The New Testament provides the answer-Ephesians 4v24 "The new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness"; Colossians 3v10 "The new man which is renewed in knowledge after the image of Him that created him"; Ezekiel 11v19 "And I will give them one heart, and I will put a new spirit within you..."; 1st Corinthians 15v49 "As we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly"; 2nd Corinthians 5v17 "Therefore if any man be in Christ he is a new creation: old things are passed away; behold all things are become new".  What is that but incorruptible humanity!?  There is a process going on now but the ultimate is not in doubt as God sees the finished product. Grasp the certainty of the "we shall be".

The boards are overlaid with gold, not pure gold which symbolises Deity, but gold which is Divine righteousness.  We are covered with His righteousness.  God's salvation is termed God's righteousness as, stated throughout scripture.  It is not earned but given as an exchange, our sin for Christ's righteousness!  He took our sin, and we receive His righteousness, this is the gold covering.  It seems incredible but it is true, and it is God's gift to us through faith.  Refer Romans 1v17; 3v21-22; 3v26; 5v1; 10v4; 1st Corinthians 1v30 "But of Him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption"; also 2nd Corinthians 5v21.  

The boards are standing up around the Ark which is the throne of God.  It is well known that humanity has fallen, that we were born into a fallen race-Psalm 130v3- If thou Lord shouldest mark iniquities, O Lord, who shall stand"?; see also Psalm 143v2; Romans 3v21v23.  When the judgment of God falls on the rebellious world in a future day, the cry goes up "The great day of His wrath has come, and who shall be able to stand"-Revelation 6v17.  The Psalmist utters the same, "Who shall abide in thy tabernacle? who shall dwell in thy holy hill"-Psalm 15v1; "Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? or who shall stand in His holy place"?-Psalm 24v3. Yet we read this concerning those of faith in Christ:

Romans 5v2 "Through whom we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand."

1st Corinthians 15v1 "...the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand".

2nd Corinthians 1v24 " faith ye stand".

1st Peter 5v1 "...this is the true grace of God wherein ye stand".

Revelation 14v1 "And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the Mount Zion and with Him an hundred and forty four thousand, having His Father's name written on their foreheads".

Fallen men and women, standing before God, by His grace and through faith.

Each board is ten cubits high, symbolising responsibility-ten fingers for our work and ten toes for our walk.  Ten times, in Genesis 1, it is recorded "God said"; ten commandments He gave as His standard of righteousness.  Association with the tabernacle involves responsibility, as much as our position is by grace.  Not one board is higher or lower than another before God.

Each board is one and a half cubits broad, the same measurement as the height of the grating on the Brazen Altar; the same as the height of the Table; and the same as the height and breadth of the Ark.  Our standing in Christ is of the same dimension as the sacrifice, God's acceptance of it, and His shared fellowship with the priestly family.

Each board stands on a foundation of silver, being attached firmly to the silver sockets.  Silver is the type of redemption.  Redemption money was paid in the case of loss incurred and silver was the currency-Exodus 21v30-32.  Mentioned hundreds of times in the bible, silver was a very valuable commodity, and was regarded as compensation for loss.  The value of the silver sockets as the foundation of the tabernacle was counted exactly as 1775 shekels-Exodus 38v27-a very considerable sum.   The price of the half shekel of the sanctuary was demanded from every grown man, yearly,  for the contribution of the entire congregation to support the sanctuary service-Exodus 30v13-16.  We are reminded of the cost of redemption in 1st Peter 1v18-19 "Ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold...but with the precious blood of Christ..."  Our standing is on redemption ground, where the cost was fully paid.  One interesting translation of Isaiah 53v7, considered to be nearer to the Hebrew; "He was oppressed and he was afflicted" is rendered "It (the price ) was exacted and He becometh answerable".  Everywhere the thought of redemption arises, the emphasis is on the enormous cost that was fully paid.  There are two aspects of it in the bible-the redemption of the soul which is available now-Ephesians 1v7; and the redemption of the body which is yet future, but is certain-Ephesians 1v14 and Romans 8v23.  

Each board had two connecting hands (tenons), speaking of fellowship with the neighbouring boards.  These tenons were projections imbedded in the boards which firmly joined one to another.  This same stabilising feature of joints applied to every board,  This fellowship is clearly taught in the New Testament-Galatians 2v9; Ephesians 3v9; Philippians 1v5, 2v1; 1st John 1v3v7.  Corporate fellowship is envisaged.  Feet firmly attached to the silver foundation, and hands firmly grasping one another.

There were 46 boards, not counting the corner boards.  This is an indication of corporate humanity.  Modern science has revealed that there are 46 chromosomes in each and every human cell-23 from the father and 23 from the mother, each representing different human traits.

There were two corner boards providing stability to the whole.  In the temple, which succeeded the tabernacle, the boards were replaced by stones.  This is a reminder of Christ as the cornerstone of the great temple which is the Church of God-Psalm 118v22; Isaiah 28v16, quoted in Acts 4v10-12 and 1st Peter 2v7.  He is the binding strength that holds all together.  Imagine the storms that can come in the desert, the structure had to be perfect.

The boards were also held together by 15 bars, 5 in the south, 5 in the west and 5 in the north.  On each side four bars were visible and one invisible, running through the centre.  Suggest the four bars are the major gifts given to the church by the risen Christ-Ephesians 4v11, apostles, prophets, evangelists, and pastor-teachers.  The unseen bar is the Holy Spirit who inspires all the gifts for the work of the sanctuary.

May we grasp the wonder of what we are in Him.

Monday 11 March 2024

Christ in all the scriptures Curtains and Coverings part 2

 Christ in all the scriptures

Curtains and coverings part 2

Readings:  Exodus 26v7-14; 36v14-19; Leviticus 26v19; Deuteronomy 28v23; Ezekiel 16v10.

We continue with pictures of Christ in the coverings, which are as meticulous as they are marvellous.  

Heaven on earth

The Tabernacle consists of ten curtains of fine linen, beautifully embroidered, measuring four cubits wide by 28 cubits long.  Five curtains were linked with loops of blue, and two sets of five with taches of gold.  The curtain was thus ONE, joined with heavenly loops, and secured, centrally with gold-the symbol of Deity.  The unity is of God and cannot be broken.  If draped over the boards, the tabernacle curtains would not touch the earth.  The Holy place, the sanctuary, where Divine service was enacted was above the earth.  God dwells not in earthly temples, the sanctuary is in heaven above.  Worship is prefigured to be a spiritual worship, which is the teaching of the New Testament-John 4v21-24 and 1st Peter 2v5-9. Those who are taught in biblical numerology could venture much more,  The perfection, the beauty, the serenity of the sanctuary in heaven is all depicted here.  The word Tabernacle (mishkan) means dwelling place, and here God rests.

No condemnation

The covering of goats hair is made up of 11 curtains of 4 cubits wide and 30 cubits long.  This covering completely covers the tabernacle curtains in all extremities.  6 curtains and 5 are joined with an unnamed material, and the two sections are attached with brazen taches.  Brass in scripture is associated with God's judgment on sin-Leviticus 26v19 and Deuteronomy 28v23.  The picture is that God has completely judged sin in Christ-Romans 8v3, and that there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus-Romans 8v1, for all the judgment fell on Christ, therefore it is removed from us.  This covering is called the "tent"-(ohel) and refers to a place of gathering for worshippers.  All sin has been removed and it is an atmosphere of love, where believers can meet without fear of condemnation.  "Who shall lay anything to the charge of God's elect? it is God that justifieth...Who is he that condemneth? it is Christ that died, yea rather that is risen, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh interc4ession for us"-Romans 8v33-34.

Fitness for service

We have considered the ram as a type of substitution from Genesis 22.  It is also a type of consecration (filling of the hands of the priests for sacred service to God)-as detailed in Exodus 29v19-22.   Unnumbered blessings to the believer flow through the blood, as typified in the skins dyed red; some of these can be tabulated as follows:

 Propitiation through faith in His blood  Rom. 3v25

Justification by His blood  Rom. 5v9

 Redemption through His blood  Eph. 1v7

Reconciliation through His blood  Col. 1v20

Cleansed consciences through the blood Heb. 9v14

 Boldness to enter the holiest by the blood Heb. 10v19

Sanctification through the blood Heb. 13v12

 Forgiveness and cleansing for ongoing sins and unrighteousness 1st John 1v7

Washed clean from all past sins  Rev.1v5

 Power to overcome by the blood  Rev. 12v11

All this fits the priesthood for holy service.  In Exodus 29 the priesthood was consecrated by the blood of the ram of consecration applied to the tip of the ear, the thumb of the hand, and the tip of the great toe, symbolising full body fitness for service.  We should be in no doubt our fitness to serve is in Christ.  Inevitably this brings practical responsibility to live up to this privilege.  There are no dimensions given to the ram skins so the provision is unlimited. 

Protection from the elements

The Tabernacle was placed in the Middle Eastern desert, and was subject to wind and weather and sandstorms and invasion of insects.  The outer skin covering was the thick durable skin of something like the porpoise found in the Mediterranean Sea and the Red sea.  It was outwardly ordinary in appearance, but extraordinary in endurance to ward off the severe elements the Tabernacle would experience in the wilderness.  It provided unlimited protection, and is a picture of the endurance of Christ, and His preserving power.  The spiritual elements of the hosts of hell (Ephesians 6v11-17; and of the hostile forces of a godless world-1st John 2v16 and 4v1-6 and 5v4-5, will test us to the limit but we overcome in the strength of Christ who protects us. Interesting that the same skins were used to shod their feet all through the wilderness journey-Ezekiel 16v10 and Deuteronomy 29v5 "And I have led you 40 years in the wilderness: your clothes are not waxen old upon you, and thy shoe is not waxen old upon thy foot!"  Their shoes were the same material as the outer covering.

God's salvation is like Himself, perfect!  He works from the inside out, unlike humanity which focuses on the outward.  He began the tabernacle design with the Ark in the Sanctuary, and progresses to the Brazen Altar in the Courtyard.  In the coverings He moves from the linen embroidered tabernacle to the durable, weatherproof external covering.  The process of sanctification is described in the same way, from within to the outward-1st Thessalonians 5v23 "And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ".  Before He will glorify our bodies, He saves our souls and renews our spirits.  Before He creates a new heaven and earth, He sanctifies the new humanity which will inhabit it. 

"Kept by the power of God, through faith, unto salvation, ready to be revealed in the last time"-1st Peter 1v4.


Friday 8 March 2024

Christ in all the scriptures Curtains and coverings

 Christ in all the scriptures

Curtains and Coverings

Readings: Exodus 26v1-14; 36v8-19; 40v1-3, v34.

We continue in God's picture book, in which is depicted the person and work of His Son.  Between the throne of God and the outside world there are four screens and coverings.  This tells us that in approaching men, which is what the tabernacle is about, He must do so in ways which display His character.  This is necessary, because He "dwells in light unapproachable", He is "apart" from His creation, and so He must veil Himself to approach us.  Proverbs 25v2, in comparing God with Kings, the highest ranking of all human dignitaries, says, "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter".  Kings who have limited knowledge and wisdom, are marked out by their diligent pursuit of both; but God, who is all wise, and is omniscient, is set apart by concealing matters as He chooses.  In revealing Himself to us, He does so with restrictions, for He is unsearchable.  The beauty of these coverings reveal something of the character of God, and reverence becomes us, as we worship Him.  We are not surprised that the coverings all speak of Christ.  Interesting, that they are mentioned before the boards (which depict believers standing in the presence of God on redemption ground), so attention is drawn to the Saviour, before our salvation.

The four coverings are: The tabernacle curtains/the covering of goat's hair/of ram skins dyed red/of badger (porpoise) skins.   Each of these present different aspects of Christ.

The tabernacle is His Priesthood, with the fine linen fabric-the main thought is intercession; the goats hair covering, the main thought is all sins removed- expiation; the ram skins dyed red, speaks of substitution; the porpoise skins of separation.   One lovely outline of this can be seen in Isaiah 53, the prophecy that predicts the life and death of Christ.  The coverings there can be seen in the reverse order, as follows:

Isaiah 53v2-3  "He hath no form nor comeliness...He was despised and we esteemed Him not"-the external covering was the ash-grey porpoise skin, no beauty, outwardly drab and unappealing, not colourful, not gaudy.  The gospel records abound with the low esteem many had of Him, particularly amongst the elite of Israel.  He shielded His glory from the public gaze.

Isaiah 53v4-6  The ram speaks of substitution-Genesis 22v13-the ram took the place of Isaac as a sacrifice.  This is the primary thought in  these verses; "He hath borne our griefs...He carried our sorrows...He was wounded for our transgressions...He was bruised for our iniquities...the chastisement of our peace was upon Him...with His stripes we are healed...the Lord laid on Him the iniquity of us all".   He for us, the Just for the unjust.  He took the place that was due to us!  The ram skins were dyed red, a reminder that the substitute must die, the blood must be shed.  

Isaiah 53v8-10  The goat represents man in rebellion against God-refer Matthew 25v32-33.  In Leviticus 16, on the day of Atonement, two goats were taken, one was slain, the second took the sins of the congregation and carried them away to an empty, uninhabited place; it just means removed altogether, the expiation of sins.  Expiation means "the act of making amends or reparation for guilt or wrongdoing"-Oxford dictionary.  The verses declare both aspects of the goat in Lev. 16..."He was cut off out of the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was He stricken...He hath put Him to grief, when thou shalt make His soul an offering for sin...".  Here we see the removal of all sins, as depicted in the goat's hair covering.

Isaiah 53v11-12  For all those He saves, He intercedes, as the true heavenly priest.  In these verses we have satisfaction, justification, compensation, and intercession; all aspects of His present work today as depicted in the gorgeous tabernacle, prominent in the holy place and the Holy of Holies.

The term, "tabernacle", which means dwelling place, is often applied to the entire structure, but, technically it refers to the ten curtains of fine linen, beautifully embroidered, and joined together in one.   All of it depicts our Lord Jesus Christ in priestly service for all His people.  God not only saves, He succours all those He has made righteous in His sight by precious blood.

The fine twined linen, the garb of the priesthood, is His MORAL GLORY, defined as righteousness in scripture-Psalm 132v9; Revelation 19v8.  As our advocate, interceding for us, He is Jesus Christ the righteous-1st John 2v1.

The blue is His HEAVENLY GLORY, He ever lives in the bosom of the Father, He always does the will of the Father.

The purple is His ROYAL GLORY, reflecting the sapphire throne, with all the nobility and authority that brings.  Everything He does is regal and compelling as a King-Priest, combining compassion with dignity as He serves our needs.

The scarlet is His REDEMPTIVE GLORY, the scarlet associated with sins (Isaiah 1v18), and the dye obtained from the scarlet worm, symbolising the blood that justifies the sinner-Romans 5v9; 3v25.

The golden cherubims reveal His JUDICIAL GLORY, He will have the final say in all matters of judgment- John 5v22v27; Acts 10v42, 17v31; 2nd Timothy 4v1.

This is where God dwells, where priestly service is enacted, in an environment of beauty, and serenity.  It is where Christ is a minister of the true sanctuary, where He "ever lives to make intercession for us.  This applies to ALL God's redeemed people, each curtain attached by loops of heavenly blue, and the two sets of five attached by loops of gold.  The Tabernacle is ONE-Exodus 26v11.  Made up of multiple parts, there are no divisions, no schisms.  The number 50 gives the clue to the interpretation, prefiguring Pentecost, the formation of the Church.  The golden taches which join two sets of curtains are seen in Jew and Gentile joined together in unbreakable union-Ephesians 2v15, " make in Himself ONE NEW MAN, so making peace".  This is how God sees things, this is how we should see it now, for only God's view is the right one.  He sees no divisions, neither should we.  The whole of this curtain of exquisite beauty is covered completely with the goat's hair skins, which, symbolically removes all sin.  For too long now, we Christians have languished in the slough of sectarianism.  God's view of things is different; the tabernacle is the "pattern of things in the heavens".   The erroneous view that such unity will only be possible in eternity, is not the scriptural view, since the unity of all believers is linked to world evangelism in the here and now-John 17v21.  The unity of the Spirit, which is inviolable, should lead to the unity of the faith in the present time (Ephesians 4v1-16).  One tabernacle, one pearl of great price, one new man, one body, one Spirit, one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all.....!  This is the picture of the tabernacle; this was the prayer of our Lord in the sanctuary; this is how God sees things.  Man-made sectarian divisions promote the glory of men.  The Tabernacle, the Church, are about the glory of Christ, which is paramount.

Sunday 3 March 2024

Christ in all the scriptures The Golden Lampstand

 Christ in all the scriptures

The Golden Lampstand

"In Him was life and the life was the  light of men"-John 1v4

Readings: Exodus 25v31-40; 26v35; 35v14; 37v17-24; 39v37; Leviticus 24v1-4; Rev. 4v5.

Scripture symbolism is very graphic, and it needs to be to portray the Lord Jesus, the most awe-inspiring person in existence.  Every facet of this tabernacle speaks of Him and the golden lampstand is an outstanding example.  There is so much in this symbolism we can only afford brief comments, each one of which can be magnified by careful thought.

At first glance the lampstand (not candlestick as per KJV) looks like a vibrant tree, reminding us of the tree of life, from which all humanity is debarred because of the fall.  A central shaft with six branches, all depicting fruit, and flowers, and foliage, symbols of growth and life.  Emphasis is on the almond bowls or cups-(25v33-34), suggesting the almond tree is in view. Naturally speaking, the almond tree is symbolic of HOPE, being the first tree to blossom in the middle East, around January/February.  It is the sign of the end of winter and the beginning of spring.  Biblically it is symbolic of God's WATCHFULNESS over His word to fulfil it-Jeremiah 1v11-12; also it is a symbol of God's WARNING against rebellion-Numbers 17v8-10, where Aaron's rod brought forth buds and blossoms and produces almonds, and this was to be a constant reminder to them to honour God's authority.  All of these apply to Jesus, as is documented in the scriptures.  

The next outstanding feature is that it is all of pure glistening gold, symbolic of Christ in His Deity and beauty.  Attention is drawn to the value of the lampstand, it was made out of one talent of gold-25v39, a fortune in modern terms.  Trace the repetition of  the word "precious" in Peter's epistles-1st Peter 1v7; 1v19; 2v4; 2v6; 2v7; 3v4; 2nd Peter 1v1; 1v4, describing the value of His person, His work, and His blessings on His people.  The Lampstand was of "beaten work"-literally shaped by the constant and skilful beating of hammers on the pure gold.  None of us know the intense process of what it took to produce such perfection of Deity in a man, the suffering involved, particularly the suffering in His crucifixion, throughout which He displayed the glory of God in the crucible of Calvary.  To watch Him at every turn, is to witness the goodness of God revealed in the extremity of  soul of that beautiful man.  The finished product is a beautiful, compelling work of art, bristling with fruit and flowers and gleaming excellence.  It is well known that the most durable and beautiful plants flourish in the harshest conditions.  Jesus suffered more than any man-"His visage (His face) was so marred more than any man; and His form (skeletal frame) more than the sons of men-Isaiah 52v14.  His mental anguish was greater than any man-Lamentations 1v12 "Behold and see if there be any sorrow like unto my sorrow which is done unto me, wherewith the Lord hath afflicted me in the day of His fierce anger". So wrote the weeping prophet Jeremiah, and applied to Christ it takes on infinite proportions.  Scripture reports "He was bruised for our iniquities...", Isaiah 53v5; also "It pleased the Lord to bruise Him...", 53v10 

Then there is the function of the lampstand, to give light in the darkness.  There was no window in the holy place, and the lampstand was the only light.  The priests were to light the seven lamps every evening, and snuff them every morning-Exodus 27v20 and Leviticus 24v1-4.  All through the darkness, continually, the light shone.  This world is in darkness, as is said in many portions, and the light shines in Christ who is the light-"God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts to give the light of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ"-2nd Corinthians 4v6.  He is the light of God to a dark world, and those of us who are in Him are the true "illuminati", not the corruption of it, which currently rules the darkness of this world.  What gives the light is the pure oil olive, which is interpreted in Zechariah 4 as the Spirit of God.  He is the illumination of God in Christ.  This is declared in what is called "the upper room ministry" in John 14-16.  All the while Christ was in the world, He was the light of the world, but now, still in the darkness the light shines in the Spirit.  He reveals Christ to the world-John 16v8-11; He reveals Him to believers, who become light-reflectors-John 14v26 and 16v13.  The apostles were declared to be the light of the world-Matthew 5v14; the seven churches (representing all churches in this present time) are "golden lampstands", shining the light of Christ in a darkened world.  From heaven, in the future, those lamps are still shining on a rebellious world, it will never cease to shine wherever there is darkness-Revelation 4v5.  This is the message of the lampstand, the light of the knowledge of God will never cease, during the darkness which is this world.  Just as the lampstand was made of "beaten work", so the pure oil was "beaten for the light"-Exodus 27v20.  In the course of His ministry the Holy Spirit will often be grieved, as He deals with God's people in the process of sanctification-Eph. 4v30 and others.  No matter, His work of illumination will never cease.  

Finally, there are no dimensions given to the lampstand, such as are given to most other vessels.  This proclaims the unlimited nature of Divine revelation, the light of God to human kind.  As Paul wrote in Romans 11v33, His judgments are unsearchable, and His ways past finding out.

"And the light shineth (present continuous) in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not"-John 1v5.  Wherever there is darkness, the light of Christ will shine.   Sadly many choose to remain in darkness.